Lem Technology Web
Forum Replies Created
Thank you very much Peter for clearing up our doubts.
We only need to cover the feature of blocking spam in blog comments, and with this we could acquire Wordfence Premium.
LuisThanks Peter.
We have another question, and it is related with the message folow:
Scan stage failed
The test scan could not start. This is often because the site cannot make outbound requests or is blocked from connecting to itself. Wordfence will make up to 2 attempts to resume each failed scan stage. This scan can be recovered if one of these attempts is successful. Click here for steps you can tryWe have intalled the plugin IQ Block Country, so we added the IPs to permit access in the whitelilst of IQ Block Country according to the documentation, and then we test again the scan with Wordfence, and this time worked very well.
We wonderful if there are another IP address that is necesary to include in the IQ Block Country’s whitelist. Please, let us know.
Thanks a lot
Luid- This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Lem Technology Web.
Hello Peter,
We are going to buy the premium version of wordfence, but we would like to include in the near future the functionality to prevent bots from commenting on posts.
Remember that not all blogs include the option for the user to be prompted for a usarname/password, as they are open blogs so that any visitor can leave a comment. This is our case.
Seeing that your security plugin is very complete, maybe you feel encouraged to include the functionality I just mentioned so we don’t have to install an additional plugin.
What can you tell us about it ….
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you
luisThanks for you explanation Peter
Have a nice day
LuisForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GeneratePress] Button “Read More” Deappers in new postHello Leo…
Where can I make adjustments to place the thumbnails, give more space between columns? because I can’t edit the page integromax.com/blog because it is empty…
I don’t know where to make the changes.
Thank you…
LuisForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GeneratePress] Button “Read More” Deappers in new postThanks Leo,
I am sorry that you have not been able to see the website, as it is important, since the ‘blog’ page, which shows the image with the excerpts of the posts with their thumbnail images, is empty, has no structure and I do not know where the information is for change that structure if you want to do so in the future.
I have already enabled Canada so you can view the websites.
Thanks for the information you sent me. I had already seen those articles, and I couldn’t do anything because first I want to understand how generatepress does to display post thumbnails on an unstructured page. Unless, you have an internal program that is doing it and I haven’t realized it.
Thanks for your support.
Luis- This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Lem Technology Web.
Hello @wfpete, and thanks a lot for your reply.
I asked the question because I have just configured in Wordfence the recommendation you make. I have enabled the “Disable XML-RPC authentication” checkbox in Wordfence > Login Security > Settings to prevent authentication attempts through that file.
But even so, with that confirmation, a lot of comment spam is arriving to our web posts.
We are evaluating wordfence, to purchase a license, but we wanted to make sure that it could meet our security needs first.
I can add in the .htaccess file the lines that you recommend me, but I am still wondering why the wordfence configuration “Disable XML-RPC authentication” does not work. Maybe because we are not using the premium version of the Wordfence plugin?
Please let us know what we can do. Just the configuration in the .htaccess file and forget about the Wordfence configuration?
Thanks for your help Peter.
LuisThanks Margaret
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPVulnerability] Firewall and stop URLs that track vulnerabilitiesThanks for your reply Javier…
Best regards,
LuisForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Soporte para imagenes webpGracias Hector, si fue muy ilustrativa tu opinión. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda y paciencia.
Saludos y muchas suerte!
LuisForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Soporte para imagenes webpHola Hector, Gracias por aclarar el tema, pero me queda una duda.
Entonces, si no era para deplegar las imagenes miniaturas, ?a qué se refería exactamente la linea adds support for .webp images, en la versión 6.4.1 de WPP?
Version 6.4.1, released on Feb. 25 2024, adds support for .webp images
Muchas Gracias por tu apoyo y paciencia.
LuisForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Soporte para imagenes webpHello Hector…
Sorry for the late reply, I had several setbacks… fortunately all is well, thank God.
Yes I read the information related to how WPP displays the images, and that is precisely why I am asking you the question. In our online thesis website, all the images are in jpg and webp format. The Imagify plugin is in charge of the conversion of images to webp every time a new image is uploaded to the website.
When I saw the release of Version 6.4.1, released on Feb. 25 2024, adds support for .webp images, I was happy, because I assumed that it was to show the thumbnail images, and by us having them already in webp format, they would be displayed on the blog in webp format, but then I saw that it was not so. Then I checked the /wp-content/uploads/wordpress-popular-posts directory, and I see that the thumbnail images present in that directory are in jpg format, but they have their respective webp thumbnails already created with imagify.
That is the reason for the query
Thank you very much for your usual support.
LuisForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Se pierde el formato wpp.cssTiene una opción para excluir sección “UNSED CSS”, pero eso ya lo probé incluyendo allí “wp-content/plugins/wordpress-popular-posts/assets/css/wpp.css”, pero el problema continúa.
Les escribiré a Wp-Rocket a ver qué información me dan.
Y un millón de gracias por tu ayuda.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Se pierde el formato wpp.cssDe acuerdo y gracias por tu apoyo…
Sé que es difícil mientras no se presente el problema. Puedes revisar tu correo, te envié allí las imágenes de como se ve bien, y como se ven desarregladas. Por favor, échales un vistazo para que veas las diferencias a las que me refiero.
Un abrazo
Plugin Configuration Performance Nag: Inactive Log Limit: Yes, keep data for 7 days Log Views From: Visitors only Data Caching: Yes, 1 day Data Sampling: Yes, with a rate of 100 External object cache: No WPP_CACHE_VIEWS: No
System Info PHP version: 8.0.30 PHP extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, json, pcntl, readline, Reflection, session, standard, shmop, SimpleXML, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, litespeed, bcmath, dom, fileinfo, gd, imap, intl, ldap, exif, mysqlnd, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, soap, sockets, tidy, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, zip, Zend OPcache Database version: 10.4.30-MariaDB-cll-lve InnoDB availability: DEFAULT WordPress version: 6.4.1 Multisite: No Active plugins: 404 to 301 - Redirect, Log and Notify 404 Errors 3.1.4, All In One WP Security 5.2.5, Child Theme Configurator 2.6.3, Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) 7.22.0, Health Check & Troubleshooting 1.7.0, Imagify 2.1.3, Interactive Map of the World for WP 3.1.9, iQ Block Country 1.2.21, Joinchat 5.0.15, Plugins Garbage Collector (Database Cleanup) Old! 0.14, Simple History 4.7.2, TablePress 2.2.3, User Session Control 0.3.1, User Switching 1.7.2, WordPress Popular Posts 6.3.4, WPML Media 2.7.3, WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.7, WPML SEO 2.1.0, WPML String Translation 3.2.8, WP Rocket 3.15.4, WP Rocket | CPCSS Debug Helper 1.0.0, WP Rollback 1.7.3, WP Socializer 7.6, WXP DIVInizer 1.2.0, Yoast SEO 21.6, Yoast SEO Premium 21.5, Yoast Test Helper 1.17 Theme: Divi Child ( by Elegant ThemesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Imágenes WEBPGracias Hector, por tu pronta respuesta.
Lo que estoy observando es lo siguiente. Quien genera las imágenes en el directorio upload/wordpress-popular-post, es el WPP en base a la configuración que se haya realizado. En mi caso son los “post más vistos o visitados”.
El problema está entonces en que no funcionaría el Plugin Imagyfi, a menos que lo esté corriendo con cierta frecuencia (2 veces por día) para garantizar que se generen todos los thumbnail en caso que haya un cambio. De lo contrario van a aparecer huecos, es decir, van a faltar imágenes thumbnail porque WPP no genera versiones con formato WEBP.
Esto fue lo que me apareció hoy, al visualizar un post del blog. Vi que los thumbnail que aparecen en el sidebar, en algunos casos estaban. Eran mostrados, y en otros casos no.
Por favor, déjame saber si estoy en lo cierto, o si por el contrario estoy haciendo una apreciación errada del comportamiento de WPP y como debería funcionar.