Forum Replies Created
Thanks for your answer Tobias!
I was thinking, could I add the JS initialization code in my header so it will be there for any page?
What would I have to add?
Thanks for your help, cheersForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payement gateways and update to woocommerce 2.0.4Hi Gadriv,
Sorry, I’m not that good at coding myself, I was able to solve the original issue at the time but finally ended up using MercadoPago as DineroMail was having issues, beyond that, maybe Claudio from can help you with your issue, as he is the coding expert here(read the whole thread)!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payement gateways and update to woocommerce 2.0.4Thanks for that!
The link so you can download the plugin is Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payement gateways and update to woocommerce 2.0.4V.tine,
I am using the last versions of wordpress and woocommerce and it works fine.
Please check that you inserted the wc-dineromail folder in (not into the woocommerce folder! This is where you may have gone wrong) and that in the php file you have copied the second piece of code that I posted, not the first. Check to see that it is complete. It seems that everything else you have done fine, so once you have copied everything into the plugins folder, it should appear in the list.
CheersMircop I think you should start a new thread your issue is different, sorry.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payement gateways and update to woocommerce 2.0.4Hi juampolo,
I think that this is a problem with Paypal. As far as I understand Paypal doesn’t operate in Argentine Pesos. Before, they would convert pesos to dollars for you and this conversion allowed you to pay in “pesos” (or their equivalent, converted to dollars). Unfortunately, since some time in 1012 this conversion from pesos to dollars has been suspended, so payments in pesos are no longer available. Check it out, I may be wrong.
CheersForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payement gateways and update to woocommerce 2.0.4You don’t have to, this plugin includes the gateway without having to modify the woocommerce code. You have to make a plugin folder called wc-dineromail, with a file inside called wc-dineromail.php that has the code I pasted in it, and a folder called images with the dineromail.jpg file i mentioned before, 48x48px.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payement gateways and update to woocommerce 2.0.4Hola Cristian,
Te lo adjunto aquí pero también necesitas una carpeta asociada con el logo de Dineromail. Si quieres usar este código agrega una carpeta llamada “images” que tenga un archivo dineromail.jpg de 48x48px.<?php /** * Plugin Name: Woocommerce DineroMail Gateway * Plugin URI: * Description: Provides a Dineromail Standard Payment Gateway. * Author: dineromail, claudiosanches, lilireed * Author URI: * Version: 0.1 */ /** * Load functions. */ add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wcdinheiromail_gateway_load', 0 ); function wcdinheiromail_gateway_load() { /** * Add the gateway to WooCommerce * * @access public * @param array $methods * @package WooCommerce/Classes/Payment * @return array */ function add_dineromail_gateway( $methods ) { $methods[] = 'WC_Dineromail'; return $methods; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_payment_gateways', 'add_dineromail_gateway' ); /** * DineroMail Standard Payment Gateway * * Provides a Dineromail Standard Payment Gateway. * * @class WC_Dineromail * @extends WC_Payment_Gateway */ class WC_Dineromail extends WC_Payment_Gateway { /** * Constructor for the gateway. * * @access public * @return void */ public function __construct() { global $woocommerce; $this->id = 'dineromail'; $this->icon = plugins_url( 'images/dineromail.jpg', __FILE__ ); $this->has_fields = false; $this->liveurl = ''; $this->testurl = ''; $this->method_title = __( 'DineroMail', 'woocommerce' ); // Load the form fields. $this->init_form_fields(); // Load the settings. $this->init_settings(); // Define user set variables $this->title = $this->settings['title']; $this->description = $this->settings['description']; $this->cuenta = $this->settings['cuenta']; $this->email = $this->settings['email']; $this->country = $this->settings['country']; $this->logo = $this->settings['logo']; $this->ipnpass = $this->settings['ipnpass']; $this->form_submission_method = ( isset( $this->settings['form_submission_method'] ) && $this->settings['form_submission_method'] == 'yes' ) ? true : false; // Logs $this->log = $woocommerce->logger(); // Actions add_action( 'init', array(&$this, 'check_ipn_response') ); add_action('valid-dineromail-standard-ipn-request', array(&$this, 'successful_request') ); add_action('woocommerce_receipt_dineromail', array(&$this, 'receipt_page')); if ( version_compare( WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION, '2.0.0', '>=' ) ) { add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array( &$this, 'process_admin_options' ) ); } else { add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways', array( &$this, 'process_admin_options' ) ); } if ( !$this->is_valid_for_use() ) $this->enabled = false; } function is_valid_for_use() { if (!in_array(get_woocommerce_currency(), array('ARS', 'BRL', 'CLP', 'MXN', 'USD'))) return false; return true; } public function admin_options() { ?> <h3><?php _e('DineroMail standard', 'woocommerce'); ?></h3> <p><?php _e('DineroMail standard works by sending the user to DineroMail to enter their payment information.', 'woocommerce'); ?></p> <table class="form-table"> <?php if ( $this->is_valid_for_use() ) : // Generate the HTML For the settings form. $this->generate_settings_html(); else : ?> <div class="inline error"><p><strong><?php _e( 'Gateway Disabled', 'woocommerce' ); ?></strong>: <?php _e( 'DineroMail does not support your store currency.', 'woocommerce' ); ?></p></div> <?php endif; ?> </table><!--/.form-table--> <?php } function init_form_fields() { $this->form_fields = array( 'enabled' => array( 'title' => __( 'Activar/Desactivar', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __( 'Activar DineroMail Estándar', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => 'yes' ), 'title' => array( 'title' => __( 'Title', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __( '<br />Este el título que el usuario mira en el checkout de WordPress.', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => __( 'DineroMail', 'woocommerce' ) ), 'description' => array( 'title' => __( 'Description', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'description' => __( 'Esta es la descripción que el usuario mira en el checkout de WordPress.', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => __("Pago con DineroMail", 'woocommerce') ), 'cuenta' => array( 'title' => __( 'Número de la Cuenta', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __( '<br />Debe ser insertado sin la barra(/) y sin el último dígito.', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => '' ), 'email' => array( 'title' => __( 'Mail de Registro en DineroMail', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __( '<br />Informe el mail que uso para se registrar en DineroMail.', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => '' ), 'country' => array( 'title' => __( 'País de Registro', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'select', 'description' => __( '<br />Informe el país de registro de su cuenta de DineroMail.', 'woocommerce' ), 'options' => array( 'Argentina' => __( 'Argentina', 'woocommerce' ), 'Brasil' => __( 'Brasil', 'woocommerce' ), 'Chile' => __( 'Chile', 'woocommerce' ), 'México' => __( 'México', 'woocommerce' ) ) ), 'logo' => array( 'title' => __( 'Logo de la Tienda', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __( '<br />Informe la url donde está alojada la imagen. Ejemplo: https://www.meusite/imagens/logo.jpg<br />Tamaño máximo: <b>756x100</b>.', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => '', 'readyonli' ), 'ipnpass' => array( 'title' => __( 'Contrase?a IPN', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __( '<br />Informe la contrase?a IPN caso vás usar la notificación de DineroMail.<br />Use la URL informada abajo para configurar la Notificación de DineroMail.<br />Para más informaciones sobre la IPN, consulte el manual IPN disponible en la url <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => '' ), 'ipnurl' => array( 'title' => __( 'URL IPN', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'description' => __( 'Caso vás usar la notificacion de DineroMail use la url ariba.<br />Para más información sobre la URL IPN consulte el Manual IPN disponible en la url <a href="" target="_blank"></a>', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => trailingslashit( home_url() ) . '?dineromailListener=dineromail_standard_IPN' ) ); } function get_dineromail_args( $order ) { global $woocommerce; $order_id = $order->id; if($this->country == "Argentina") { $currency = "ars"; $language = "es"; $countryid = 1; } elseif($this->country == "Brasil") { $currency = "brl"; $language = "pt"; $countryid = 2; } elseif($this->country == "Chile") { $currency = "clp"; $language = "es"; $countryid = 3; } elseif($this->country == "México") { $currency = "mxn"; $language = "es"; $countryid = 4; } if ($this->debug=='yes') $this->log->add( 'dineromail', 'Generating payment form for order #' . $order_id . '. Notify URL: ' . trailingslashit(home_url()).'?dineromailListener=dineromail_standard_IPN'); $dineromail_args = array_merge( array( 'change_quantity' => '0', 'payment_method_available' => 'all', 'merchant' => $this->cuenta, 'country_id' => $countryid, 'header_image' => $this->logo, 'seller_name' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ), 'language' => $language, 'transaction_id' => $order_id, 'currency' => $currency, 'ok_url' => add_query_arg( 'utm_nooverride', '1', $this->get_return_url( $order ) ), 'pending_url' => add_query_arg( 'utm_nooverride', '1', $this->get_return_url( $order ) ), 'error_url' => $order->get_cancel_order_url(), // Billing Address info 'buyer_name' => $order->billing_first_name, 'buyer_lastname' => $order->billing_last_name, 'buyer_email' => $order->billing_email, 'buyer_phone' => str_replace( array( '(', '-', ' ', ')', '.' ), '', $order->billing_phone ) ) ); // If prices include tax or have order discounts, send the whole order as a single item if ( get_option('woocommerce_prices_include_tax')=='yes' || $order->get_order_discount() > 0 ) : $pricediscount = sprintf('%.1f',$order->get_order_discount()); // Discount $dineromail_args['display_additional_charge'] = 1; $dineromail_args['additional_fixed_charge'] = $pricediscount.'-'; $dineromail_args['additional_fixed_charge_currency'] = get_woocommerce_currency(); endif; $item_names = array(); if (sizeof($order->get_items())>0) : foreach ($order->get_items() as $item) : if ($item['qty']) : $item_loop++; $product = $order->get_product_from_item($item); $item_name = $item['name']; $item_meta = new WC_Order_Item_Meta( $item['item_meta'] ); if ($meta = $item_meta->display( true, true )) : $item_name .= ' ('.$meta.')'; endif; $dineromail_args['item_name_'.$item_loop] = $item_name; $dineromail_args['item_quantity_'.$item_loop] = $item['qty']; $dineromail_args['item_ammount_'.$item_loop] = $order->get_item_total( $item, false );//$order->get_item_total( $item, true, true ); $dineromail_args['item_currency_'.$item_loop] = get_woocommerce_currency(); endif; endforeach; endif; // Shipping Cost if ( ( $order->get_shipping() + $order->get_shipping_tax() ) > 0 ) : $item_loop++; $dineromail_args['item_name_'.$item_loop] ='WPW - Tasa de Flete'; $dineromail_args['item_quantity_'.$item_loop] = '1'; $dineromail_args['item_ammount_'.$item_loop] = number_format( $order->get_shipping(), 2, '.', '' );//number_format( $order->get_shipping() + $order->get_shipping_tax() , 2, '.', '' ); $dineromail_args['item_currency_'.$item_loop] = get_woocommerce_currency(); endif; if ( $order->get_total_tax() > 0 ) : $item_loop++; $dineromail_args['item_name_'.$item_loop] ='WPW - Tasa de Impuesto'; $dineromail_args['item_quantity_'.$item_loop] = '1'; $dineromail_args['item_ammount_'.$item_loop] = number_format( $order->get_total_tax() , 2, '.', '' ); $dineromail_args['item_currency_'.$item_loop] = get_woocommerce_currency(); endif; $dineromail_args = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_dineromail_args', $dineromail_args ); return $dineromail_args; } function generate_dineromail_form( $order_id ) { global $woocommerce; $order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); $dineromail_adr = $this->liveurl; $dineromail_args = $this->get_dineromail_args( $order ); $dineromail_args_array = array(); foreach ($dineromail_args as $key => $value) { $dineromail_args_array[] = '<input type="hidden" name="'.esc_attr( $key ).'" value="'.esc_attr( $value ).'" />'; } $woocommerce->add_inline_js(' jQuery("body").block({ message: "<img src=\"' . esc_url( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_ajax_loader_url', $woocommerce->plugin_url() . '/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif' ) ) . '\" alt=\"Redirecting…\" style=\"float:left; margin-right: 10px;\" />'.__('Gracias por su pedido. Ahora estamos te redirigiremos a DineroMail para hacer el pago.', 'woocommerce').'", overlayCSS: { background: "#fff", opacity: 0.6 }, css: { padding: 28, textAlign: "center", color: "#555", border: "3px solid #aaa", backgroundColor:"#fff", cursor: "wait", lineHeight: "32px" } }); jQuery("#submit_dineromail_payment_form").click(); '); return '<form action="'.esc_url( $dineromail_adr ).'" method="post" id="dineromail_payment_form" target="_top"> ' . implode('', $dineromail_args_array) . ' <input type="submit" class="button-alt" id="submit_dineromail_payment_form" value="'.__('Pay via DineroMail', 'woocommerce').'" /> <a class="button cancel" href="'.esc_url( $order->get_cancel_order_url() ).'">'.__('Cancel order & restore cart', 'woocommerce').'</a> </form>'; } function process_payment( $order_id ) { $order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); if ( $this->form_submission_method ) { $dineromail_args = $this->get_dineromail_args( $order ); $dineromail_args = http_build_query( $dineromail_args, '', '&' ); $dineromail_adr = $this->liveurl . '?'; return array( 'result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $dineromail_adr . $dineromail_args ); } else { return array( 'result' => 'success', 'redirect' => add_query_arg('order', $order->id, add_query_arg('key', $order->order_key, get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('pay')))) ); } } function receipt_page( $order ) { echo '<p>'.__('Thank you for your order, please click the button below to pay with DineroMail.', 'woocommerce').'</p>'; echo $this->generate_dineromail_form( $order ); } /** * Check DineroMail IPN validity **/ function check_ipn_request_is_valid() { global $woocommerce; if ($this->debug=='yes') $this->log->add( 'dineromail', 'Checking IPN response is valid...' ); // Get recieved values from post data $received_values = (array) stripslashes_deep( $_POST ); // Add cmd to the post array $received_values['cmd'] = '_notify-validate'; // Send back post vars to dineromail $params = array( 'body' => $received_values, 'sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 30, 'user-agent' => 'WooCommerce/' . $woocommerce->version ); // Get url if ( $this->testmode == 'yes' ): $dineromail_adr = $this->testurl; else : $dineromail_adr = $this->liveurl; endif; // Post back to get a response $response = wp_remote_post( $dineromail_adr, $params ); if ($this->debug=='yes') $this->log->add( 'dineromail', 'IPN Response: ' . print_r($response, true) ); // check to see if the request was valid if ( !is_wp_error($response) && $response['response']['code'] >= 200 && $response['response']['code'] < 300 && (strcmp( $response['body'], "VERIFIED") == 0)) { if ($this->debug=='yes') $this->log->add( 'dineromail', 'Received valid response from DineroMail' ); return true; } if ($this->debug=='yes') : $this->log->add( 'dineromail', 'Received invalid response from DineroMail' ); if (is_wp_error($response)) : $this->log->add( 'dineromail', 'Error response: ' . $result->get_error_message() ); endif; endif; return false; } /** * Check for DineroMail IPN Response * * @access public * @return void */ function check_ipn_response() { if (isset($_GET['dineromailListener']) && $_GET['dineromailListener'] == 'dineromail_standard_IPN'): $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST); if($_REQUEST['Notificacion']){ ini_set("allow_url_fopen", 1); ini_set("allow_url_include", 1); $notificacion = htmlspecialchars_decode($_REQUEST['Notificacion']); $notificacion = str_replace("<?xml version='1.0'encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>", "", $notificacion); $notificacion = str_replace("<?xml version=\'1.0\'encoding=\'ISO-8859-1\'?>", "", $notificacion); $notificacion = str_replace("<?xmlversion=\'1.0\'encoding=\'ISO-8859-1\'?>", "", $notificacion); $notificacion = str_replace("<?xmlversion='1.0'encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>", "", $notificacion); $notificacion = str_replace("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>", "", $notificacion); $notificacion = str_replace("<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'ISO-8859-1\'?>", "", $notificacion); $doc = new SimpleXMLElement($notificacion); $tipo_notificacion = $doc ->tiponotificacion; foreach ($doc ->operaciones ->operacion as $OPERACION){ $id_operacion = $OPERACION->id; $this->successful_request($id_operacion); } } endif; } /** * Successful Payment! * * @access public * @param array $posted * @return void */ function successful_request( $id_operacion ) { global $woocommerce; $order = new WC_Order( (int)$id_operacion ); $nrocta = $this->cuenta; $senhaipn = $this->ipnpass; //var_dump($order); if($this->country == "Argentina") { $url=""; } elseif($this->country == "Brasil") { $url=""; } elseif($this->country == "Chile") { $url=""; } elseif($this->country == "México") { $url=""; } $data = 'DATA=<REPORTE><NROCTA>'.$nrocta.'</NROCTA><DETALLE><CONSULTA><CLAVE>'.$senhaipn.'</CLAVE><TIPO>1</TIPO><OPERACIONES><ID>'.$id_operacion.'</ID></OPERACIONES></CONSULTA></DETALLE></REPORTE>'; $url = parse_url($url); $host = $url['host']; $path = $url['path']; $fp = fsockopen($host, 80); fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Host: $host\r\n"); //fputs($fp, "Referer: $referer\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-length: ". strlen($data) ."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); fputs($fp, $data); $result = ''; while(!feof($fp)) { // resultado del request $result .= fgets($fp, 128); } // cierra conexion fclose($fp); // separa el header del content $result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $result, 2); //$header = isset($result[0]) ? $result[0] : ''; $content = isset($result[1]) ? $result[1] : ''; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content); $estadoxml = $xml ->ESTADOREPORTE; if($estadoxml==1){ foreach ($xml ->DETALLE->OPERACIONES->OPERACION as $OPERACION){ $trx_id= $OPERACION->ID; $estadotrans= $OPERACION->ESTADO; if($estadotrans==1){ $order->update_status( 'pending' ); } elseif($estadotrans==2){ $order->update_status( 'completed' ); } elseif($estadotrans==3){ $order->update_status( 'cancelled' ); } } } } } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payement gateways and update to woocommerce 2.0.4thanks kbilicicweb!
I had my currency added to woocommerce with a plugin so that should’ve been working…
Anyway, Claudio from helped me tons and made a working plugin out of that code that so far has had no glitches.
If anyone is interested in the results let me know and I’ll send you the files.cheers!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving wordpress: HTTP 500 error – Working AdminSorry, using last version of wordpress.. 3.3
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Form Manager] Specific amount of submissions?Thanks!
I did just that, now there′s no fear of upgrades! ??About the specific amount of submissions, though, do you have any ideas?
This is what I’d asked before:
I would like to be able to assign a defined amount of submissions, say, once 5 people have answered this form, the task is considered completed, and the post containing this form would be marked as private.There′s a plugin I’m using to mark posts as private after a certain date, Content Scheduler… I imagine I could see if I can do something similar to what we did with the points, and I should add some code to retrieve the number of submissions allowed… (of course first I would have to set it!! ha). Where would you do this?
Thanks sooo much for all the help!
PD: Here’s the Content Scheduler code I’ll try to fit in to expire the post on the “nth” submission:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Form Manager] Specific amount of submissions?thanks so much, this will certainly come in handy… I didn’t quite grasp everything you wrote because I’m not at all comfortable with PHP and MySQL… ?? But thanks to your update I was able to find the file in which all these post submit commands are to figure out how to add points (yeah, I couldn’t figure that one out).
Just so you know, here’s what I did:
The CubePoints plugin has hooks to add points for different actions a user may do, like for example posting a comment. So I copied this line of code from the hook in cp_points.php:
cp_points('comment', cp_currentUser(), apply_filters('cp_comment_points',get_option('cp_comment_points')), $cid);
and copied it into your API.php file after where you included the fm_form_submission action.
So now, Every time a form is submitted, the default amount of points that I set for comments in the CubePoints configuration page will be added to the user account.
In cp_hooks.php I commented out all the lines that added points for registering, adding posts… ect because I didn’t want users to add points for these actions.
To further customize this, I added the “custom points” module to CubePoints, that allows you to add a specific amount of points for comments to any particular post. So if I give the submission of a form in a certain post 45 points, when the person submits it, 45 points will be added.
Works like a charm!!
Anyway, being able to access the data you mentioned above will be great.
I’ll let you know when I’ve put the page online, so you can see what I’m talking about if it sounds like jibberish!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Form Manager] profile formHi hoffcamp, the addition to the edit form worked fine!
Didn’t quite get the JS part, but anyway I’ll try to redirect users away from the profile page once they have updated it…Have you by any chance made these “profile type” forms actually update the new fields to the wordpress user profile page? That would be AWESOME… There are so many people trying to hack this and get it to work properly, I myself have only gotten it to work with text fields… with your plugin it could be easily done!!
Thanks for all the help…
LiliForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Form Manager] Specific amount of submissions?Hi hoffcamp, thanks for the interest!
Here’s what I’m trying to do. The webpage should grant users points for every form they submit. I’ve got posts set up, each with a different form in it, for example asking for an opinion on a certain product. Each post has a custom field, named “points” that assigns a number of points the submission is “worth”. Also, if I need 5 opinions, I would like the post to “expire” after the 5th user completes the form.
So, say, user x sees a post, sees it’s worth 45 points, completes a form and submits it. What I want to accomplish is that when he submits the form, 45 points are added to his “acount” and there is one less chance to complete the form for another user, and now (if originally I wanted 5 opinions) there would be only 4 submissions left to complete before the post turns private or whatever.
I found the Cubepoints plugin, that works pretty well but only assigns points to users for registering or adding comments, which I am not interested in… but if I could somehow create a new module for it that would assign the points in the form to the user in the Cubepoints table, that would be great!
Wow that was long, was that what you were asking? It’s like two things put together…
Any direction will be greatly appreciated! completely stuck…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Form Manager] Hide post after single-submission?Thanks hoffcamp,
Didn’t quite find the status option after updating…
Anyway, I’m trying to do something a little more complex than that, let me explain:
When a registered user submits a form, apart from storing the data I would like to give this user points for answering. I’m trying to get Cubepoints plugin to work with this… But I’m a bit of a noob…Where in your code can I find the actions triggered by the “submit form” button?
I would like to make it return the post id (the post where the form is included), a custom field value from this post (with the amount of points)
so that I can then pick this data up with Cubepoints to assign the points.Any ideas so as to what I should do?
LiliForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: cformsII – contact form] Submit button problemjust in case anyone had this problem and wants to know what i did, i ended up using “wordpress form manager”. great plugin!