Forum Replies Created
Ok, thanks.
Can you check that your match is assigned the correct season and team and that the correct roster has been selected in your Player List shortcode please?
A couple of other things to try are to visit Club Manager > Seasons and make sure the current season is at the top and clearing the plugin cache in Club Manager > Settings
If you are sure everything is setup correctly then I’m happy to take a closer look but you’ll need to open a ticket at https://wpclubmanager.com/support/ and give me some login details if possible.
Hi Lauri,
In Club Manager> Settings > League Table you can set 3 priorities to sort your table by. If all 3 of those priorities are equal then it will sort the clubs alphabetically.
Sorry but it’s not possible to manually re-position clubs at the moment.
CheersForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Club Manager - WordPress Sports Club Plugin] ShortcodesHi Lauri,
Our documentation covers all of our shortcodes – https://docs.wpclubmanager.com/category/84-shortcodes
All of our shortcodes are available in the TinyMCE editor but you need to install the Classic Editor plugin to be able to use the shortcode UI. If you are using the new block editor then shortcodes have to manually added.
I hope that helps ??
Hi Wayne,
Sorry you are having an issue. Are you in Club or League Mode?
Thanks for getting in touch and sorry you are having issues.
Try going to Club Manager > Settings > League Tables and save the settings. That will reset the League Table settings in case there has been a problem updating.
If that doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll take a closer look.
Also, you should update Victory to make sure your new rosters and league tables display on the front end properly.
I hope that help
Cheers ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Club Manager - WordPress Sports Club Plugin] Can’t un postpone a gameHi Wayne,
Thanks for getting in touch and sorry you have encountered an issue.
I’ll get it fixed and will be releasing an update later this evening.
Hi Martin,
Thanks for getting in touch with this issue and for your kind words ??
I’ll get this fixed today and release a 2.0.3 update.
Thanks again and enjoy your Sunday!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Club Manager - WordPress Sports Club Plugin] Cannot add matches to teamsHi Martin,
Thanks for getting in touch. I’m just in the process of releasing 2.0.2 which fixes this particular issue.
Thanks again and if you encounter anymore issues or have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Enjoy your weekend ??
You can adjust all table statistics, not just points.
I hope that helps, if I can help in any other way, please feel free to give me a shout ??
If you want a fully automated league table then yes, you would need to add add games from every club but I recommend not adding all games and instead make manual adjustments for the other clubs to the league table each week (or whenever!).
If you do it like the above then you won’t need to add new games for other clubs but if you still want to add other club matches then you can just leave the Team section on First Team, it shouldn’t really make a difference.
Just thinking, the widget issue could have crept into version 2 in cases where you are listing other clubs games. I’ll do some some more testing and get back to you.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Sorry you’re having an issue with the Results widget. Here’s a couple of things to try:
Go to the Seasons and make sure the current season is at the top. Clear the plugin cache in Club Manager > Settings. Make sure you have a default club set if you are in club mode. If the issue is still there, try re-saving the widget or replacing it with a new one.
If the issue is still there I’m more than happy to login and take a look.
Hi lauri83,
It’s not possible to have more than one points system at the moment. You could manually adjust the points after each game.
Sorry about that but the plugin isn’t really designed to cater for more than one sport at a time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Club Manager - WordPress Sports Club Plugin] Override includes filesCool, I’m glad that helped.
You can use ‘crest-large’, ‘crest-medium’ or ‘crest-small’ which are set at 100×100, 50×50 and 25×25 pixels respectively with no hard crop.
Or you can use the new ‘club-thumbnail’ or ‘club-single’ size and where you can set the size and crop you require in Club Manager > Settings > Clubs.
Hope that helps ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Club Manager - WordPress Sports Club Plugin] Override includes filesOk, well you can change the
<ul class=”wpcm-matches-widget”>
by adding a filter like so:add_filter( 'wpclubmanager_before_widget_fixtures', '<ul class=”wpcm-matches-widget”>', 99 );
and the closing ul:
add_filter( 'wpclubmanager_after_widget_fixtures', '</ul>', 99 );
Change the second parameter to your desired output and add to your theme’s functions.php
If you really need to make changes to the class then you are better off creating a new widget. You can copy the existing class, rename it and add it to your child theme. Then in your functions.php make sure to include the new class file and register your new widget.
I hope that helps ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Club Manager - WordPress Sports Club Plugin] Override includes filesHi crooy3,
Are you sure you want to change the entire class? What are you trying to change?