Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Evolve] Bootstrap Slider Linksaah, sorry, I added hyperlink which changed into a link, silly me.. forgot about the backticks, the code is
<a href="https://your_link_here/"><img src="https://yourserver/transparent_picture.png"></a>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Evolve] Bootstrap Slider LinksHi,
I’m not sure I understand correctly, but I think you want your picture in the slider to link to another page without any text (title, description or button) visible? I did just that on my website ( If that’s what you want, here’s how to do it:Step 1. Create a transparent image that is the size of your slider picture. I use 1200×400 (although the standard is, I think, 1200×450) so I made a png file with nothing in it. Save it on your server.
Step 2. Go to theme settings and in the button field for the slide enter a link code that doesn’t use text but your image, example: <img src=”transparent_picture.png”>
Step 3 (if necessary). I played around with the slider because I wanted all the text gone from the pictures (even if it meant no link at all) so I added a custom css code which removed the bar and text (even though it’s still there in the theme option fields). If you need, try to add this code to custom css:#bootstrap-slider .carousel-caption h2 {
}.carousel-caption {
}That should do the trick.
Sorry, didn’t know how to send the code ??
* Plugin Name: Pinterest Pin It Button On Image Hover And Post
* Version: 1.2
* Description: Pin Your WordPress Blog Posts Pages Images With Pinterest
* Author: Weblizar
* Author URI:
* Plugin URI:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Constant Values & Variables
define(“WEBLIZAR_PINIT_PLUGIN_URL”, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__));
define(“WEBLIZAR_PINIT_TD”, “weblizar_pinit”);/**
* Default Setting
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘PiniIt_DefaultSettings’ );
function PiniIt_DefaultSettings(){
add_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Post”, 1);
add_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Page”, 1);
add_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_On_Hover”, “true”);
add_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Color”, “red”);
add_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Design”, “rectangle”);
add_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Size”, “small”);
}//Load saved pin it button settings
$PinItOnHover = get_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_On_Hover”);
if($PinItOnHover == “true”){
// Add hook for frontend <head></head>
add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘wl_pinit_js’);
function wl_pinit_js() {
$PinItOnHover = get_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_On_Hover”);
$PinItColor = get_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Color”);
$PinItSize = get_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Size”);
?><script type=”text/javascript” async defer data-pin-color=”<?php echo $PinItColor; ?>” <?php if($PinItSize == “large”) { ?>data-pin-height=”28″<?php }?> data-pin-hover=”<?php echo $PinItOnHover; ?>” src=”<?php echo WEBLIZAR_PINIT_PLUGIN_URL.”js/pinit.js”; ?>”></script><?php
}//Add Pin It Button After Post Content
function Load_pin_it_button_after_post_content($content){
if (is_single()) {
//check for enable post pin it button
$PinItPost = get_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Post”);
if(get_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Post”)) {
$content .= '<p style="float:left;"><img src="//" /></p>';
Note :- I have done only small change here- i have add this style here-
return $content;
add_filter( “the_content”, “Load_pin_it_button_after_post_content” );//Add Pin It Button After Page Content
function Load_pin_it_button_after_page_content($content){
if (!is_single()) {
//check for enable page pin it button
$PinItPage = get_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Page”);
if(get_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Page”)) {
$content .= ‘<p><img src=”//” /></p>’;
return $content;
}add_filter( “the_content”, “Load_pin_it_button_after_page_content” );
* Plugin Settings Admin Menu
add_action(‘admin_menu’,’WL_PinItButtonPage’);function WL_PinItButtonPage() {
$PinItAdminMenu = add_menu_page( __(‘Pinterest PinIt Button Settings’, WEBLIZAR_PINIT_TD), __(‘Pinterest PinIt Button’, WEBLIZAR_PINIT_TD), ‘administrator’, ‘pinterest-pinit-button-on-hover’, ‘pinterest_pinit_button_settings_page’, ‘dashicons-admin-post’);
add_action( ‘admin_print_styles-‘ . $PinItAdminMenu, ‘PiniIt_Menu_Assets’ );
* Load PinItAdminMenu Pages Assets JS/CSS/Images
function PiniIt_Menu_Assets() {
* All Required CSS & JS Files
wp_enqueue_style(‘bootstrap_css’, WEBLIZAR_PINIT_PLUGIN_URL.’css/bootstrap.css’);
wp_enqueue_style(‘weblizar-smartech-css’, WEBLIZAR_PINIT_PLUGIN_URL.’css/weblizar-smartech.css’);
wp_enqueue_style(‘font-awesome_min’, WEBLIZAR_PINIT_PLUGIN_URL.’font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css’);
wp_enqueue_style(‘font-animate’, WEBLIZAR_PINIT_PLUGIN_URL.’css/animate.css’);wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’);
}function pinterest_pinit_button_settings_page() {
}add_action( ‘wp_ajax_save_pinit’, ‘PinItSaveSettings’ );
function PinItSaveSettings() {
update_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Post”, $_POST[‘PinItPost’]);
update_option(“WL_Enable_Pinit_Page”, $_POST[‘PinItPage’]);
update_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_On_Hover”, $_POST[‘PinItOnHover’]);
update_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Design”, $_POST[‘PinItDesign’]);
update_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Color”, $_POST[‘PinItColor’]);
update_option(“WL_Pinit_Btn_Size”, $_POST[‘PinItSize’]);
} ?>Hi,
thanks, I’ve done what you said and I got a syntax error. See screenshot. Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] [SOLVED] Mobile Custom Header ResizingHi,
the image should be 960×114? How does it work, if the entire page is 1200? Also, what do you mean my site is not running styles.css. It does have this file..Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] [SOLVED] Mobile Custom Header ResizingHi,
how big the image for mobile version should be? Right now I’m using 1200×170. You said it yourself that my image is too big for a logo, and that’s why it shows poorly on mobile version. I’m confused, sorry! ??Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] [SOLVED] Mobile Custom Header ResizingHi,
I would love to prepare a bigger version for mobile mode, but a) I don’t know how big it should be, and b) even if I have it ready, I don’t know how to insert it. I’m totally new to wordpress..
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] [SOLVED] Mobile Custom Header ResizingHi,
thank you for your help. I know the image is too big for a logo, but I couldn’t get it to work with header image either. With header image the mobile version crops the image on both sides, so I figured it’s better to have the entire picture but small, rather than just a piece big.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Loco Translate] Cannot translate "Author Archives :" in blog listHi, I’m having the same issue. Some buttons don’t translate, like read more or reply. I installed Loco and it says the translation is 100%, and it shows proper translation, so I don’t know what to do. I tried manual changes and no results either.
My page is lilioweprojekty.plForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] [SOLVED] Mobile Custom Header Resizingmy address is
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] [SOLVED] Mobile Custom Header ResizingHi there,
I have a problem with custom header resizing and maybe you can help. It looks great on PC but on mobile it shrinks. I’ve searched and searched but nothing ?? All i have found is when the image is too big, but no word about the image being too small…