Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: the wysiwyg editor is changing my < br / > tags to < p> tagsHi,
that’s most likely because once you turn it back on, things are “autocorrected” again when you edit ‘n’ save that page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comment Themes…….before I get into the hows, I was a little disturbed after viewing the entire site, the guy doesn’t even have one link back to wordpress that I can find anywhere. that kind of irritates me……..
It’s pretty understandable, especially given the recent step up in spamming and hacking.
Actually I never EVER use opensource software which enforces the placing of a backlink on the frontend (links in the admin interface are ok) and I immediately lift off any code in OS software which is a backlink to the homepage of the software, regardless whether it’s for an own site or a client’s.
Most times I include a backlink in a links page, usually I also include at least 1-2 other similar OS softwares as links. But I lately tend to not do this either. Maybe I’ll switch to a gif displaying the make, I dunno yet.
But given that all spammers and hackers need to do to target specific OS software-driven sites is doing a google search, and given the fact that few OSS so far really have dealt with the problem inherent to their being open source, I see no reason to place a huge advertisement on a page saying “Hey spammers and hackers! HEEE-LLO-HO! Here I am and you know how to spam and hack me!”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Default anti-spam system in WP is a joke!Hi again,
I’m not so sure about this being trackbacks only. I just cleaned up 14 sites, 5 WP sites among them, these all have trackbacks turned off and Akismet installed. Conceded, there was less spam on them, than e.g. on some other sites (I just deleted way above 10.000 comments on a gallery site which allows comments only for registered users e.g.). I checked, all this SPAM stems from within the last 2-3 weeks, 4 at most, and the most SPAM happened during the last 4-5 days.
Thus to me it appears this is not specific to WP, someone must have “stepped up the game” and found some new general PHP code exploit.
Curiously, the spam I found from the last day includes URIs which point to official php-sites too. This special spam “feels” like very curious script kiddies. And once more: this is different domains, different scripts, everywhere with above standard spam protection. The amounts are equally ridiculous, I was notified by one host, that a script exceeded MySQL space allotment. There spam generated above 200 meg usage within one night, from the same spammer, which is pretty counter productive.
I’ve been checking the relevant support areas for all touched scripts, and this seems to be a netwide problem rising over the past days. All are PHP, most had medium to strict rules in place (including “reg users only” and antispam mods).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Default anti-spam system in WP is a joke!Hi,
may not be of interest, but I noticed on ALL php-scripts I maintain a SHARP rise of commentspam. And I don’t mean WP, I literally mean ALL (like galleries, calendars, etc.), even where comments were turned off to start with.
From yesterday to tonite I had 500 spams in one gallery script.
Reads like a concrete exploit to me and yes, this will have to be fixed.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How do you promote your Blog?Hi HandySolo,
I unchecked – still the WYSIWYG or the system manipulates the HTML. That actually was the first thing I tried when trying to tame that thing for my noobie client.
What is curious about this is that the Quicktags editor doesn’t do the same any which way. It’s only the WYSIWYG. What’s worse even, when I tried correcting tabular data in the Quicktags editor, saved and then opened the same page again in the WYSIWYG it barfed the same tagsoup AGAIN all over that page. And I guarantee, the auto-correction is definitely off.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How do you promote your Blog?Hi moshu,
I believe it’s a combo of a theme which doesn’t give the correct doctype and doesn’t properly close the meta’s, and the furious “correction” the WYSIWYG editor makes unasked for.
I agree with that this WYSIWYG is a horror, as it already malfunctions gravely if you do not input code yourself, just correct stuff you want differently in a post.
Is there a bugreport for that editor as a whole? Or does anyone know whether there are plans to tame it?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How do you promote your Blog?Hi DomFontana,
why don’t you try switching your theme and see whether all of those errors surface again?
Also, what editor have you been using to write your posts with? Have you made corrections while writing? Have you set the centering with that editor manually?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WordPress html editor not workingHi Liverpoollad,
yep, that’s what I was talking about here:
The normal Wysiwyg editor runs rampage with tags.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How do you promote your Blog?Hi Moshu,
what sort of hat do you have? ;-)))
Hi DomFontana,
As to the pictures, the problem can be part of resizing processes and the software you use. Try to resize one step a time: change picture dpi size (300 pixels/inch —> 72 pixels/inch) and save. Then change picture dimensional size (800—>200 pixels) and save. Open again and use a good compression which will however not make the photo too pixellated, and save. Your hamburger pics could be as small as a few bytes.
Look here:
Same dimensions in this case, but now only 12967 bytes large (10 times smaller!).
Oh, and never ever use .bmp files on the net, they are as large as tiff files! ??
The best software for good compression is Fireworks, better yet than Adobe Photoshop.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Security Alert? A7A php mailerHi,
a good host can literally “see” what venue was exploited to hack an account. Its a bit of work though, and many are too lazy to do that.
I’m lucky insofar that my reseller account sits with a host who is anything but lazy. Their safety measures are great to start with, but during those very few instances over the past 4-5 years that a site got hacked, they could precisely pinpoint which was the fault and venue and even name the file and precise entry method.
It usually was indeed a script not updated inspite of a security warning, they didn’t blame the script either, nor did they take down any accounts, they just politely asked to have the script updated. But it sure helps to get a precise point of entry and filename.
So, I recommend a better host.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which is the best WYSIWYG editor?Hi LiverpoolLad,
I believe we are talking about two different editors. I am talking about the WYSIWYG editor bundled with WP, you seem to talk about the Quicktags one.
There’s nothing about closing or not closing tags, which riles me. It’s about sprinkling needlessly ‘s or about stripping out <div>’s or about entering a wild nested mess of <font> tags, once the post gets saved.
Also – a WYSIWYG editor has to be so robust, that a noob can use it (as it’s meant for noobs, I never ever use WYSIWYG editors myself) and NOT produce a mess or at least only a small one.
I’m talking about very simple stuff here:
– bold/unbold
– underline/un-underline
– align/unalign left/right/center
– edit text in a table
– align thumbnails and picturesThat’s truly not much to ask, que no? Offline WYSIWYG editors 10 years ago managed to pull that much off without creating such an abysmal tagsoup and I just tested the Wysi-editors for Serendipity, Nucleus, Textpattern and Dotclear, they curiously all manage that much.
By now I’m convinced that it’s the interplay of WP and the editor which creates this curious behaviour. Sigh.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which is the best WYSIWYG editor?Hi Liverpoollad,
what gives me the willies is how liberal the editor is with sprinkling tags around no one ever wanted, or to not remove those you want to remove (even when doing it in the html popup).
If I was to grade this editor by normal wysiwygs, I’d say it’s on a worse level than the Word WWW editor, it doesn’t even begin to touch Frontpage and it sure as hell is no Dreamweaver.
What we truly need is something self-restricted as Dreamweaver.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which is the best WYSIWYG editor?Oh, and just for the fun of it, this is what someone like this answers, if you ask “how would you feel using code directly?”:
“Please note: I know NOTHING about creating or publishing data on the internet. Nothing. I don’t know what is HTML code. I know only that html is written at the end of some webpage addresses.”
That’s meant word for word exactly as it’s written and not to be cute. And that’s not the only client who tells me the like. So in my book creating/having a wysiwyg editor which works cleanly is really a priority.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which is the best WYSIWYG editor?Hi Ajay,
unfortunately this one ties only into phpBB and SMF, not WordPress.
At that precise moment I don’t care about XHTML, plain ole HTML would suffice for me. But clean HTML at that…
Thanks for the input, anyone else have an idea yet?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which is the best WYSIWYG editor?Hi Ajay,
as I explained, this blog is not for me (I can write html even without Quicktags ;-)), it’s for a client who is an absolute html noob. She has no knowledge whatsoever and is afraid of code.
What truly exasperates me in that whole regard is, that the major other blog softwares like Nucleus or the online blogging services seem to all come up with wysiwyg editors which do not have the problem the WP one has: namely to insert faulty html and run havoc during repeated editing.
If you have a close look at the html after a few basic edits of a post, you become quite sick. And that’s absolutely needless. I remember – loooong, long ago – that even AOL’s basic editor AOLPress managed to create working html. And I hate AOL, but dang it, they pulled that much off.
I’m no programmer, but if you have a basic editor which produces halfway clean html like the Quicktags editor, it ought not to be a major problem, to use that syntax for a wysiwyg version of the same. Hey, even the Joomla people managed to pull it off ;-))
And it’s not as if this is a single complaint here, I’ve filched all other posts about this topic, it’s irritating the hell out of people. Sigh.