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  • ics.php when uploaded to Outlook adds 1 hour to time.

    Here is my code:

    class ICS {
    const DT_FORMAT = ‘Ymd\THis\Z’;

    protected $properties = array();
    private $available_properties = array(

    public function __construct($props) {

    public function set($key, $val = false) {
    if (is_array($key)) {
    foreach ($key as $k => $v) {
    $this->set($k, $v);
    } else {
    if (in_array($key, $this->available_properties)) {
    $this->properties[$key] = $this->sanitize_val($val, $key);

    public function to_string() {
    $rows = $this->build_props();
    return implode(“\r\n”, $rows);

    private function build_props() {
    // Build ICS properties – add header
    $ics_props = array(
    ‘PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN’,

    // Build ICS properties – add header
    $props = array();
    foreach($this->properties as $k => $v) {
    $props[strtoupper($k . ($k === ‘url’ ? ‘;VALUE=URI’ : ”))] = $v;

    // Set some default values
    $props[‘DTSTAMP’] = $this->format_timestamp(‘now’);
    //$props[‘UID’] = uniqid();

    // Append properties
    foreach ($props as $k => $v) {
    $ics_props[] = “$k:$v”;

    // Build ICS properties – add footer
    $ics_props[] = ‘END:VEVENT’;
    $ics_props[] = ‘END:VCALENDAR’;

    return $ics_props;

    private function sanitize_val($val, $key = false) {
    switch($key) {
    case ‘dtend’:
    case ‘dtstamp’:
    case ‘dtstart’:
    $val = $this->format_timestamp($val);
    $val = $this->escape_string($val);

    return $val;

    private function format_timestamp($timestamp) {
    $dt = new DateTime($timestamp);
    return $dt->format(self::DT_FORMAT);

    private function escape_string($str) {
    return preg_replace(‘/([\,;])/’,’\\\$1′, $str);

    /*include ‘ICS.php’;

    header(‘Content-type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8’);
    header(‘Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=invite.ics’);

    $ics = new ICS(array(
    ‘location’ => ‘factors involved in the dispute.’,
    ‘description’ => ‘on calls, mediation statements, private caucuses, joint sessions, and post-mediation conversations.? Few of us have given adequate consideration, however, to what factors should shape the specific process used in each particular mediation.? Most mediators have a standardized way of proceeding, without regard to the specific substantive and inter-personal factor’,
    ‘dtstart’ => ‘Thursday, February 23, 2017’,
    ‘dtend’ => ‘Thursday, February 23, 2017’,
    ‘summary’ => ‘Customizing the Mediation: The Mediator’s Role as Process Architect’,
    ‘url’ => ‘’

    echo $ics->to_string();*/

    Thread Starter LeonelLeonel


    Thanks to Satya Prakash’s (satya61229) plugin for resolving this issue.

    The plugin is available at the following:

    @satya61229, thanks!

    @kletskater, I concur with adpawl, you should place the code in your theme’s function file (Appearance > Editor > Functions.php)and add it before the closing PHP tag

    @adpawl, thanks! that worked …

    I add the following code to remove the query strings from CSS & JS and it worked on all but the following … any suggestions?

    function _remove_script_version( $src ){
    $parts = explode( ‘?’, $src );
    return $parts[0];
    add_filter( ‘script_loader_src’, ‘_remove_script_version’, 15, 1 );
    add_filter( ‘style_loader_src’, ‘_remove_script_version’, 15, 1 );

    Thread Starter LeonelLeonel


    Thank you for the quick response …

    Actually I was able to do it automatically once I updated the plugins that I used to current versions.

    Thread Starter LeonelLeonel


    You the MAN!!! or WOMAN!!! … thanks that was it …

    Thread Starter LeonelLeonel


    Thank you for your timely response – No there isn’t a query_posts() in the search results template … I actually don’t know if it is displaying the most recent but I do know that it is not returning ALL of the posts that start off “How to remove blood stains from ….”

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