Forum Replies Created
I am waiting for the new hook “wpdatatables_before_get_excel_headers” before updating the plugin. So I do not have to modify the code every time I update.
You have been updating the plugin many time lately (See list at the bottom).. Can you verify if one of these include the new hook ? If not could you give me possible ETA.
- Minor CSS fixes.
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.7 version approved.
- Updated page Lite vs Premium.
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Fixed issue with “Return to the Top” feature.
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Added an Activation tab to Plugin settings.
- Improved newsletter subscription.
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Sorry for the delayed response.
It took me more time than expected to test this. I finally realized that applying the code to all tables was creating a PHP fatal error. So I had to limit this for only the tables were there is 2 extra lines before the fields header.
In order to get the TableID, I did change the hook to be added under the line 1770 to:
$objWorksheet = apply_filters(‘wpdatatables_before_get_excel_headers’, $objWorksheet, $this->getWpId(), $xls_url);
With this hook, the following code snippet does work fine :
add_filter(‘wpdatatables_before_get_excel_headers’,’releve_de_compte_skip2lines’, 10, 3 );
function releve_de_compte_skip2lines ( $objWorksheet, $tableId, $filePath ) {
????????????? $myobjWorksheet = $objWorksheet;
????????????? if ( $tableId == 102 || $tableId == 103 || $tableId == 104 || $tableId == 105) {
????????????? $myobjWorksheet->removeRow(1,2);
????????????? }
????????????? return $myobjWorksheet;
As you mentioned, please have your developers add the following hook under the line 1770 in one of your upcoming updates :
$objWorksheet = apply_filters(‘wpdatatables_before_get_excel_headers’, $objWorksheet, $this->getWpId(), $xls_url);
Thanks for your great help on this matter.
Thanks for your answer.
I did looked at the “developer’s handbook.” But the only filter I see for Excel table is wpdatatables_filter_excel_array. As mentionned before, I did try using wpdatatables_filter_excel_array filter but this filter is run to late in the process.
Any filter that run as the Excel table is loaded ? Could you check with the developers please.
Yes a custom workaround (snippet) would be welcome.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Numbers at bottom of every pagesThanks @threadi for the quick and right answer!
The bug was cause by version 1.20 release on sept 14. The Popup Maker plugin team has released version 1.20.1 that has resolved the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontier Post] Version 6.1 Vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)I have been using Frontier Post for 8 years to enable my superusers to post from frontend. They love it. There is no other plugin that could replace Frontier Post. Would it be removed completely from WordPress I would be in trouble.
Could you PLEASE make sure WordPress team approves version 6.4
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is There An Alternative to the Frontier Post Plugin?I am using the plugin Frontier Post for almost 10 years now (in average 3 posts/week from my super-users). It always did the job very well. I would hate to have to replace it .
I started to look at the plugin directory (and paid plugins) and I found nothing that would do everything that Frontier Post Plugin does. The best contender would be User Submitted Posts https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/user-submitted-posts/ but it does not have edit of post after its publish (and no duplicate).The best paid one would be from CreativeMinds https://www.cminds.com/wordpress-plugins-library/cm-user-submitted-posts/ but it looks like the user can only access its own posts (and no duplicate).
If the security issue was fix 2 months ago in version 6.4, can you not get WordPress team to diligently approved it and get it posted to the plugin directory.
Thanks again for the great plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontier Post] Version 6.1 Vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)Version 6.4 is not downloadable in WordPress plugin list due to security reason.
Is that going to be fixed ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Grid and Gutenberg Blocks - ComboBlocks] White space on top of imageI did fix that with the following CSS:
.post-grid .layer-wrapper:before {
display: none !important;
}Hi @bowser123abc,
I also upgraded to see that some menu items were missing.
Up to now “Administrator” role could see all menu items. We now have to specifically check the “Administrator” role of every menu that is set to “Connected users” in order to see this item if logged in as administrator.
Hope this help!
Also following this thread and staying at 2.70 for now.
When will be released the new version that fix this issue ?
Thanks for the quick and detail answer.
I did checked in phpMyAdmin and Server connection collation is “utf8mb4_unicode_ci” and Server charset is “UTF-8 Unicode”.
As per your answer that should worked but it is not. Could you test with Unicode instead of General.
BTW, I found an other reply were the answer was that this was not implemented in your plugin : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/search-with-or-without-accented-letters/ . Why 2 different answers ?
Thanks for your reply.
I finally got it to work.
My error. I had put “User” for the user page as per the settings page. Changing it to “user” worked.
I am making “as resolved”
Thanks for the updated plugin.
It does work “partially”. But instead of updating the “Role” it does create a “Supplementerry role”. In the Profil it looks like nothing changed but in Account I could see the “Supplementary role”.
BTW, if I desactive your plugin it does nothing.
Thanks for the quick reply.
You are right. I did checked on another PC and it is OK. I cleared the cache on my own PC and that resolved the problem.
Sorry for the confusion!
- Minor CSS fixes.