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  • I noticed you opened couple of issues, good. It will take us some time address it all and answer. We read all of it, please give us bit of time to respond. Thank you for understanding!

    My colleague Sybre will stop by later, he wrote the plugin and he is better suited to answer your questions.

    Just letting you know we are aware of your support posts! ??

    Hey Alex, thank you for bringing this up to our attention. We should work on making this more clear. The way API credits are consumed is this extension. Please check it out ?? If you want, you can tell me if we should make the page clear.

    Thank you for you interest in premium version, we appreciate it. It is great you are first making sure it is for you.

    If you have any other questions, shoot.


    Hey, I will answer what I can — I am SEO doer in our company, the actual developer will stop by later. Can you clarify question number 1 for us? Thank you.

    Question 2: First off, SEMRUSH is not an authority on SEO. Last time I was speaking at WordCamp in Prague, I pointed out with evidence they are allowing paid guests posts, effectively creating a PBN on their blog. What is worse, those guest authors often cared more about “being published on SEMRUSH” than doing proper research. Do not get me wrong, it is an amazing tool I use myself and if your website is big enough it is almost necessary to use SEMRUSH or AHREFS, but I recommend and trust the later currently. Remember, these companies care only about profit. Their imperative is to keep SEO complicated, while we will do everything to make SEO easy. Those 100k-200k websites using TSF rank just fine… why? Great content.

    The structured data TSF has are just fine, even the free version. The important, product SEO metadata are there and there is a reason you might want to trust us with Woo:

    Question 3: The SEO Framework is the fastest and most secure SEO plugin for WordPress and our main source of income is that 1% of Woo sites that need fast and reliable plugin. I do not know Judge Me for Woo, but we always worked with other devs to make our plugins compatible — granted that authors of the other plugins want to cooperate. TSF is written in a way it should work with well written plugins out of the box. In those rare instances when this wasn’t the case, we always made plugins compatible.- I am not promising anything, but it is trivial to modify TSF to not output something other plugins does (if you want that).

    Overall, I would say switching SEO plugins is a pain in the arse. I have my guesses why you want to switch, but really consider what you are doing — not that I do not want you as our user, but switching SEO plugins is just not something you should do lightly. We do offer free “transport” plugin, so it is very much possible and on the table.

    I obviously think we are doing SEO better than any other SEO plugin, but I am biased. I recommend learning about companies owning SEO plugins, if and where they are paying taxes and what are their actual motivations. For us, it is not mainly cash — TSF has no ads, upsell and it does not require account to use. We also do not spy on you, do not phone home and care about privacy.

    I understand you probably do not care that deeply about SEO as we do, you just want to get your job done.

    All I can tell you, if you pick TSF you would be in decent company.

    Have a nice 2024, I hope it will be better for all of us!

    Ahoj Tomá?, pokia? má? rád TSF, prosím zvá? napísanie recenzie tu na! Stojí nás to hromadu práce a sme mali?ky plugin, ka?dá recenzia dobrá. ?akujem, moc by nám to pomohlo. Maj dobry 2024 a dúfam, ?e ?oskoro uvidím na va?om webe referencie projektov, ?o ste s Nikolou vytvorili. Ahoj!

    Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot to the whole team! So 2 people!

    Dimal, I have been working with Sybre for years and I told him to simply leave you be, if you are happy with a product of our competitor, it is fine. You can’t win everyone. He went ahead and spent hours on YOUR problem anyway.

    I am immeasurably disappointed Cybr tries his best and gets treated like garbage. He is one of the better PHP programmers in WordPress, I would say he has better things to do over the weekend. Yet he decided to spent his free time to help you. Do you recognize it at all? Do you know what is his time worth? He is doing this relentlessly for 6 years now.

    You on the other hand, you never say please or thank you. Have you donated to TSF or any other WP project ever? Do you volunteer for WordPress or do any socially impactful work Do you also give up labor mostly for free as we do?

    Please, if you are happy with other SEO plugins, use those. Thank you.


    Hey Ferdinand,

    we have an UX/UI retouch on to-do list, but you know how it is, there are so many priorities and only so much energy. The current priority is the importer extension, so people can hop to TSF from other plugins.

    I agree a thing or two can be improved… Feel free to post here anything else that bothers you. We collect issues users have on KANBAN board, and we try to slowly remedy the issues without shuffling the UI too fast and too much, as we have to account for a11y users as well.

    I am glad you took the time to write your feedback down – we do read everything.


    Hey @rschletty,

    I have been submitting the sitemap for 6 weeks and nothing is happening.

    The problems with indexing are across the board, especially with new websites. One of the easiest way your websites is not deemed good enough for index by Google is the fact you see google crawled most of your website but indexed only a couple of pages.

    I talked about this problem here on support forums, I think I will compile it into an article. The gist is, no matter the SEO plugin or CMS, these are changes from search engines, not us. All needed pages have correct markup from TSF (you can verify that with independent tools) and are set correctly to be indexed. Yet, Google just takes their time, it is usually around 2-3 weeks for websites with normal content (no spam, no clickjacking, useful content).¨

    You can have a look:

    I appreciate you being one of the few who pay us back, and of course we will try to help you to the best of our abilities. I had a look at your website, we are talking about, right?

    The immediate on that website is thin content. You only have 5 pages, very little original media (photos, video, audio) and sparse text. Any of your competitors can outrank you within a month or two.

    There are no blog posts, white papers, product descriptions, nothing. You can talk about process, material, design. If Google is not indexing your website, there is a good chance, it does not think you deserve to rank for the keywords you’re previously ranked for.

    There are also big search algorithm updates at Google, and they are almost all exclusively focused on purging websites with poor value to the end users from search.

    I can tell you with confidence, your website is currently poo in terms of SEO value. No matter what SEO plugin or CMS you will use, unless you get more content on that website, you are definitively not getting any better.

    If your website was hacked, it just made the whole process harder, as Google does not to direct people to websites that have poor security and poor content.

    Lastly, you might do a great job in your field, but search engines do not care about that. They only care about quality of the content of the website and if that website will satisfy the user.

    You stated you optimized your website yourself, and I think you should put pedal to the metal in that department if you want better results. SEO is not that hard and there are many great-curated resources. Google Webmasters Tools documentation is one, but it is a cookbook from a pig, so I would also recommend having a look at and if you want a good SEO checklist has one. You can still do a lot of easy SEO work yourself.

    I am thankful for your purchase of TSF premium products, less than 1% of users does that. We are not a big company, we value our users. We always try to provide the best support possible, but note that strictly technically speaking, this is a Google problem. We ship TSF to be a functional component of WordPress, it does everything it says on the box and then some.

    Having visited your website, there are some glaring opportunities for you to explore that have nothing to do with SEO plugins. Please go over resources I recommended, TSF is a like a hammer (SEO helper plugin), but if you do not have nails (content) you will never build a hut (website) or it will fall apart just like it did this time.

    Feel free to ask anything SEO related and have a good day!


    Hello, I have to admit, I have no idea what are you referring to. Can you show us a screenshot? Specifically:

    change the colour on a mobile browser search bar

    I am not sure, that is something we even touch on your website. Thank you for further info!

    Cheers, Pierre.

    Can I ask you why you want to delete them, please? Realistically, there is no measurable performance gain. The crons exists so you can hook your own actions, for example if you need to add custom pages.

    Is there something specific you want to achieve by removing the crons? Or you are just experimenting with things to gain some website speed performance?

    BTW thank you for taking the time to write TSF a nice review, much appreciated!

    Cheers, Pierre.

    That is the curse of support, you take time to write a detailed description of the problem, post it… and the thing solves itself in the meantime. I can confirm it also works on my end.

    Have a nice day and if you run into anything else, let us know.
    I am marking this topic as solved.


    Hey, bit of an odd ask indeed.

    I am currently packing for a trip, we will be off until Monday, BUT there was a guy with some membership plugin or something like that; who wanted to do the same or something similar, basically hiding stuff behind login. I am not quite sure. The support topic ended up having a functional snippet of code I imagine you might be able to adopt.

    It is here in our support forums, I replied to it but can’t find it quickly If you have time, you can comb through that, otherwise please wait until the next week and I will comb it myself ??

    Until then, have a nice weekend!

    Thank you both for your responses!

    Camal, TSDT used to work, because there was a simple way things were stored, so it was all just pouring data over. I would not say this contract broke purely of malice, every SEO plugin tries to make things faster, better, and it often requires making custom solutions. Those eventually broke portability.

    Barnabas, no worries, at some point we all make choices purely because it was marketed to us. You can’t be asked to understand everything, SEO plugins are not your daily job, just a choice you made along the way. I must say, I am glad a programmer recommended us!
    I do not think you necessarily need to migrate now and TSF would magically cure anything. All SEO plugins (to the best of my knowledge) do a good job at the basics needed, no need to migrate over if that poses an inconvenience to you.

    The import is currently our problem to solve, not yours. I started working with WP and eventually TSF because things were more open and less commoditized, users were not treated as cattle, but the human greed eventually ruins everything and that is why we all cant have nice things.

    Cheers, Pierre.

    Barnabas, in your case. I base my decisions on advising development of TSF on documentation of Google. We never do fads, so instant indexing was an instant wait.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but Indexing API for Google is almost useless.

    There are other things to consider, like news sitemaps, that is a whole another story. And I believe we do that well enough.

    The core of TSF doesn’t cover edge cases, and this certainly is. As my colleague pointed out, the first party tools do… well, a job. But they are first party. That is why WP is great.

    If all plugins you use are made by sane people, what is the problem? Why we need to reintegrate something that was done? By either Bing or Google.

    TSF is made in a way to be effective, and that mostly means doing everything right and not pretending we hold a key to success.

    We will always do our best, but it is a ripe time for people to understand a lot of what is going in the world of SEO WP is an upsell and marketing strategy.

    At the end of the day, you can decide for yourself, who you like. And I think that is the only cool thing currently about WordPress Plugin Directory.

    Cheers, Pierre.

    Hello guys, so just to add a bit of context to your questions. You both ask about slightly different things.

    Cemal, we need to address the issue of interchangeable SEO data. There is no way around it, it should be easy to migrate to us, or from us. There is a lot of money and politics involved. Currently, in SEO, locking people in your own SEO plugin became the norm. We submitted patches to TSDT, but the plugin is dead. If SEO plugin devs cared about WP values, they would follow suite.

    Instead, they are gone the way of being able to import the data and possibly lock you out from exiting. The TSDT was ideal.

    We can now either go way of forking TSDT and maintaining it for other all SEO plugins or make our lazy import tool.

    The best outcome for users if we all agreed to fork TSDT and all contribute. I do not see why TSF should lead the effort, we are 2 people, others in dozens.

    We do consider forking TSDT, but that would mean doing all the work for others. We don’t think it is fair.

    So the options at hand are either we all as SEO plugins agree on maintaining the fork of TSDT plugin, or we do what they did, making our own import plugin and call it a day.

    For us, the overhead is insane undertaking in a space we were already exploited by big players.

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