Forum Replies Created
Hello Abwaita,
Thank you for the reply.
You said :
“it might be a browser/device-related issue.”Well, yes it could be. But in reality no because one of this customer is an old customer and he never had problems with 3D secure, and now yes.
And he :
– didn’t changed device
– didn’t changed browserThe only thing he changed (for this particular example) is he’s credit card (from same bank) BUT he manage to make some payments on other websites so…
I don’t think it’s related because of this example.
I can ask our customers but i know by experience that it is alsways difficult to have those informations, depending on the person it is asked ^^ (and the age of the person !)
Kind regards,
ps : i will ask to try with another browser anyway
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by leforumdulocal.
I look for another example and other day / other customer had this error (and for who i know he had no 3D secure pop-up)
====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:12:33+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== customers/cus_ILHcip9263PvKh request: Array ( [email] => [description] => Nom : Alexis Wolf, Nom d’utilisateur : [name] => A [metadata] => Array ( ) [preferred_locales] => Array ( [0] => fr-FR ) ) ====End Log====
2022-05-14T20:12:34+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== sources/src_1Ij9tpKx8ru3BUvIdxiEcLgX ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:12:34+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Info: Begin processing payment for order 58020 for the amount of 83.51 ====End Log====
2022-05-14T20:12:34+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents request: Array ( [source] => src_1Ij9tpKx8ru3BUvIdxiEcLgX [amount] => 8351 [currency] => eur [description] => Le Forum du Local - Commande 58020 [metadata] => Array ( [customer_name] => A [customer_email] => al [order_id] => 58020 [site_url] => https://www.leforumdulocal.fr [save_payment_method] => true ) [capture_method] => automatic [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [setup_future_usage] => off_session [customer] => cus_ILHcip9263PvKh [statement_descriptor] => Le Forum* #58020 [shipping] => Array ( [name] => [address] => Array ( [line1] => [line2] => [city] => [country] => FR [postal_code] => [state] => ) ) ) ====End Log====
2022-05-14T20:12:35+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3KzRKJKx8ru3BUvI2IsAcZvj initiated for order 58020 ====End Log====
2022-05-14T20:12:35+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3KzRKJKx8ru3BUvI2IsAcZvj/confirm request: Array ( [source] => src_1Ij9tpKx8ru3BUvIdxiEcLgX ) ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:12:37+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3KzRKJKx8ru3BUvI2IsAcZvj requires authentication for order 58020 ====End Log====
2022-05-14T20:12:42+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3KzRKJKx8ru3BUvI2IsAcZvj?expand[]=payment_method request: Array ( ) ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:12:43+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3KzRKJKx8ru3BUvI2IsAcZvj?expand[]=payment_method request: Array ( ) ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:12:43+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== customers/cus_ILHcip9263PvKh/sources/src_1Ij9tpKx8ru3BUvIdxiEcLgX request: Array ( ) ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:13:06+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3KzRKJKx8ru3BUvI2IsAcZvj?expand[]=payment_method request: Array ( ) ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:13:07+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== sources/src_1KzRKmKx8ru3BUvI7QOkQYoU ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:13:07+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== customers/cus_ILHcip9263PvKh/sources request: Array ( [source] => src_1KzRKmKx8ru3BUvI7QOkQYoU ) ====End Log==== 2022-05-14T20:13:09+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Error: stdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [code] => authentication_required [decline_code] => authentication_required [doc_url] => https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/authentication-required [message] => card_error_authentication_required [param] => [type] => card_error ) ) ====End Log====
You can see that this time it don't ends with "You have exceeded the maximum number of declines on this card in the last 24 hour period. Please contact us via..."
but this is a bit different because the log don't show so many " Begin processing payment for order" that the example before...
Note that i've sended and EMAIL to this customer with a stripe INVOICE and he tried and he only got the message "your card need an authentification, please use another payment method and try again, if the problem perists, please contact your bank issuer"
So the 3D secure isn't launched even outside of our website (for this particular customer)
Kind regards,
Sébastien B.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by leforumdulocal.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by leforumdulocal.
I think he don’t received the 3D secure pop up because it happened to a customer (i know well and he just changed his credit card and couldn’t pay then)
This other customer had no chance to make the 3D secure challenge because he never got a 3D secure pop-up.
After a lot of trying the pop up never came. Only the message “card-error-authentification-request” on the checkout
This seems to be the same pattern and in this case we have an issue with the 3D secure pop up… :/
What do you think ?
Kind regards?
Hello, thank you for the answser
I’ve checked and it seems that stripe processed a lot of payment attempts (without any errors at this point, but without any success either) and in the end after 10 or more payment attempts the error was “ou have exceeded the maximum number of declines on this card in the last 24 hour period”
2022-05-15T18:53:24+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== customers request: Array ( [email] => [description] => Nom : EMILIE COPETTI, Nom d’utilisateur : [name] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [preferred_locales] => Array ( [0] => fr-FR ) ) ====End Log====
2022-05-15T18:53:25+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Info: Begin processing payment for order 58063 for the amount of 51.33 ====End Log====
2022-05-15T18:53:25+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents request: Array ( [source] => src_1KzmZBKx8ru3BUvIClmL9dob [amount] => 5133 [currency] => eur [description] => Le Forum du Local - Commande 58063 [metadata] => Array ( [customer_name] => [customer_email] => [order_id] => 58063 [site_url] => https://www.leforumdulocal.fr ) [capture_method] => automatic [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [customer] => cus_LhAvnedHA0HFnf [statement_descriptor] => Le Forum* #58063 [shipping] => Array ( [name] => [address] => Array ( [line1] => [line2] => [city] => [country] => FR [postal_code] => [state] => ) ) ) ====End Log====
2022-05-15T18:53:25+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3KzmZFKx8ru3BUvI2Q2kgWti initiated for order 58063 ====End Log====
THEN IT begins an other customer payment in logs
but continue to make some attempts and requires authentification :
2022-05-15T18:53:28+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3KzmZFKx8ru3BUvI2Q2kgWti requires authentication for order 58063 ====End Log====
and again and again
2022-05-15T18:54:38+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Info: Begin processing payment for order 58063 for the amount of 51.33 ====End Log====
====End Log==== 2022-05-15T18:54:38+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Info: Begin processing payment for order 58063 for the amount of 51.33 ====End Log====
2022-05-15T18:54:41+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3KzmZFKx8ru3BUvI2Q2kgWti requires authentication for order 58063 ====End Log==== <strong>I don't know if this one is related with this order : </strong> 2022-05-15T18:54:48+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Could not find order via charge ID: ch_3KzmZFKx8ru3BUvI2gq7PODp ====End Log====
====End Log==== 2022-05-15T18:56:11+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3KzmZFKx8ru3BUvI2Q2kgWti requires authentication for order 58063 ====End Log==== 2022-05-15T18:56:19+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Could not find order via charge ID: ch_3KzmZFKx8ru3BUvI23VAhKtn ====End Log==== 2022-05-15T18:56:19+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3KzmZFKx8ru3BUvI2Q2kgWti?expand[]=payment_method request: Array ( ) ====End Log====
and finally :
====End Log==== 2022-05-15T19:00:19+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.3.0==== ====Start Log==== Error: stdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [code] => payment_method_unexpected_state [doc_url] => https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/payment-method-unexpected-state [message] => The source you provided is not in a chargeable state. [payment_intent] => stdClass Object
[code] => card_decline_rate_limit_exceeded
[doc_url] => https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/card-decline-rate-limit-exceeded
[message] => You have exceeded the maximum number of declines on this card in the last 24 hour period. Please contact us via https://support.stripe.com/contact if you need further assistance.
[source] => stdClass ObjectI don't know if all those payment attempts where lauched by stripe on the back end "automaticly" or if the customer clicked and clicked again and again on "checkout". What do you think ?
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by leforumdulocal.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by leforumdulocal.
Hello Igor,
Thank you for your reply !
Well yes we have the Stripe Logs enabled. Do i need to share it here ?
Since it contains some private date like adresses, could we close this topic before ? I mean, make it private ?
We had this error the 15/05/2022, maybe it is good to look into that day ? We have the name / adress of the customer who had the issue.
Kind regards,
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by leforumdulocal.
Well well thank you for that reply !
The problem with that is …. i can’t reproduce the issue myself ! This problem isn’t occuring for all the customers but not all of them. And if i make those test i need to lauch some payment to see the errors and try to trigger some 3D secure challenge.
Well i could activate Stripes “test mode” and make a lot of payments in various situations..
Is this possible that ADblock or features like this installed on the users device block the 3D secure process ?
Thank you again,
Kind regards,
He have posted this idea in the Idead Board thank you ??
I looked with another plugin that i thought could block this… but they said to look with you.
Here are our status report like asked :
### WordPress Environment ### WordPress address (URL): https://www.leforumdulocal.fr Site address (URL): https://www.leforumdulocal.fr WC Version: 5.9.0 REST API Version: ? 5.9.0 WC Blocks Version: ? 6.1.0 Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.3.0 WC Admin Version: ? 2.8.0 Log Directory Writable: ? WP Version: 5.8.2 WP Multisite: – WP Memory Limit: 512 Mo WP Debug Mode: – WP Cron: – Language: fr_FR External object cache: – ### Server Environment ### Server Info: Apache PHP Version: 7.4.26 PHP Post Max Size: 512 Mo PHP Time Limit: 720 PHP Max Input Vars: 250000 cURL Version: 7.71.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1d SUHOSIN Installed: – MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.5.13-MariaDB Max Upload Size: 512 Mo Default Timezone is UTC: ? fsockopen/cURL: ? SoapClient: ? DOMDocument: ? GZip: ? Multibyte String: ? Remote Post: ? Remote Get: ? ### Database ### WC Database Version: 5.9.0 WC Database Prefix: wpbg_ Taille totale de la base de données: 326.50MB Taille de la base de données: 239.51MB Taille de l’index: 86.99MB wpbg_woocommerce_sessions: Données?: 10.02MB + Index?: 0.14MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_api_keys: Données?: 0.02MB + Index?: 0.03MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Données?: 0.02MB + Index?: 0.02MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Données?: 0.02MB + Index?: 0.06MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_order_items: Données?: 2.52MB + Index?: 1.52MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Données?: 21.56MB + Index?: 24.09MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_tax_rates: Données?: 0.02MB + Index?: 0.06MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Données?: 0.02MB + Index?: 0.03MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Données?: 0.02MB + Index?: 0.00MB + Moteur InnoDB wpbg_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: 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dmach_post: 2 efw_fees: 655 et_body_layout: 23 et_pb_layout: 148 et_template: 66 et_theme_builder: 1 jp_img_sitemap: 1 jp_sitemap: 1 jp_sitemap_master: 1 ml-slide: 3 ml-slider: 1 nav_menu_item: 72 oembed_cache: 1 page: 19 page_producteur: 80 post: 5 product: 1381 product_variation: 1015 revision: 409 shop_coupon: 722 shop_order: 2391 shop_order_refund: 16 tablepress_table: 823 vtmin-rule: 1 waef: 1 wc_conditional_fee: 1 ### Security ### Secure connection (HTTPS): ? Hide errors from visitors: ? ### Active Plugins (45) ### Gravity Forms: par Gravity Forms – 2.4.24 Advanced Custom Fields PRO: par Delicious Brains – 5.11 Advanced Custom Fields: par Delicious Brains – 5.11.4 ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce: par Stock Management Labs? – Cloudways WordPress Migrator: par Cloudways – 4.69 Code Snippets: par Code Snippets Pro – 2.14.3 Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA: par Hu-manity.co – 2.2.1 Divi BodyCommerce: par Divi Engine – Divi Carousel Maker: par Pee Aye Creative – 1.2.1 Divi Machine: par Divi Engine – Divi Mobile: par Divi Engine – Extra Fees for WooCommerce: par FantasticPlugins – 2.0 Facebook for WooCommerce: par Facebook – 2.6.7 Font Awesome: par Font Awesome – 4.0.4 Insert Headers and Footers: par WPBeginner – 1.6.0 LiteSpeed Cache: par Technologies LiteSpeed – 4.4.5 Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce: par Tyche Softwares – 9.27.3 Plugin Logic: par simon_h – 1.0.7 PW WooCommerce Gift Cards: par Pimwick LLC – 1.196 Store Closing: par Ozibal – 9.7.2 TablePress: par Tobias B?thge – 1.14 UpdraftPlus - Sauvegarde/Restauration: par UpdraftPlus.Com DavidAnderson – 1.16.66 User Export (with their Meta Data): par Daniel Loureiro – 0.6.8 WC Hide Shipping Methods: par Rynaldo Stoltz – 1.5 Ajax Login/Register for WooCommerce: par zorem – 2.0.4 Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce: par AlgolPlus – 3.2.2 WooCommerce Price Per Unit PRO: par Martin Mechura – 2.0.7 WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce: par WPClever – 6.0.2 Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce: par AdTribes.io – 11.0.2 WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels: par BeRocket – WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: par WooCommerce – 5.9.0 WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips: par Ewout Fernhout – 2.11.1 WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Premium Templates: par Ewout Fernhout – 2.15.0 WooCommerce Pincode/ Zipcode Checker: par WeCreativez – 2.1.0 WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: par WooCommerce – 1.25.20 WooCommerce: par Automattic – 5.9.0 (une mise à jour de la version 6.0.0 est disponible) Wordfence Security: par Wordfence – 7.5.7 Yoast SEO: par L’équipe Yoast – 17.8 WP Mail SMTP: par WPForms – 3.2.1 WP Maintenance: par Florent Maillefaud – 6.0.4 WP-Optimize - Nettoyer, compresser, mettre en cache.: par David Anderson Ruhani Rabin équipe Updraft – 3.2.1 WP Rollback: par Impress.org – 1.7.1 WP Tools Gravity Forms Divi Module Premium: par WP Tools – 5.1.0 WPC AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce: par WPClever – 1.4.0 WP Overnight Sidekick: par Jeremiah Prummer Ewout Fernhout Michael Kluver – 2.4.0 ### Inactive Plugins (6) ### Divi Carousel: par DiviGear – 2.0.21 Divi Nitro: par Divi Engine – 3.5 Jetpack: par Automattic – 10.4 Limit Login Attempts Reloaded: par Limit Login Attempts Reloaded – 2.23.2 My Custom Functions: par Space X-Chimp – 4.51 WooCommerce AJAX Products Filter: par BeRocket – 3.0.5 ### Must Use Plugins (1) ### plugin-logic-rules.php: par – ### Settings ### API Enabled: – Force SSL: – Currency: EUR (€) Currency Position: right_space Thousand Separator: . Decimal Separator: , Number of Decimals: 2 Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external) grouped (grouped) pw gift card (pw-gift-card) simple (simple) variable (variable) woosb (woosb) Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog) exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search) featured (featured) outofstock (outofstock) rated-1 (rated-1) rated-2 (rated-2) rated-3 (rated-3) rated-4 (rated-4) rated-5 (rated-5) Connected to WooCommerce.com: ? ### WC Pages ### Base de la boutique: #6 - /boutique/ Panier: ? La page ne contient pas le code court [woocommerce_cart] ou le bloc woocommerce/cart. Commander: #8 - /commande/ Mon compte: #9 - /mon-compte/ Conditions générales de vente et d’utilisation: #31142 - /conditions-generales-de-ventes/ ### Theme ### Name: Divi Community Child Theme Version: 1.1 Author URL: https://www.divi-community.fr Child Theme: ? Parent Theme Name: Divi Parent Theme Version: 4.14.2 Parent Theme Author URL: https://www.elegantthemes.com WooCommerce Support: ? ### Templates ### Overrides: Divi-Community/woocommerce/archive-product.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/checkout/cart-errors.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/content-product.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/admin-cancelled-order.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/admin-failed-order.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/admin-new-order.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/customer-invoice.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/customer-new-account.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/customer-on-hold-order.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/customer-processing-order.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/customer-refunded-order.php Divi-Community/woocommerce/emails/customer-reset-password.php ### Action Scheduler ### Terminé: 3?672 Oldest: 2021-11-19 17:07:04 +0100 Newest: 2021-12-20 13:41:52 +0100 échoué: 63 Oldest: 2021-09-03 17:57:02 +0200 Newest: 2021-09-12 20:45:33 +0200 En attente: 6 Oldest: 2021-12-20 22:13:17 +0100 Newest: 2021-12-27 13:05:05 +0100 ### Status report information ### Generated at: 2021-12-20 13:42:49 +01:00
- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by leforumdulocal.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by leforumdulocal.
Hi Nicholas,
Well yes ok that’s because of another plugin then, we use to custom the account page.
Thank you for the reply!
Well, it would be nice if the customers could manage they’re cards directly in the “checkout page”
What do you think, is this possible too ?
Kind regards,
Sébastien B.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Miss cache – Crawler – cache is working but not the crawlerHello, Ok i send it by opening a ticket. Hope that was the right way to do it ^^’
Kind regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Miss cache – Crawler – cache is working but not the crawlerHi Qtwrk,
Well, I meant a Litespeed plugin settings :
This one trigger a purge when a stock status change, on all products, and on the archive page too.
The Atum stock management plugin doesn’t have cache settings
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Miss cache – Crawler – cache is working but not the crawlerHi,
Yes it can be that we edit some products (we are 2 to manage the site so yeah, sry)
It is the Divi builder yes, we use Divi for our website
For the stock management, yes we use ATUM Stock central. And yes, we asked Litespeed to purge the page when a stock is changed / updated
But all those should only purge the cache from :
The updated page
The updated product, which stock has been changedNot for all the website. And the whole site seems to be with no cache (according to the crawler + site map)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Miss cache – Crawler – cache is working but not the crawlerHi Qtwrk,
Hmm, no i don’t think so. Not on Tuesday, no modifications (if i remember well Oo)
Why ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Miss cache – Crawler – cache is working but not the crawlerHere is the Debug.purge.log with a little more time :
08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/admin.php 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Query String: page=litespeed-toolbox&LSCWP_CTRL=PURGE_EMPTYCACHE&LSCWP_NONCE=d2b68826bf 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-toolbox 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Cookie _lscache_vary: f0302fcd149697a69821a6d6a965aab1 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,* => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@547 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@303 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@327 => /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-includes/load.php@470 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] Query String: _fs_blog_admin=true 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/admin.php?page=atum-stock-central 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:41:07.010 [ 1 Q4v] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,ff6_Po.44032,ff6_URL.a1229926b11fe18084241af0c2a86a1d,ff6_W.recent-posts-1,ff6_T.9,ff6_FD,ff6_A.1,ff6_F,ff6_H,ff6_PGS,ff6_PGSRP,ff6_D.202012,ff6_REST,ff6_WC_T.76,ff6_WC_T.266,ff6_WC_T.40,ff6_WC_T.210,ff6_WC_T.259,ff6_Po.44031,ff6_T.4,ff6_T.76,ff6_T.266,ff6_T.259,ff6_PT.product,ff6_product,ff6_WC_T.9,ff6_Po.44033 => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@547 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@303 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@327 => /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-includes/load.php@470 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/post.php 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] Query String: 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/post.php?post=44031&action=edit 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1 08/10/21 08:46:23.989 [ 1 LmK] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:46:23.990 [ 1 LmK] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,ff6_WC_T.76,ff6_WC_T.266,ff6_WC_T.40,ff6_WC_T.210,ff6_WC_T.259,ff6_Po.44031,ff6_URL.a1229926b11fe18084241af0c2a86a1d,ff6_W.recent-posts-1,ff6_T.4,ff6_T.76,ff6_T.266,ff6_T.259,ff6_FD,ff6_A.1,ff6_PT.product,ff6_product,ff6_F,ff6_H,ff6_PGS,ff6_PGSRP,ff6_D.202012,ff6_REST => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@547 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@303 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@327 => /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-includes/load.php@470 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/post.php 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] Query String: 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/post.php?post=44031&action=edit 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:55:35.578 [ 1 La6] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,ff6_WC_T.76,ff6_WC_T.266,ff6_WC_T.40,ff6_WC_T.210,ff6_WC_T.259,ff6_Po.44031,ff6_URL.85f3bd3205a0644ab2b849d3696b7663,ff6_W.recent-posts-1,ff6_T.4,ff6_T.76,ff6_T.266,ff6_T.259,ff6_FD,ff6_A.1,ff6_PT.product,ff6_product,ff6_F,ff6_H,ff6_PGS,ff6_PGSRP,ff6_D.202012,ff6_REST => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@547 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@303 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@327 => /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-includes/load.php@470 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] Query String: 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/comment-ca-fonctionne/?et_fb=1&et_bfb=1&PageSpeed=off 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1 08/10/21 10:32:01.693 [ 1 K4S] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 10:32:01.694 [ 1 K4S] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,ff6_Po.110,ff6_URL.901ddbea6ef266e662ce632679d9bdde,ff6_W.recent-posts-1,ff6_FD,ff6_A.1,ff6_F,ff6_H,ff6_PGS,ff6_PGSRP,ff6_D.202005,ff6_REST => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@547 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@303 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@327 => /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-includes/load.php@470 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/post.php 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] Query String: 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/post.php?post=110&action=edit 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 10:32:07.241 [ 1 Rb2] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,ff6_Po.110,ff6_URL.901ddbea6ef266e662ce632679d9bdde,ff6_W.recent-posts-1,ff6_FD,ff6_A.1,ff6_F,ff6_H,ff6_PGS,ff6_PGSRP,ff6_D.202005,ff6_REST => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@547 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@303 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@327 => /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-includes/load.php@470
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Miss cache – Crawler – cache is working but not the crawlerHello Qtwrk,
Well, i did all what you said, here is the debug.purge.log :
08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/admin.php 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Query String: page=litespeed-toolbox&LSCWP_CTRL=PURGE_EMPTYCACHE&LSCWP_NONCE=d2b68826bf 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-toolbox 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] Cookie _lscache_vary: f0302fcd149697a69821a6d6a965aab1 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:39.802 [ 1 Vrc] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,* => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@547 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@303 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@327 => /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-includes/load.php@470`</blockquote> <strong>And here is the crawler log </strong> <blockquote>`08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /produit/savon-eclat-de-soleil/ 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /produit/pain-aux-noix-non-dispo-jeudi/ 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] Query String: 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] Query String: 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/ 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/ 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] Accept: */* 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] Accept: */* 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] Cookie _lscache_vary: b73e2db5f8fed74ab8585334b0cb5127 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] Cookie _lscache_vary: b73e2db5f8fed74ab8585334b0cb5127 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 wBg] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:32.064 [ 1 6ZH] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:32.316 [ 1 wBg] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:29:32.317 [ 1 6ZH] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 wBg] [Router] starting role validation 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 6ZH] [Router] starting role validation 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 wBg] [Router] role simulate litespeed_role uid 23 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 6ZH] [Router] role simulate litespeed_role uid 23 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 6ZH] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user ) 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 wBg] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user ) 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 6ZH] [Router] get_role: customer 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 wBg] [Router] get_role: customer 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 6ZH] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.450 [ 1 wBg] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 6ZH] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 wBg] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 6ZH] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 wBg] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 6ZH] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 wBg] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 6ZH] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:29:32.451 [ 1 wBg] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:29:32.452 [ 1 6ZH] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.452 [ 1 wBg] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:29:32.532 [ 1 wBg] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:29:32.533 [ 1 wBg] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:29:32.538 [ 1 6ZH] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:29:32.538 [ 1 6ZH] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:29:34.638 [ 1 wBg] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Setting: ^/produit/ ) 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Ctrl] Forced public cacheable due to setting: ^/produit/ 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Vary] admin bar : true 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Vary] can_change_vary bypassed due to crawler 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_product,ff6_URL.968afc8645762304cb84786029bb28bb,ff6_Po.39263,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:29:34.644 [ 1 wBg] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:29:34.645 [ 1 wBg] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/10/21 08:29:34.688 [ 1 6ZH] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:29:34.693 [ 1 6ZH] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Setting: ^/produit/ ) 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Ctrl] Forced public cacheable due to setting: ^/produit/ 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Vary] admin bar : true 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Vary] can_change_vary bypassed due to crawler 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_product,ff6_URL.4c158838b14d2cf0151faf6e65bee8b2,ff6_Po.45054,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:34.694 [ 1 6ZH] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:29:34.695 [ 1 6ZH] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:29:34.695 [ 1 6ZH] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /produit/courgette-longue-jaune-au-poids/ 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /produit/courgette-longue-verte-au-poids/ 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] Query String: 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] Query String: 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/ 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/ 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] Accept: */* 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] Accept: */* 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] Cookie _lscache_vary: b73e2db5f8fed74ab8585334b0cb5127 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] Cookie _lscache_vary: b73e2db5f8fed74ab8585334b0cb5127 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 pqj] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:34.893 [ 1 7lc] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:35.139 [ 1 7lc] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:29:35.140 [ 1 pqj] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 7lc] [Router] starting role validation 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 pqj] [Router] starting role validation 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 7lc] [Router] role simulate litespeed_role uid 23 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 pqj] [Router] role simulate litespeed_role uid 23 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 7lc] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user ) 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 pqj] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user ) 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 7lc] [Router] get_role: customer 08/10/21 08:29:35.273 [ 1 pqj] [Router] get_role: customer 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 7lc] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 pqj] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 pqj] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 7lc] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 pqj] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 7lc] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 pqj] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 7lc] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 7lc] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:29:35.274 [ 1 pqj] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:29:35.275 [ 1 7lc] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.275 [ 1 pqj] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:29:35.348 [ 1 pqj] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:29:35.348 [ 1 pqj] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:29:35.353 [ 1 7lc] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:29:35.353 [ 1 7lc] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:29:37.437 [ 1 pqj] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:29:37.444 [ 1 pqj] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:37.445 [ 1 pqj] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Setting: ^/produit/ ) 08/10/21 08:29:37.445 [ 1 pqj] [Ctrl] Forced public cacheable due to setting: ^/produit/ 08/10/21 08:29:37.445 [ 1 pqj] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true 08/10/21 08:29:37.445 [ 1 pqj] [Vary] admin bar : true 08/10/21 08:29:37.445 [ 1 pqj] [Vary] can_change_vary bypassed due to crawler 08/10/21 08:29:37.445 [ 1 pqj] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:29:37.446 [ 1 pqj] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:29:37.446 [ 1 pqj] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_product,ff6_URL.3d52116683aae717b0d2789cae877977,ff6_Po.49040,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:29:37.446 [ 1 pqj] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:37.446 [ 1 pqj] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:29:37.446 [ 1 pqj] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:29:37.446 [ 1 pqj] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/10/21 08:29:37.667 [ 1 7lc] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:29:37.672 [ 1 7lc] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:37.672 [ 1 7lc] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Setting: ^/produit/ ) 08/10/21 08:29:37.672 [ 1 7lc] [Ctrl] Forced public cacheable due to setting: ^/produit/ 08/10/21 08:29:37.672 [ 1 7lc] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true 08/10/21 08:29:37.672 [ 1 7lc] [Vary] admin bar : true 08/10/21 08:29:37.672 [ 1 7lc] [Vary] can_change_vary bypassed due to crawler 08/10/21 08:29:37.672 [ 1 7lc] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:29:37.673 [ 1 7lc] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:29:37.673 [ 1 7lc] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_product,ff6_URL.2d9bca2dc54712ffd20c363d22ee76be,ff6_Po.49036,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:29:37.673 [ 1 7lc] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:37.673 [ 1 7lc] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:29:37.673 [ 1 7lc] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:29:37.673 [ 1 7lc] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /produit/batavia-verte/ 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] Query String: 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/ 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] Accept: */* 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] Cookie _lscache_vary: b73e2db5f8fed74ab8585334b0cb5127 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 DMO] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /produit/tomate-ronde-rouge-au-poids-ferme-koehly/ 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] Query String: 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/ 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] Accept: */* 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] Cookie _lscache_vary: b73e2db5f8fed74ab8585334b0cb5127 08/10/21 08:29:37.786 [ 1 dTq] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:29:38.040 [ 1 dTq] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:29:38.040 [ 1 DMO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:29:38.169 [ 1 DMO] [Router] starting role validation 08/10/21 08:29:38.169 [ 1 DMO] [Router] role simulate litespeed_role uid 23 08/10/21 08:29:38.169 [ 1 DMO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user ) 08/10/21 08:29:38.169 [ 1 DMO] [Router] get_role: customer 08/10/21 08:29:38.169 [ 1 DMO] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.170 [ 1 DMO] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.170 [ 1 DMO] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.170 [ 1 DMO] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:29:38.170 [ 1 DMO] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:29:38.170 [ 1 DMO] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.171 [ 1 dTq] [Router] starting role validation 08/10/21 08:29:38.171 [ 1 dTq] [Router] role simulate litespeed_role uid 23 08/10/21 08:29:38.171 [ 1 dTq] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user ) 08/10/21 08:29:38.172 [ 1 dTq] [Router] get_role: customer 08/10/21 08:29:38.172 [ 1 dTq] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.172 [ 1 dTq] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.172 [ 1 dTq] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.172 [ 1 dTq] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:29:38.173 [ 1 dTq] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:29:38.173 [ 1 dTq] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:29:38.243 [ 1 DMO] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:29:38.244 [ 1 DMO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:29:38.250 [ 1 dTq] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:29:38.312 [ 1 dTq] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:29:40.350 [ 1 DMO] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Setting: ^/produit/ ) 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Ctrl] Forced public cacheable due to setting: ^/produit/ 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Vary] admin bar : true 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Vary] can_change_vary bypassed due to crawler 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_product,ff6_URL.aa19f4e19d5957c6055e3516b6698d00,ff6_Po.38435,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:29:40.356 [ 1 DMO] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:40.357 [ 1 DMO] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:29:40.357 [ 1 DMO] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:29:40.357 [ 1 DMO] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/10/21 08:29:40.377 [ 1 dTq] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Setting: ^/produit/ ) 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] [Ctrl] Forced public cacheable due to setting: ^/produit/ 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] [Vary] admin bar : true 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] [Vary] can_change_vary bypassed due to crawler 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:29:40.383 [ 1 dTq] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_product,ff6_URL.d81037e67d6e57c9f68b9a70055d3e7c,ff6_Po.49714,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:29:40.384 [ 1 dTq] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:29:40.384 [ 1 dTq] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:29:40.384 [ 1 dTq] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:29:40.384 [ 1 dTq] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 fjO] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /2021/03/09/toutes-les-nouveautes/ 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 Hzt] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) / 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 fjO] Query String: 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 Hzt] Query String: 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 fjO] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-crawler&LSCWP_CTRL=crawler&LSCWP_NONCE=fd090c18d0&litespeed_type=start 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 Hzt] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-crawler&LSCWP_CTRL=crawler&LSCWP_NONCE=fd090c18d0&litespeed_type=start 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 fjO] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 Hzt] User Agent: lscache_runner 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 fjO] Accept: image/webp,*/* 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 Hzt] Accept: image/webp,*/* 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 fjO] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 Hzt] Accept Encoding: 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 fjO] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:30:16.533 [ 1 Hzt] X-LSCACHE: false 08/10/21 08:30:16.774 [ 1 Hzt] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:30:16.774 [ 1 fjO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale 08/10/21 08:30:16.905 [ 1 fjO] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:16.905 [ 1 Hzt] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:16.905 [ 1 fjO] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.905 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 fjO] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 Hzt] [LQIP] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 Hzt] [Optm] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 fjO] [Optm] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 Hzt] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 fjO] [CDN] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 fjO] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 Hzt] ? Task init 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 fjO] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:30:16.906 [ 1 Hzt] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 08/10/21 08:30:16.907 [ 1 fjO] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.907 [ 1 Hzt] [GUI] init 08/10/21 08:30:16.976 [ 1 fjO] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:30:16.976 [ 1 fjO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:30:16.979 [ 1 Hzt] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 08/10/21 08:30:16.979 [ 1 Hzt] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 08/10/21 08:30:19.851 [ 1 Hzt] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Setting: /$ ) 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Ctrl] Forced public cacheable due to setting: /$ 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:30:19.888 [ 1 Hzt] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_front,ff6_URL.6666cd76f96956469e7be39d750cc7d9,ff6_F,ff6_Po.56,ff6_PGS,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.src 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/logo3.png 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/logo3.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.889 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/tous-les-rayons-compressed.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/tous-les-rayons-compressed.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tatin-aubergines-poivrons-et-chevre-frais-FB-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tatin-aubergines-poivrons-et-chevre-frais-FB-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/pomme-de-terre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/pomme-de-terre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/concombre-noa-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/concombre-noa-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/km_koehly-300x172.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/km_koehly-300x172.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tomate-cerise-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tomate-cerise-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.899 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ingredients_icon-icons.com_68734-150x150.png 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ingredients_icon-icons.com_68734-150x150.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/carte.png 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/carte.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/diagram-06_24511.png 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/diagram-06_24511.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/forum1.png 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/forum1.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/zone.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/zone.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/carte-livraison.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/carte-livraison.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fleche_carte.gif 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fleche_carte.gif.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/retrait_forum2.gif 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/retrait_forum2.gif.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.900 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/logo-richart-150x150.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.910 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/logo-richart-150x150.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.910 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.910 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IMG_3998-150x150.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.918 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IMG_3998-150x150.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/photo_stelly-150x150.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/photo_stelly-150x150.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Fred-aux-bains-min-150x150.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Fred-aux-bains-min-150x150.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=694253488192713&ev=PageView&noscript=1 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] external 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.919 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] buffer_webp attribute div.data-thumb 08/10/21 08:30:19.921 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.data-src 08/10/21 08:30:19.922 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] buffer_webp attribute div.data-large_image 08/10/21 08:30:19.923 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.retina_logo_url 08/10/21 08:30:19.924 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] buffer_webp attribute div.data-parallax-image 08/10/21 08:30:19.926 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] buffer_webp attribute video.poster 08/10/21 08:30:19.926 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.927 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/diapo-printemps1.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/diapo-printemps1.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.928 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/diapo-printemps2.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/diapo-printemps2.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Diapo-route-alsace.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Diapo-route-alsace.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/diapo-cadeau-2.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/diapo-cadeau-2.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:30:19.929 [ 1 Hzt] [Optm] bypass: hit URI Excludes setting: /$ 08/10/21 08:30:19.930 [ 1 Hzt] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/10/21 08:30:23.366 [ 1 fjO] [Core] Footer hook called 08/10/21 08:30:23.470 [ 1 fjO] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:30:23.470 [ 1 fjO] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:23.470 [ 1 fjO] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:23.470 [ 1 fjO] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 08/10/21 08:30:23.470 [ 1 fjO] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:23.470 [ 1 fjO] [Router] get_role: 08/10/21 08:30:23.470 [ 1 fjO] [Vary] no custimzed vary 08/10/21 08:30:23.471 [ 1 fjO] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800 08/10/21 08:30:23.471 [ 1 fjO] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: ff6_HTTP.200,ff6_post,ff6_URL.b89cdf2625d7aff253156b8b536f1ac1,ff6_Po.45955,ff6_ 08/10/21 08:30:23.471 [ 1 fjO] [Core] Footer check passed 08/10/21 08:30:23.471 [ 1 fjO] [Media] finalize 08/10/21 08:30:23.471 [ 1 fjO] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.src 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/logo3.png 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/logo3.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tatin-aubergines-poivrons-et-chevre-frais-FB-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tatin-aubergines-poivrons-et-chevre-frais-FB-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/pomme-de-terre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/pomme-de-terre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.472 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/concombre-noa-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/concombre-noa-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/km_koehly-300x172.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/km_koehly-300x172.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tomate-cerise-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tomate-cerise-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/poivron-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/poivron-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/aubergine-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/aubergine-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tomate-roma-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tomate-roma-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.473 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/gelee-cassis-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/gelee-cassis-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/confiture-reine-claude-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/confiture-reine-claude-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/confiture-figue-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/confiture-figue-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/bouton-ail-des-ours-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/bouton-ail-des-ours-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-asperule-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-asperule-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.474 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-bouillon-blanc-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-bouillon-blanc-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-fleur-de-sureau-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-fleur-de-sureau-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-griotte-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-griotte-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-fleur-dacacia-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-fleur-dacacia-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-rhubarbe-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-rhubarbe-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.475 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-citron-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sirop-citron-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_freyburger-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tarte-a-la-tomate-et-chevre-FB-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tarte-a-la-tomate-et-chevre-FB-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/botte-carotte-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/botte-carotte-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/km_koehly-300x172.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/km_koehly-300x172.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Cotelette-de-porc-au-raifort-FB-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Cotelette-de-porc-au-raifort-FB-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/betterave-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/betterave-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/botte-basilic-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.476 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/botte-basilic-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/persil-plat-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/persil-plat-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-douce-curcuma-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-douce-curcuma-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-a-lancienne-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-a-lancienne-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/raifort-doux-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/raifort-doux-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-douce-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.477 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-douce-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/shampoing-solide-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/shampoing-solide-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/km_scala-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/km_scala-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/vinaigrette-melfor-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/vinaigrette-melfor-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Melfor-Original-BIO-50cl-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Melfor-Original-BIO-50cl-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/tartinable-basilic-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/tartinable-basilic-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.478 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cornichons-vinaigre-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cornichons-vinaigre-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cornichon-aigres-doux-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cornichon-aigres-doux-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/graine-moutarde-jaune-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/graine-moutarde-jaune-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/graine-de-moutarde-brune-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/graine-de-moutarde-brune-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/mayonnaise-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/mayonnaise-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.479 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/ketchup-bio-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/ketchup-bio-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-mi-forte-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-mi-forte-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-de-dijon-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-de-dijon-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-a-lancienne-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/moutarde-a-lancienne-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_domaineterrerouge.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Tagliatelles-de-concombre-a-la-truite-FB-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Tagliatelles-de-concombre-a-la-truite-FB-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.480 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/chou-frise-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/chou-frise-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Tomate-Cupidissimo-type-coeur-de-boeuf-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Tomate-Cupidissimo-type-coeur-de-boeuf-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Tomate-jaune-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Tomate-jaune-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Tomate-ronde-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Tomate-ronde-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/km_koehl-300x171.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Baume-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Baume-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.481 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/petit-savon-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/petit-savon-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/savon-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/savon-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Proteine-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Proteine-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Farine-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Farine-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Graine-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Graine-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.482 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Graine-chanvre-entiere-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Graine-chanvre-entiere-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Huile-de-cbd-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Huile-de-cbd-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/huile-coeur-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/huile-coeur-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Huile-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Huile-de-chanvre-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/huile-de-chanvre-grand-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/huile-de-chanvre-grand-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/km_chanvreel.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Roti-de-boeuf-aux-betteraves-et-chou-rouge-FB-300x300.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Roti-de-boeuf-aux-betteraves-et-chou-rouge-FB-300x300.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.483 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png 08/10/21 08:30:23.484 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_sansfond.png.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.484 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.484 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=694253488192713&ev=PageView&noscript=1 08/10/21 08:30:23.484 [ 1 fjO] [Util] external 08/10/21 08:30:23.484 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.484 [ 1 fjO] [Media] buffer_webp attribute div.data-thumb 08/10/21 08:30:23.487 [ 1 fjO] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.data-src 08/10/21 08:30:23.488 [ 1 fjO] [Media] buffer_webp attribute div.data-large_image 08/10/21 08:30:23.491 [ 1 fjO] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.retina_logo_url 08/10/21 08:30:23.492 [ 1 fjO] [Media] buffer_webp attribute div.data-parallax-image 08/10/21 08:30:23.495 [ 1 fjO] [Media] buffer_webp attribute video.poster 08/10/21 08:30:23.496 [ 1 fjO] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.497 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.498 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.499 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.500 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.501 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/natureetprogres_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/natureetprogres_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/natureetprogres_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/natureetprogres_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.502 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Eurofeuille_mini.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Util] file not exist: /home/spfa0729/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AB_HD.jpg.webp 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 08/10/21 08:30:23.503 [ 1 fjO] GUI bypassed by no counter 08/10/21 08:30:23.504 [ 1 fjO] [Optm] start 08/10/21 08:30:23.504 [ 1 fjO] End response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I must admit, i need your help to read this ^^’
Kind regards,
Sébastien BRINGEL
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Miss cache – Crawler – cache is working but not the crawlerOh Ok,
If each customer account is a crawler, i don’t have only 1 but a lot.
Like 309 crawlers