Forum Replies Created
Unfotunately IW does not query taxonomies at all. It only uses them to filter posts. I have put this on our list of enhancements (real requests take priority over what we think would be neat).
Check back soon for updates!
Taxonomies are currently the weak link with IntelliWidget. You can filter posts by a single category (or multiple categories if you use the shortcode). You can also create post-specific widgets, but not taxonomy page-specific or other archive-specific widgets. (The site-wide intelliwidgets do work as advertised on these pages, however.)
A future release will completely overhaul the way IW handles taxonomies, but that is a lower priority than other features right now.
If you have something specific in mind, we could discuss developing a customized version …
You can use IntelliWidget to display any menu that you set up under Appearance > Menus using the Nav Menu select option under “Advanced Settings.”
For primary menus (that do not change from page to page), you probably want to include theme in your theme template files instead. See Navigation_Menus in the Codex for more information.
Let us know if you need additional help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Child Theme Configurator] Adding theme FunctionsVersion 1.1.9 now writes a blank functions.php file in the child theme directory.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Child Theme Configurator] Adding theme FunctionsGreat idea. Consider it done.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Child Theme Configurator] Adding theme FunctionsWe have not added theme php editing to CTC because it would not add value over editing the files manually.
CTC creates the child theme directory and stylesheet (the only requirements for a child theme) and gives you sophisticated tools to locate and override styles from the parent that are very time consuming to do manually.
If you have specific ideas for manipulating child theme php files that would make it easier to customize your theme, please let us know and we can try to get them in a future release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Child Theme Configurator] Override a plugins csswebbuddy:
Thanks and great call on using the @import!
We are working on adding hooks and filters that will let you point the configurator to any stylesheet in your content dir, not just style.css but that is a ways off.
For now you have figured out the best way to do it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IntelliWidget Per Page Custom Menus and Dynamic Content] Custom Post TypesOk, another possibility:
1. Open Advanced Settings.
2. Scroll to the bottom and select your CPT (uncheck others if desired).
3. Click “Save.”
4. Your posts should now appear in the “Specific Posts” list.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IntelliWidget Per Page Custom Menus and Dynamic Content] Custom Post TypesAuthors Edit: See my reply below:
Please take a look at the FAQs and let us know if this does not resolve your issue:
Why isn’t my Custom Post Type appearing as an option?
Custom Post Types must support custom fields (post meta data) for IntelliWidget to recognize them. Change the ‘supports’ parameter in the register_post_type function to include ‘custom-fields’.
Runs on 5.4, 5.3 and 5.2. Go further back than that at your own risk.
Thanks for using IW!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Child Theme Configurator] wpmuhakonzen:
Yes. Each network site can have its own parent/child themes. If you find any issues, please report them!
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Thanks, -jf
Yes, you can use the shortcode to pull posts into any content area. IntelliWidget lets you add css classes to the widget block.
If you want easy css styling check out our child theme configurator.
All —
Please upgrade to 1.4.4. Hopefully your faith will be restored.
Thanks for the heads up. Clearly we get a failing grade for the 1.4.3 release.
Please upgrade to 1.4.4.