hello, I am a newbie to WordPress and I am also having a similar problem! I have moved my site logo to the left-hand side of the screen – see https://www.whatcouldpossibly.org – and now I would like to move my site title so that it is in line with my logo and to the right of it. I would perhaps also delete any white areas below the logo and site title once the site title has been moved!
Thank you!
I have edited the CSS of the Sela Theme as follows (through Edit CSS):
/* to edit position of site title in relation to site logo */
.site-branding a + .site-title {
margin-top: 0;
/* to edit position of site logo */
.site-branding {
text-align: left;
padding-right: .661%;
/* to edit position of site title */
.site-title {
height: 20px;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
/* to edit color of site title */
.site-branding a {
color: #000000;