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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Change the voteWarning: in the wp_postmeta strings (your $result3) may contain different quotes and types.
So, please using php serialize() function or using get_post_meta()/update_field() functions for automatically unserialize/serialize strings.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Change the voteHi,
there is no such opportunity in this plugin.Sorry, my English is bad, but:
You right: rating`s data stored in wp_acfsrf table.
But wp_acfsrf data not used in showing of rating results(only for check permission and rules setting).Data used in showing – wp_postmeta table’s data. These data are serialized (example: a2: {s: 4: “avrg”; s: 1: “0”; s: 5: “votes”; s: 1: “0”}).
Before deleting data from wp_acfsrf, you must recalculate the data wp_postmeta (example):
$new_result = array (
‘avrg’ => $new_avrg,
‘votes’ => $votes – 1);
update_field ($field_key, $new_result, $ post_id);
But in this case, all user’s voting data will be erased.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Sorting by ratingHello!
Sorry, but data is serialized.
Method to sorting you can see here: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Not working with TablepressHi,
What I see:
column1: post_id = 138, filed_id = field_557b917f1fbf4
column2: post_id = 138, filed_id = field_557b8c23f4a7d
column3: post_id = 138, filed_id = field_557b917f1fbf4You can’t use same rating field for same post (on any page) twice.
Maybe – it’s the problem, test this.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Adding languageHi,
I’m using __(), _n() functions for all words, thus you can use .mo (+ .po) files.
There’s the “ACF qTranslate” plugin for ACF. Compatibility ACF: Star Rating Field with qTranslate is not planned.
I don’t speak much English, maybe I incorrectly understand you?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Cookies and European Privacy PolicyHi,
@luckyjdesign this plugin writen under the WordPress privacy policy and
Jan Dembowski is right.
Yet, this plugin sets one test cookie for testing of browser cookies enabled ($_COOKIE[acf-srf_test_cookie], ttl = one day), and sets one cookie per post to save every user vote if you check “Everyone visitors (used cookie)” on plugin setting page ($_COOKIE[str-{ACF-FIELD-KEY}][{POST ID}]).
If “used cookie” is selected, the only users which use browser with cookies enabled will be able to vote.
Also you can set “time to live” cookie, using “Revote” setting.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Please do not add jQuery in bodyHi,
Sorry, I can’t help you at once – I’m on leave now.
If you will change the code, please send me your result (write here or git).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Activation only via posts edit form?I can’t understand why the field key is not available.
Can I look at your code?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Activation only via posts edit form?Hi,
If I understand your problem:
1. use the field_key to display rating (you can using field_name, if reference for a value already exists)
2. try to use update_field() function (with “0” value, with field_key) after wp_insert_post(). See ACF docs:
I hope this may help you… ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Is it fully compatible with ACF 5.2.1 Pro?Sorry for delayed reply (have not received the mail from WP support forum).
The plugin must be compatible with all versions of branches ACF 4(4+).
Compatibility with ACF5 is not planned yet.I’m glad I was able to help you.
Good luck.OK. I see.
Please, try to change FIELD_NAME to FIELD_KEY, and test a results:
$value = get_field( “field_****” );
If field value is undefined, you can’t use FIELD_NAME for this field.
If the problem persist, it is may be problem jQuery conflict, see:,
This plugin – is Advanced Custom Fields Add-on. You installed both plugins, but not seen Star rating field on ACF settings page ({your url} /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=acf, section jQuery). Am I right?
If so, try to check the permissions on the plugin files – it should be readable.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Very useful but reset feature missingThank you for your feedback.
You are right. There is no such function at this time.
I have planned to add this function in the future. But not now.
At the beginning I am planning to make possible full reset (votes for all post/page/other objects). And then per post/object’s votes.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [ACF: Star Rating Field] Doesn't work for AdminHi,
The plugin is really designed as user rating plugin.
In the description of the plugin I wrote, “In admin panel the rating is inactive.”At the moment I don’t plan to change the concept.
Possible, in the future I will create another “simple” plugin for editor rating (without statistics of voting, without voting/access rules, etc.).You need a rating of only ONE user (administrator/editor). Am I right?
I would recommend you to solve this problem without a rating plugin:
1. create a simple ACF SELECT field (text or range) in the admin panel
2. create a picture in the theme template, using two images (empty star and full star) and PHP loop.
In this case, you can use your favorite picture of star ;). Is this solution good for you?This plugin is really quite “heavy” for your problem (in the sense of system resources).
English is not my first language. I hope that you will understand me correctly.Kind regards,