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  • Thread Starter Lazza


    Thank you for your reply!

    Do you have other Leaflet-based plugins installed and activated?

    It looks like it is a conflict with Maps Marker Pro. It’s a bit weird, considering that I don’t have any MMP map on the current page. Anyways, I will try using only one of the two plugins.

    Would it be possible to have them co-exist in the future?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Thread Starter Lazza


    Pull requests are appreciated

    Happy to hear that! I hope I will be able to contribute some code for Slideshare embeds.

    Thread Starter Lazza


    This is not true and was not what I said

    Then I probably misunderstood something. It was not clear to me what you meant by this:

    There’s also currently no plan from my side to extend the functionality to allow other developers in using the thumbnail functionality

    What I read is you did not plan to let other developers extend thumbnails to work for more sites. I assumed you meant regarding your codebase, as anyone could fork the project and do it themeselves but that would be very inconvenient.

    Viceversa, if there was a kind of “plug-in architecture” (OK maybe that’s a big too much of a word for the simple thing I had in mind) more people could propose their own PR with the added code that only deals with thumbnails for a specific domain.

    However, you’re free to extend the plugin yourself for your provider as you are not required to use the thumbnail functionality of Embed Privacy to do so

    Thank you for this suggestion, I will try to see if I can come up with something useful and maybe try to fit into the code of your plug-in as a PR. I can’t promise I will be successful, though. ??

    Thread Starter Lazza


    OK, sorry. I did not understand that you prefer not to accept pull requests.

    Apologies for wasting your time.

    Thread Starter Lazza


    Thank you. I agree that the default behaviour makes sense, although IMHO should be documented somewhere. Or maybe it is and I just missed it, because it took me quite a while to understand what I was doing wrong and why my thumbnails were not showing up.

    The suggestion concerns adding a way for the user to “manually” trigger this, like a button in the backend, for each post or a global one. This is because:

    • Simply opening a post and saving it does not clear the cache, unfortunately
    • Not all folks are going to be familiar with wp-cli or are going to be able to SSH into their server
    • Some people might have dozens of posts with embeds, spanning several years before… on which Embed Privacy correctly protects the embed (so it intervenes on them at runtime) and the fact it does not fetch thumbnails might be confusing for users

    Or maybe (I don’t know if this could work), it might be possible to keep track of embeds that already have a thumbnail or not. When somebody first visits a post with an embed without a thumbnail, it fetches it on the fly.

    Thread Starter Lazza


    OK that’s fine for old embeds, but my general point was that splitting strings is not bullet-proof and risks breaking in the future.

    All of these are valid Vimeo URLs:

    The embedded iframe itself ends up the same, so no issues here. We are just talking about a string to trigger the oEmbed feature.

    As you said, the problem for now can be bypassed with the workaround of editing each and every post written in the past when Vimeo used the www prefix, so it’s not critical.

    Maybe the title of this topic can be reworded as “do not rely on full URL string split to identify the provider and isolate the video ID for videos”, that’s probably a better way to word it and it’s not necessarily related to Vimeo. ??

    Extending the idea a bit more…

    Ideally, there could be a unique piece of code that extracts the domain for each embed, so that we can extend it in the future to support more providers. Contributors could just write a function that turns the embed URL into the thumbnail URL and each function would be associated with a whitelist of domains.

    That would be really neat and could speed up contributions for additional embed.

    Something like this (pseudo-code, not actual PHP):

    function fetch_vimeo_thumb($url) {
    get json from "" . $url;
    return json["thumbnail_url"];
    $thumbnail_functions = [
    "" => fetch_vimeo_thumb,
    "" => fetch_yt_thumb,
    "" => fetch_yt_thumb,
    // [...]

    The plugin could just use the array of functions and take care of the rest, like figuring out the domain of an embed, getting the thumbnail URL with the proper function, fetching the picture and storing the thumbnail in the correct place.

    OK, this one is a feature idea and not a bug, I just thought it would be nice to write it down.

    I’d like to add support for thumbnails of Slideshare embeds, let’s see if I can figure it out.

    Thread Starter Lazza


    Thank you for your feedback. I don’t have interest for re-adding Facebook embeds, but I did change the rating to 5 a few weeks ago.

    Thread Starter Lazza


    so that we can react before getting a worse review

    I am sorry, it was not meant to be a negative review. In my view 4/5 was a positive one (rating as a bit less than perfect).

    Thank you for updating the code in order to block Jetpack embeds. It seems that the plug-in now blocks the content, however it is not unblocked after clicking the black box.

    I am not sure whether it has to do with the caching plug-in (WP Super Cache) or not. All other embeds work perfectly.

    For now I resorted to remove all FB embeds from my site and replacing them with blockquotes, there were only four so luckily it was a quick job.

    Thread Starter Lazza


    Thank you for your answer. I don’t understand, Facebook was already present in the Embed Privacy options with the same regex.

    But I tried to create a new one, nevertheless. It did something, but it actually borked the HTML code of my page:

    View post on

    You can see the original article here (I have now disabled the custom embed I created previously):

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