I really need help here. ’cause I’m getting sick and tired. I read all the post in here about how to had the link “next page”. I tried many thing but nothing seams to work.
I have a blog with BLOGSOME… maybe is that the problem? Is it possible to had a code for the next and previous page? Why the theme don’t have the code? It’s strange because my pages are existing with the previous posts.
Ex.: abc.blogsome.com/page/2
So why I can not put a php code that works? And by the way… because I’m using Blogsome… I do not have PHP? code but I do have the code name. ex:. <php ? the_meta;>
something like that. Well i do have only those things {the_meta}
So I tried to put {posts_nav_link()} even with all the ‘next page’ etc… thing. but blogsome doesn’t seams to understand.
I really would like to put the links at the bottom of my first page and the other obviously.
Does someone will be able to help me?
I do really appreciated!