Forum Replies Created
Yep it’s fixed. Marcus U R awesome.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Showing event start times in WP FullCalendar month view.Thanks! That worked. I was looking for Full Calendar options in the Format section of the Event Manager settings. (And readers should note that there is also another page of settings in the WP Full Calendar settings page.) I’m still having a problem with week view events not showing up on the time grid (which I put in a separate thread) but Marcus sent me a notice that he’s working on that. Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Showing event start times in WP FullCalendar month view.For the record I’m using WP FullCalendar Version 0.8.1
Events Manager Version
Events Manager Pro Version 2.2.5
For the record I’m using WP FullCalendar Version 0.8.1
Events Manager Version
Events Manager Pro Version 2.2.5
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: TTFPlugin – how to list pages dynamically?See my post at:
for using ttftitles to style a WordPress menu.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: TTFTitles helpI asked my friend Herb how to make ttftitles also work with WordPress menus (using wp_list_pages). He came up with the following code which you can use in place of wp_list_pages in your template.
<?php $pages = wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&depth=1&echo=0'); if ($pages) { preg_match_all('/<a.*>(.*)<\/a>/', $pages, $array); $asize = count($array[0]); for($i = 0; $i < $asize; $i++) { $link = $array[0][$i]; $title = $array[1][$i]; ob_start(); the_ttftext($array[1][$i], $echo = true, $style="menu primary nav", $overrides=""); $ttf = ob_get_clean(); $originalLink = $link; $link = str_replace(">" . $title, ">" . $ttf, $link); $pages = str_replace($originalLink, $link, $pages); } echo $pages; } ?>
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PHP 5.3 database connection problemI’ve also been having trouble installing WordPress 2.7, probably because of php 5.3 incompatibilities. I am using php 5.3.0-dev that came with Glossword WAMP. At first I got the deprecation error messages and made the adjustments described by nskim. Now I only get a blank page, both when I let WordPress attempt to create the wp_config file or if I create it manually. Any suggestions?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Thumbnail image not used when inserting image in postI had the same problem with a certain image being placed on a page at full-resolution even though the thumbnail appeared to exist. Other images worked fine. I solved the problem by using Photoshop’s Save for Web function to save a copy of the image. I’m not sure what about the original image was messing things up. (It wasn’t a CMYK for example.) It was an ordinary jpg as far as I could tell.