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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Update is terrible – Unintuitive UI and breaks WPYes, although I did not bother to re-test the hier.rewrite = “”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Update is terrible – Unintuitive UI and breaks WPOk, I’m an idiot…sorry. I thought I had flushed it apparently I did not for the hier.rewrite = true scenario. It seems to work fine with no 404 pages coming up. Personally, I would prefer to use the hierarchy because it is more logical. I like the idea of switching over to the hierarchical structure because even if you used a flat structure of <hierarchical tax>/<sub-item term>, those urls still will work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Update is terrible – Unintuitive UI and breaks WPAs requested, I updated line 264 and ran the following tests with the below results. Settings other than ‘hierarchical rewrite’ were the same as defined in my previous post.
Hierarchical Rewrite = False(“0”) – Results: Urls rewrite as <hierarchical tax>/<sub-item term> no matter what level sub-item is in the hierarchy. Posts categorized under the specific defined taxonomy terms listed and displayed correctly.
Hierarchical Rewrite = True(“1”) – Results: Urls rewrite in a hierarchical structure <hierarchical tax>/<top level term>/<sub-item term level 1>/<sub-item term level 2>…. but, instead of the expected posts displaying for the tax term, user receives a 404 Not-Found page error. With the previous code for line 264, it would rewrite the same structure as above and the posts would list and display for the tax term, you just didn’t have a choice in the matter.
In order to test your value “empty” scenario, I tried to set the Hierarchical Rewrite = “” by modifying the value via the tax’s ‘cptui_taxonomies’ option db entry. I may have messed things up because I saw very strange behaviour in menus, posts listings like it killed the custom post-type all together.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Update is terrible – Unintuitive UI and breaks WPOn my test system I just upgraded from v1.0.2 to v1.0.3 and see you mention fixing some taxonomy hierarchical boolean. I have a taxonomy setup with ‘hierarchical – true’, ‘rewrite – true’, ‘rewrite with front – true’, and ‘rewrite hierarchical – false’. As an example for explanation purposes, lets says the taxonomy slug = “prod” (with a rewrite of “products”) and the top tier hierarchy is “bread”, sub-items “rye” and “wheat” and below “wheat”, we have sub-items “cracked” and “multi-grain”. Prior to v1.0.3, if I setup a “products” category menu item “cracked” and click that menu, it would structure the url as <domain>/products/cracked/. With v1.0.3, it now structures the url as<domain>/products/wheat/cracked/. This happens when the ‘Rewrite Hierarchical’ is set to ‘false’. I may be mis-interpreting what the ‘Rewrite Hierarchical’ setting does, but I thought it determined whether the re-write of the permastructure url is structured based on the taxonomy’s hierarchy? Is this setting broken?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Fullscreen option not displayingAdditional Info –
Ok, I think this issue is now moot. I was using firefox browser and then tried it with chrome and the videos were using the flash which included the fullscreen option. Then I went back to the firefox browser which is suddenly is now using the flash player with fullscreen option. I do not know why at first it was using the html5 player vs flash, but I did discover that the html5 player does not support &fs=1 yet. Which is why it wasn’t displaying. So there is no need to bother with this post unless someone can explain why the html5 player would be used vs flash and what causes this to happen to possibly prevent it later on.
Thanks, Keith