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  • Thread Starter leandro_S


    Hello again, Tom, thank’s for answering.
    My site is still closed to public, the only way possible to show it to you is by open an IP door for you. If you want I can give you my e-mail and you can send it to me there.
    If this is not possible, I can try to prepare a password access.
    What do you prefer?

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: conditional tags question

    Hello Tiger,
    give this a try:
    if (($post->post_date != $post->post_modified) && ! is_author('1'))

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    I’m still stuck on trying to attach terms to a post.
    I have deactivated all plugins but Types, if I deactivate Types I can’t trigger the draft to publish event as I don’t have the custom post type in my menu anymore. The code works till the first ‘wp_get_post_terms’ arises, then it dies with no error. If somebody can tell me about another way to trigger the function (keeping the post in scope) I will deactivate Types too.
    In the meantime, can somebody check this code? It comes full of comments:

    function publish_post($post)
    	if('my_category' == $post->post_type) //If post belongs to my_category
    		$post_id = $post->ID;
    		$terms = get_post_custom_values('wpcf-my_category', $post_id);//We take the tags given in the custom post type
    		$terms = explode(',', $terms[0]);//They where inserted as a string so we transform them in to an array to iterate
    		if(is_array($terms))//We check that it is a real array (becaming really paranoid)
    			for($x = 0; $x < count($terms); $x++)//Loop array elements
    				$term_id = term_exists( $terms[$x]);//Lets see if the terms already exist as terms
    				if ($term_id !== 0 && $term_id !== null)//If term exists we will only attach it to the post
    					$term_list = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, 'my_category', array("fields" => "term_id"));//Let's check if they are attached already
    					if(!in_array($term_id, $term_list))//If they are not attached we do
    						$term_taxonomy_ids = wp_set_post_categories((int)$post_id, (int)$term_id, true);//Here comes the nightmare
    						if ( is_wp_error( $term_taxonomy_ids ) )
    							echo 'Categories have been added';// There was an error somewhere and the terms couldn't be set.
    							echo 'Error adding categories';// There was no error, but the terms haven't ben set
    				else//If term doesn't exists we will create them and get their ID back
    					$term_object = wp_insert_term(
    					$terms[$x], // the term
    					'my_category', // the taxonomy
    						'description'=> '',
    						'slug' => slugify($terms[$x])
    					);//After inserting with wp_insert_term we should have an objcet back
    					$term_id = $term_object['term_id'];//From this object we get the ID
    					$term_taxonomy_ids = wp_set_object_terms((int)$post_id, (int)$term_id, 'my_category', true);//We set the terms
    					if ( is_wp_error( $term_taxonomy_ids ) )
    						echo 'Categories have been added';// There was an error somewhere and the terms couldn't be set.
    						echo 'Error adding categories';// Success! The post's categories were set.
    Thread Starter leandro_S


    Thanks a lot bcworkz!!

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    How my code looks like now:

    $locale = get_locale();
    $lang = substr($locale, 0, 2);
    function add_scripts($lang)
       wp_enqueue_script('validate_languages', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/localization/messages_'.$lang.'.js', array( 'jquery' ));
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_scripts', $lang, 1);

    I’m I passing the $lang argument wrongly??

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    Hello bcworkz!
    I have deactivated all my plugins and I’m still getting this error.
    I have another call to get_locale in the header.php and it works, is just this one in the functions.php which doesn’t return anything at all.
    Does this fact tell you something about the problem?

    Regarding the ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’ I have a function called ‘add_scripts’ with all the enqueues for scripts and styles, and after that I have the following line:

    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_scripts')

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    You are so kind, bcworkz!!
    I’ve been stuck with this all day long, tomorrow I will disable all plugins and see which one is messing with my function. I guess it has to be Types, as is the one which messes deeper with this kind of functions.
    If that were the case, what can I do afterwards?
    I will need Types and I will also need my function working…

    Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    So nothing seems to be wrong in my code?
    I still haven’t found how to fix this.
    In the codex there are no examples for wp_set_post_categories() neither…

    on('click', function()
    Dinamically added elements to the dom may not be accesible if you don′t do it like this.

    You should be able to do it yourself with jQuery and the download plugin if you feel comfortable working with javascript.

    You can handle this installing a plugin like

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    Any hint will be welcome, I feel very stuck with this!

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    If I divide the tag like this:
    echo “<“.”!”.”–nextpage–“.”>”;
    It outputs the html correctly, but WordPress doesn’t insert the pagination. What really drives me crazy is that, even though I thought that the dynamically added content was not processed by WordPress, it is, because WordPress is inserting the awfull <p> tags inside the text.
    I have to add:
    <?php remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop'); ?>
    At the top of the template to prevent the <p> injection.
    Is there a way that I can force the <!–nextpage–> recognition??

    Thread Starter leandro_S


    I forgot to mention that I’m using the “Php code for posts” plugin.

    This is not serious, who has access to the apache configuration? An average wordpress user only has access to an FTP and a simple control panel. You should inform the potential users of your plugin about this limitations before thy install it

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