Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Menu error in IE not in Firefoxhi guys,
The solution I use myself is the one suggested by carlomontagnino.
Its sad but true, like Metallica used to sing.
All the javascript and css of this plugin are tricky and it has an enormous potential of not working well with some themes. I would say this is not a plug & play plugin and shoul be used for those who are not afraid of going into some HTML and CSS.
I also would like to say that Ive just released a new version that fixes the problem that this plugin would list every page, including drafts and privates. Now it never displays drafts, and privates onlu when you are logged in
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Not displaying HorizontallyHi guys..
sorry not beeing around… If you post the questions to the plugins page at my blog its easier for me to keep track. (I know some of you have problems with the anti-spam… I think Ill turn it off)
This plugins lists the pages using
“li” tag.It usually work fine in themes that already have a horizontal list of pages, because this is usually done with “li”
“li” also. So the plygin fits itself into the template.
If your template doesnt have a horizontal list ready, you will have to make one yourself editting the styles.css of your theme.So.. look for a template that already has a horizontal list. Its easier
To change the color go to transmenu.css, the code is documented so you can know where to change. Pretty easy.
I know this plugin has lots of javascript and css issues… Thats why I tagged it as 0.2.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: svn error comitting a pluginFor recording porpouses,
This was a problem with the squid proxy of my local network
Solution is here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: svn error comitting a pluginyes.. I did try many times…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: new plugin – use HTML Templates on posts and pagessure,
just create a field called imageURL (or whatever) and insert a code like this in yout HTML template:
<img src="#imageURL#">
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: returnin category properties (id, link, etc)I managed it:
$cat = get_the_category();
echo $cat[0]->cat_ID;Forum: Plugins
In reply to: returnin category properties (id, link, etc)oops
correcting one line of the post above:
I want to do this: a href=”CATEGORY_LINK” > AUTHORS NAME /a
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: work around for index.php?Have a look here:
Creating_a_Static_Front_Pagebut there is an easer way using this plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How would you do this?Thanks..
That is exaclty what I did… made categories…
Now Ill look deeper on the links you gave me..
One of my problems are the highlight of the top menu… I hacked the code to highlight it whenever you are inside a post on that category or if you are on the main page of the category… but once you go, for example, to the link “older posts”.. the highlight desappear because Im doing this picking up the url address and checking if the name of the category is there…