Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Task Manager] Email NotifcationThis button don’t call the func “send_notification_followers_are_tags” of object Notify_Class.
This button call this one:
Are u ok about programming ? If yes, use this filter task_manager_notify_send_notification_body ( for put what u wan’t in your email.
use add_filter wp func for attach your one code to this filter like this:
- This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Laygen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Task Manager] Email NotifcationHi,
-Can you please tell me you Task Manager version and WP ?
-Are you talking about the notification when you use “@someone” on a comment ? I don’t have test it on version 3.0.1, i will test it.For the second question, we make a big review of the code on 3.0.0. Before this version, we didn’t have the notion of “Project”.
Before it was
Task > Point > Comment
Task => Project > Point => Task > Comment => CommentI repeat again:
-Can you please tell me you Task Manager version and WP ?
-Are you talking about the notification when you use “@someone” on a comment ? I don’t have test it on version 3.0.1, i will test it.See you soon
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Task Manager] Confused about English versions?English is supported. It’s the default language when we write a plugin.
Maybe some French words can be see in the plugin. I Will check that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Task Manager] After Update Dashboard Styles Gone/Broken?Task Manager is working fine on my website
I think it’s just a cache problem. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Task Manager] After Update Dashboard Styles Gone/Broken?Are you try to clear your browser cache ?
I will check tomorrow on my website.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Hows to create a redirection “wildcard” functionFor all url start with /devel/lms/ja/lessons/[slug]/
<?php $tests_url = array(); $tests_url[0] = '/devel/lms/ja/lessons/planning-a-meeting-int/'; $tests_url[1] = '/devel/lms/ja/lessons/test/'; $out = ''; foreach ( $tests_url as $test_url ) { preg_match( '/\/devel\/lms\/ja\/(lessons)\/(.*)\//', $test_url, $out ); var_dump( $out ); }
For the first entry of tests_url: /devel/lms/ja/lessons/planning-a-meeting-int/
$out[0] = “/devel/lms/ja/lessons/planning-a-meeting-int/”
$out[1] = “lessons”
$out[2] = “planning-a-meeting-int”For the second entry of tests_url: /devel/lms/ja/lessons/test/
$out[0] = “/devel/lms/ja/lessons/test/”
$out[1] = “lessons”
$out[2] = “test”Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Hows to create a redirection “wildcard” functionHi,
You can use regex for do that, something like this return the * value:
<?php $string = '/devel/lms/ja/lessons/planning-a-meeting-int/'; $out = ''; preg_match( '/\/devel\/lms\/ja\/lessons\/(.*)\//', $string, $out ); var_dump( $out );
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All blogs using wordpressOh of course. :p
Sorry, thanks for answer ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All blogs using wordpressHi, sorry for up this topic resolved, but i just need to understand one thing.
When i make a request with inurl:wp-content/plugins/akismet on google, this request get 28 900 results.
Now i wanna search a little plugin with only 100 installation active, i try on the plugin : task manager.
So the request is inurl:wp-content/plugins/task-manager, this request make 0 result.
I don’t understand, in, this plugin have 100 installation active, so, why google say 0 result ?
Thanks for your help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All blogs using wordpressYes you have right.
Thanks for your helps.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All blogs using wordpressOh god… Thanks. Why i’m stupid haha.
So if i make a search engine with this query and i list all site with theirs plugins details.
It is legal ?
Thanks again. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All blogs using wordpressHave you an example for get the results of all wordpress site with akismet plugin ?
Maybe with google search engine ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All blogs using wordpressThanks for the answer.
I try to make a search engine for all WordPress site with key word as the name of a plugin.
So i need to index all WordPress sites and their plugin to a file or a database with a robot.
Is it legal to do this?
How do I proceed?
Does it already exist?Thanks a lot for your help.
Have a nice day. ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Task Manager] Can't add TaskBonjour, désolé de la réponse tardive.
Le message à bien était re?u par mon équipe. On vous contactera dès que possible. C’est un peu le feu en ce moment.
Bonne journée.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Task Manager] Can't add Task1) Pour les r?les “Contributeur” et “Auteur” c’est normal. Seulement les r?les “Editeur” et “Administrateur” peuvent accéder à la gestion des taches.
2) Je suis actuellement sur Ubuntu, je ne peux pas avoir IE11.
3) La seul documentation pour le moment est ici. Il faut que j’en rédige une complète. ( C’est noté )
4) Haha merci.. C’est corrigé sur la version du github!
Pour les points 1, 2 et 3, je pourrai donner plus de détail Mercredi 11/05/16.
A bient?t. ??