Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: WordPress as a simple CMS – thoughts welcomeI agree, this is a very nice implementation of WP. Thanks for sharing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New Page Not in MenuThanks for a quick reply, that’s exactly what I was looking for.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: WP SQL error in technorati listings?Its working for me. I clicked on 4 or 5 links, and they all took me to your site with no error messages.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Possible To Change Database?I spoke too soon. When I made the switch it hosed my admin area. I later figured out that I needed to change the homepage pointers, but I don’t know if that would have done it or not.
Bottom line, I don’t think this is very easy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress 2.0 PluginThere’s a huge disclaimer at the top of this page, stating that you may be violating your cell phone contract by using it. I don’t understand how using software on your blog would be a violation of my cell contract. How do I even check?
Also, can I send photos to my blog with this software?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing/Exporting blogServer/Hostname: this will likely be GoDaddy servers. If you got an email from them when you established your account, it should have this info.
Database: the name of the database that you create for WP. Its usually something like “domain_xxx” where domain is the domain name that you’ve purchased (minus the .com), and you get to pick the xxx part.
Username: the username that you use to log into your GoDaddy hosting account.
Password: your GoDaddy hosting account password
Table Prefix: most likely the default (localhost) will work. I wouldn’t change this unless it fails.
Welcome to blogging. Come back if you have more questions. This may also be helpful to you.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Development AreaHey that’s awesome. It didn’t even occur to me to try to run it locally (dunce cap is on). Thanks for the link!
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: B2Evo ImporterOK, I’ve now installed b2e & WP, generated dummy posts and comments, then run this conversion a total of four times to get comfortable with it before I run it on my real data. I understand everything that’s happening, just have one last question.
Once you run it, the database is approx twice its original size. I’m not hurting for server space, but just wondering, is it a good idea to clean up all the “evo_” entries once the data has been properly imported?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Selling your blog?How do you know what your page rank is? My blog isn’t for sale, just curious about how they’re evaluated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A CHALLENGE – Future Timestamp PostsWhy the aversion to a plugin if this does what you’re looking for?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Slow to post/publishHow do you remove rpc from the list?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Possible To Change Database?Ha ha, YES you can! This is so simple and worked perfectly. AWESOME!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Possible To Change Database?Oh wow, that’s so simple that it eluded me. I’ll try it and let you know if I blow anything up.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: stolen, music and picturesHey I really like your pictures page. What did you use for it? A plugin (which?), or did you just start posting your pictures as blog entries?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can you see this?!Um, yup, I see them. Firefox 1.5 on WXP.