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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Kubrick questionHi moshu,
thanks, I’ll try. And nope, that wasn’t self evident to me, I checked the IDs via FF and saw there’s a class attached to the sidebar display – which usually means the class already exists ;-)))
So I can eat the tomatoes now :o)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Kubrick questionHi moshu,
actually I would have loved having the Laila skin of Nucleus ?? Love that one.
Well, I adapted Kubrick, so of course I used the same set of images.
My problem is, that I don’t find those classes. Maybe I have tomatoes currently where my eyeballs ought to be, but I’ve been looking for them and can’t find them.
Or do you mean to say I have to ADD them to Kubrick CSS to change the sidebar looks?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Kubrick questionHi moshu,
LOL – I arrived where I want to be, except for the darn sidebar…
But yes, I was astonished what kind of theme is delivered as default. It’s pretty… err… I’d better not be specific ??
I’m – as we speak – filching existing themes. But unfortunately most are not what I’m looking for, and short of downloading and installing I can’t exactly see whether they are what I need.
So I hope those among you who have a better insight:
I have a header img, a footer img and a container img which I need to keep using or it’ll be from scratch again. The theme should be right sidebar/two-colums, fixed width.
That’s why classic doesn’t help me any.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBHi again,
@podz: Yes, that’s how it’ll work. He’ll get a list of actions he will have to do so that he can upload and post pictures. With that plugin Kassad pointed out this is no problem. What’s really nice: you can turn off the standard WP upload, it’s invisible then.
@moshu (sorry for the d) and syncbox: I just want a quicktag which – when he highlights the whole image insert code – will bracket this in a p align=center. Left and Right work as they should with the Imagemanager. It’s just centering a large image which won’t work (didn’t work with the WP wysiwyg editor either). I’ll look into the info.
BTW, I agree this forum is not really for people not experienced in web apps.
First off, the initial problem with my question here is typical for such forums. Too many people tend to tell you – off their head – that you’d better learn how to answer your own question, rather than that they answer it straight away.
This is pretty presumptious and it’s worse for laypeople who never before even tried to find support. No one in real life, if you ask him e.g. “Where is the trainstation XY?” will answer “buy yourself a map” or “study geography”. Instead they’ll say “follow that street, turn left at the second cross road and heads on is the station”. This is the normal way to react. Not so on forums like this one (and don’t mistake me, most other support forums also have their generous share of “second-guessers”).
While I’m netsavvy enough to be able to deal with something like this, a complete noob will be severely put off, probably for ever. Not nice.
And another problem, which is special to this forum here, as I noticed, it’s not particularly well organized. Neither through search, nor through scanning threads does one easily find the info one hunts for. I dunno why this kind of forum was set up, rather than one more differentiated (e.g. SMF), maybe server load, whatever. But it isn’t really easy to navigate and find stuff.
E.g. I think that an advice like the one Kassad posted, which answers an obviously much sought after question, should belong into a sticky, posted in a structured forum subsystem (e.g. graphics and images) for everyone to hit directly while looking for a solution to photo/image problems.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBHi again,
@kassad: Great plugin, and it works like a CHARM! It’s the perfect solution for my problem, as it’ll be quite easy to write a ruleset for him as to how he can upload and paste his photos. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, that was precisely what I needed.
@moshud: Could you please post a basic quicktag for simple centering of either image or text? I still have the problem that even the “absmiddle” doesn’t center the image, whereas a p align=”center” does.
And as per seeing this plugin in action – I can only recommend replacing the current WP upload function with this one, it’s simply great and VERY logical and intuitive. Anyone using normal Windows on his computer will instinctively know how to manage his pictures with it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBDear SpencerP,
the next time take a question EXACTLY the way it is posted and believe the person asking, that this is PRECISELY what he wants to know. Anything else is entirely superfluous and there is absolutely no need for you to know the background. Thank you.
The question I posted was VERY precise and as I explained (which I absolutely shouldn’t need to!) I have my reasons for asking. If you can’t answer the question, there’s no need to be homey with the person asking. That’s a lesson one learns sooner or later. So you’re welcome to having learned that one today.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBHi,
my gut is telling me that a 52 y/o Ukrainian without any tech knowledge, without knowledge of English, a net access via a 28kb modem which costs him 20 bucks per hour, a day job of roughly 14-16 hours out of the house, needn’t spend costly time on a support forum he isn’t able to read anyway in the evenings … instead of simply being able to write a post and garner it with a pic or two and place it on his very first own homepage/blog.
Why do you think I posted the question? To be told to not do this? Why do you think I set the blog up for him? Because the guy is lazy? The blog will be hosted by me, and he’d have me down for a horrid host to give him something unusable and even make him spend hard-earned money to look for a solution he plain as hell can’t achieve on his own. This is like asking a cow to learn to ride a bicycle and I’m certainly not going to do this to someone I like and owe very much.
Sorry, but this type of answer raises my blood pressure by at least 50 points. I wouldn’t be asking in precisely the manner I do, if I thought things could work differently. Cost-free and well-meant advice: most times it’s just exasperating and useless to second-guess people in a teacherly manner, the majority know why they ask something specific.
I need a solution for this guy which he will be comfy with. And by the way – the same solution is needed for a couple of other users I need to set up with a WP blog, mostly also entirely beyond stumbling through a foreign language support forum without the slightest idea of what they’d be doing there.
So, anyone have a constructive idea how to achieve entire ease of use with the 2.0.1 version? I’d hate to have to switch to Nucleus (of which I know the upload and positioning of pictures works easily). If I’d known WP changed – of all things – this between 1.5 and 2.0 I’d probably have gone for Nucleus right away anyway. It’s so basic to have an easy insert function of photos.
I installed the “Filosofo Old-Style Upload” Plugin, which works just peachy and would be a good solution. But I need to get rid of the upload function in the Write/Edit interface.
That said, I tried the sem-admin plugin for lesser clutter in the admin interface, but it won’t function with 2.0.1.
I also tried the Changeset 3407 for the inline-upload which didn’t change a thing in behaviour of that function.
So now I’m short of ideas what else to try.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posting images to postsHi,
this also regards posting images, but has also a different angle:
Firstly – is there a way to ensure that the default setting of an uploaded image (when one drags it into the post) is “full image, unlinked”? Currently the default is “unlinked, thumbnail”.
Secondly – the wysiwyg editor seems to have problems with positioning images and treaten text around, below it. E.g. a return after a centered image (which nearly in any other kind of editing software results in placing the text after the image, untouched by its formatting) often results in text vanishing underneath the image, being incorrectly centered, jumping above the image or whatever other curious behaviour it wants to express on a specific post page. There’s little to no control over what gets displayed how.
I have to turn over the blog to a person not knowing a lot about HTML (and nothing of CSS) and he will certainly not be able to get this to work just the way he wants it to work.
Are there other wysiwyg editors for WP? And if not, is there an alternative to picture manipulation if the tinyMCE is switched off?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Iimage Gallery and Linking backStill no one with an idea about this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Iimage Gallery and Linking backAnyone?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Permalinks and SubdomainsHi,
I seem to have the same problem. Can someone explain to me, what the content of such a .htaccess file needs to be and where I should place it?
For a while things worked allright, then I engaged Permalinks, which I dropped later again. Now the / in the Options after the blog address won’t save.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Very simple sidebar wanted – non-indentedWorked for the lists – great! And thanks!
Now I have but to find a means to get the calendar and the searchform to flush ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Very simple sidebar wanted – non-indentedThis is the sidebar code:
<div id=”sidebar”>
- <h2><?php _e(‘Categories’); ?></h2>
- <?php _e(‘Termine:’); ?>
<?php ec2_get_events(5,’j F’); ?>
<?php list_cats(0, ‘all’, ‘name’, ‘asc’, ‘asc’, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,”,”,”,”,”); ?>
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>’ . __(‘Pages’) . ‘</h2>’ ); ?>
<li id=”calendar”><h2>Kalender</h2>
<?php ec2_get_calendar(); ?><h2><?php _e(‘Archive’); ?></h2>
<?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’); ?>
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’); ?>
<?php get_links_list(); ?>
<h2><?php _e(‘Admin’); ?></h2>
<?php wp_register(); ?>
<?php wp_loginout(); ?>
<?php wp_meta(); ?></div>
I’ve commented out everything except the
ul from CSS and everything is set to zero and none. I still get formatting and indentations (links, searchform, calendar). I’ve e.g. looked at links.php in the includes, but fail to pinpoint where exactly this may format the links list.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Very simple sidebar wanted – non-indentedHi there,
what for? As far as I understand things by now, I will have to write both sidebar-relevant CSS and sidebar.php from scratch to achieve what I want.
What currently puzzles me is WHERE I need to look. There are snippets in the CSS file, snippets in the sidebar.php and there has to be formatting somewhere else, or I wouldn’t get indented lists e.g. for links without any formatting applied to it in CSS and in sidebar.php.
In HTML I’d simply add a <br> after each line and be done with it. That would even work with categories, pages and links, but certainly not with the dynamic parts like the archives.
- <?php _e(‘Termine:’); ?>