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  • Thread Starter lhk


    Hi manstraw,

    the links aren’t in the sidebar for that site, they are in an own page. And I like to use the links administration because clients can easily use that, but not so easily add them via html.

    Thread Starter lhk


    Hi manstraw,

    yes that’s the problem, that this will only sort 10 links.

    I found a plugin, but it requires changing the core files, and I never install such plugins. It’s too much hassle later.

    I’m astonished that no one else has ever wanted to sort links manually. I’m no coder, but links do have an ID, don’t they? So it shouldn’t be that difficult, que no?

    Thread Starter lhk


    Hi manstraw,

    thanks for the suggestion ??

    Ahemm… I’m puzzled…

    How could ordering categories order links on the links page? Are links actually “posts in a category” with WP?

    Hi Pizdin-Dim,

    why don’t you READ what WordPress China, I and others here write?

    We both run WP on own dedicated well-setup, well-configued and certainly WELL-ENDOWED servers. We both run also such software as Nucleus, TP, Joomla, SMF, etc. etc. (and yes, I absolutely, completely disagree with your statement regarding other software. I DID install the same on lesser accounts without a fraction of the trouble WP makes under these circumstances! Not once, I did so repeatedly and they run well and don’t hog ressources).

    And we notice – ON THE SAME ACCOUNT/SERVER – that WP has a memory/ressources usage problem.

    I will be more precise yet: this problem started with version 2.0.0. I have a testbed 1.5 installation running (STILL ON THE SAME SERVER) and it DOES NOT cause this problem.

    All of that is pretty conclusive.

    So – stop mumbling about DB-configuration and cheap hosting, we talk (in my case) of a 500,-/month server and we talk of the same server with various reactions to WP 1.5, WP 2.0 and Nucleus/TP and others. And the “bad boy” is indeed WP.

    Thus, instead of coming up with countless excuses, maybe you can suggest HOW WORDPRESS NEEDS TO BE CHANGED to stop hogging ressources?! Because otherwise all which you have been saying is quite simply: “f..k you, if you can’t put it on an expensive account.”

    If users need to host a simple blogging software or CMS on an account which could stomach a chatserver, so sorry, pizdin_dim, then you’ve got to adjust your specs on realities a bit, because this is pretty ridiculous.

    Hi Pizdin_Dim,

    I don’t “get” your approach at all.

    Many, yes, MANY people here have noticed the recent problem WP creates in this department. It’s highly unlikely that they all are on the same server. Nor is it likely that all are on cheap hosts. I noticed it and I pay nearly 500 bucks for my own, and run WP for customers also, on hosts ranging from 20 bucks/year up to 50 bucks/month accounts.

    The ressources/performance problem can be noticed on ALL of them since the latest major update (2.0). Some have trouble due that change, others can (still) stomach it.

    But it’s totally beside the point to blame servers, db setups, or the money available to users. It’s a problem WP has/creates.

    As was said by many here, and as I can see daily in my stats, there are excellent blog softwares, competitors of WP, and even fullblown CMS which don’t create such a problem. I go one step further, if such a problem were to surface in one of their usergroups and came to the awareness of the devs, people would – instead of a continueing attempt to excuse the software – snap to to remedy it.

    So what is your goal in this debate? Make WP some sort of elitist thing which can only be used by people on a hot server paying a load of money? Because that’s exactly how you sound.

    Hi Viper007Bond,

    sorry, but your response is pretty callous.

    Many people don’t have 10+ USD per month for hosting. Even if you consider that “dirt cheap”, to them it isn’t.

    Blogging software, such as WP, especially OSS, often are used as a (political/societal/journalistic) expression tool for people else devoid of a means to do so. For many of these people paying 120+ bucks per year is a major expense.

    So maybe the shoe is on the other foot: a good, quality software had better get its act together regarding usability (sic!) and see to it, that it’s no ressources hog.

    I am on my own dedicated server, which costs me a packet and is no meagre affair (dual 3.0 GHZ xeon, 2 giga RAM ), I host quite a few WP blogs for customers and I too see serious, very recent problems and demands made by WP since version 2.0.0. The server can deal with it, but I most certainly am NOT happy with that either. Especially when I compare these installations with those I run of Nucleus or TP. It’s needless expenditure of ressources and this kind of thing is one of the points which broke a couple of other softwares’ necks.

    Why be second or thirdclass if it’s just a question of optimizing?


    get yourself a free FTP program, for starters. E.g. WS-FTP.

    Usually the theme zip-file contains a readme or other explanation on what should be done and how to install the theme.

    In general themes go into the /wp-content/themes/ folder into a subfolder named according to the theme’s name. Depending on whether or not it’s widgetized or needs plugins, those have to be installed in the plugins folder as described in the theme’s readme.


    with a correctly configured suexec and an overall tight ship all folders *need* to be 755 and won’t even work when chmodded to 777.

    I’ve set up everything from Mambo to WP or MediaWiki under suexec and 755/644 folder/file permissions. Even SimpleMachines which is known to be finicky if folders are not 777.

    I’ve recently set up 4 WP installs (versions 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2) and upgraded them under 755, without trouble. Users create folders and upload also without trouble. Thus it’s most certainly not WP which is causing the problem.

    Oh yes, moshu rocks, wait till you get to deal with his encyclopedic knowledge of plugins ??


    I’m afraid that you also mix up CSS with template. Any theme consists of at least this index.php (in the theme’s folder) AND the CSS file. Only together they function as a theme: the index.php is the architecture (or structure, if you will), the CSS file is what decides on the look and positioning.

    The root index file should never be meddled with. If it isn’t as in Moshu’s sample, either you or someone else did so obviously not knowing what they were doing.

    A common mistake is uploading a new theme, and placing the index.php of the theme not in the theme folder, but instead in the root folder.


    do as they say, reinstall your WP installation.

    Cheap host by the way – a nightly save of the whole HDD is the least of all security measures I require of a host. My current one has managed to play back just about any installation and account as needed.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Duh….


    I’d say you begin by hiring a competent webdesigner.

    Yep, as sushubh said, plus upon scripts processed by the processor of the server.

    E.g. most hosts outright refuse to allow chat scripts due the fact they need enormous processor ressources.

    Ask your host to increase it and add a big “please”.


    that is more than ample in the bandwidth/space department if you don’t plan to host lots of videos et al.

    You will have to check on ressources however, much more important with php apps.

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