Hi David,
I now tested the implementation you did here, and I suspect there’s a slight mishap taking place in regards to checking for the values set.
If you set the drop-down’s to 0 and 0 in both places (deadline & registration), it leaves them blank in the event options created by the template – as expected.
If you set the drop-down for deadline to something (in my case 1 day and 18 hours) but don’t touch the registration opens (i.e. leave them as 0 and 0) in order to have the event open directly, the events actually have the following set:
– Deadline set correctly to 1 day and 18 hours before event start.
– Registration however is set to the event start date & time (meaning you can’t register at all).
I suspect this might not be the intention, but rather that 0 + 0 should be equivalent to “not set”.
Best regards,