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Hi Suzie,
I′m sorry but I disagree with you. Its not a customization… Its only a mobile and local phone mask, nothing more.
I dont understand so much of javascript and, after some nights trying, I′ve found a way.
First step you need to download and paste jquery into JS folder of your theme
Second step right click into your browser and click into “inspect” (ctrl+shift+I)
– open the console and take a look of the errors that show to you.then this is the code that′s worked for me:
This code can be improve of course, but it already do what I need.
PortuguesePessoal tive um problema para usar o Contact Form Maker.
Existe uma field padrao para telefone ja propria do formulario, porem ela nao fornece a mascara de telefones locais e celulares do Brasil.Depois de muito quebrar a cabeca e com um pouco de ajuda da Suzie eu acabei conseguindo resolver a questao pegando alguns codigos da internet e fazendo testes.
Vou explicar como resolvi.Primeiro quando abri o site do formulario eu cliquei com o bot?o direiro do mouse e cliquei em inspecionar. Fui na aba console e la me mostrou um erro de Jquery.
O arquivo Jquery nao estava na pasta JS do tema que usava. fiz o download e upei ele para a pasta em wp-content/themes/serif-pro (no meu caso) /js
O caminho que estava faltando foi informado no console do browser.Apos feito isso ai vieram as noites sem dormir pegando codigos e mais codigos na internet para fazer a mascara funcionar.
No final ficou esse codigo abaixo.
Com certeza da pra melhorar, mas ele ja faz aquilo que eu precisava.OBS: eu precisava que o telefone fixo ficasse no formado (11)5665-5555 e o celular no formato (11)9.6666-7878
function before_load() { jQuery("#wdform_12_element1").on("keypress keyup",function(){ // pego o valor do telefone e coloco na variavel var texto = jQuery(this).val(); if (texto.length == 0) { texto = texto +"("; } if (texto.length == 3) { texto = texto +")"; } if (texto.length == 5) { if (texto.includes('9')) { texto = texto +"." ; } } if (texto.length == 12) { texto = [texto.slice(0, 8), "-", texto.slice(8)].join(''); } if (texto.length == 15) texto = [texto.slice(0, 8), texto.slice(9, 11), "-", texto.slice(11) ].join(''); jQuery(this).val(texto); } ) }
- This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by lellocoelho.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by lellocoelho.
Sorry but this not gonna work for me. Let me explain:
(11) -> this part is where the customer input the country. In Brazil we have a lot of numbers like:
11- S?o Paulo
21- Rio de janeiro
61 – Brasilia
etc.The part 9. means that is a mobile phone. Every mobile number starts with 9 in Brazil and have 1 digit more then a local phones. This is why after the number 9 we have a dot.
EX: 9.6789-7374 => 9 digits
But we have local phones too starting from 1 to 8 (9 is only for mobiles) and have 1 digit less then a mobile phones:
EX: 5631-5055 => 8 digits
So, what I need to the field do is:
1- not allow to input letters like your code do.
2- Mask mobile numbers like I said on the last message.Thanks.
Hi Suzie,
I saw the video that you recorded and the test that you did not brings what I need to do…
I think that I didn’t explain very well what I really need to do….
I need to mask the numbers imputed in this field like this way:
Numbers start with 9 mask this :
(11) 9.1234-5678Numbers start with any number except 9 mask this:
(11) 1234-5678
What I expect the field do is to bring the right format when someone input only numbers.
Example: one client input the numbers 11987654321 the field brings the () . and – and modify for this format (11) 9.8765-4321
This is the format of mobile numbers from Brazil. And I need to do the same with local numbers who doesn’t start with 9 and have one digit less.Thank you
Hi Suzie,
I take a look more deeply and I found this code:
could you please take a look why this code doesnt work only on CFM?
this code do exactly what I need.I did some tests with this code on playcode.io and codepen.io and it works properly. But when I paste it on the CFM the code fails.
I commented it in english for you.
function before_load() { $("#wdform_12_element1").on("keypress keyup",function(){ // pego o valor do telefone e coloco na variavel // I get the value of the field and put it on a VAR var texto = $(this).val(); // Tiro tudo que n?o é numero da variavel // I take off the var all letters and leave only numbers texto = texto.replace(/[^d]/g, ''); // Se tiver alguma coisa digitada // If there is a number if (texto.length > 0) { // Ponho o primeiro parenteses do DDD // I insert the first '(' of the DDD texto = "(" + texto; //pergunto se digitou 3 numeros // If it has more than 3 numbers if (texto.length > 3) { // Fecha o parenteses do DDD com 2 numeros // I insert the second ')' of the DDD with 2 numbers texto = [texto.slice(0, 3), ") ",texto.slice(3)].join('') ; } if (texto.length > 12) { // Se for 13 digitos ( DDD + 9 digitos) ponhe o tra?o no quinto digito // If it has 13 digits (DDD plus 9 numbers) I insert the '-' on the 5 digit if (texto.length > 13) texto = [texto.slice(0, 10), "-", texto.slice(10)].join(''); else // Se for 12 digitos ( DDD + 8 digitos) ponhe o tra?o no quarto digito // If it has 12 digits (DDD plus 8 numbers) I insert the '-' on the 4 digit texto = [texto.slice(0, 9), "-", texto.slice(9)].join(''); } // N?o adianta digitar mais digitos! // dont allow to insert more numbers if (texto.length > 15) texto = texto.substr(0,15); } // Retorna o texto $(this).val(texto); } ) }
Thank you for your help.
Have a nice day! ??
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by lellocoelho.
Hi Suzie!
Sorry to bother you again.
Awesome!! Thank you very much for your help.
I thought that I could change and set my ouwn field id direclty on the contact form maker aplication.But I have another problem with the code you suggested… Its not working ??
The code like you wrote dont do nothing. But I saw that in your code has one line commented.
//jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).val().replace(/[^d].+/, ""));
When I uncomment this line your code do something, but its not what I expected.
I can input only 2 numbers and it erases automatically.
I really dont know where am I wrong.
This is the code as like I wrote:
jQuery("#wdform_12_element1").on("keypress keyup blur",function (event) { jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).val().replace(/[^d].+/, "")); if ((event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) { event.preventDefault(); } } );
Thank you in advance
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by lellocoelho.
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by lellocoelho.
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by lellocoelho.
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by lellocoelho.
Hi Suzie,
Thank you for your help.
Can you tell me where do I set the id name on the field please?
Because when I edit the field it doesnt have the id option.
This is the options that I have to edit:Single Line Text:
Label position
Hide label
Label width(px)
Allow only unique values
Validation (RegExp.)
Class name
Additional AttributesThank you so much! ??