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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Converting an SQL Dump to WordPress XML.Ok, well I got it working.
I re-dumped the database(from Xampp)
Then I ran a normal wordpress install, but I uploaded all my old site files.
Then I used portions of the dump in order, make sure that the SQL query has “Drop tabe if exists” before each table.
Here’s the order you need to do em in for it to work:
Plugins.I forgot to do the categories, so now all my posts are “Uncategorized”
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Converting an SQL Dump to WordPress XML.Ok, well I got everything in, but now I get the blank page bug.
This is getting frustrating :/
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Converting an SQL Dump to WordPress XML.I tried that(just now), but ti just triggers the Installer
(wp-admin/install.php)If I keep the tables that it already had, and run the dump on top, it gives me a 1046 > something about data already being there.
And if I drop everything that’s already there(Export then drop)
And re-execute the dump, there are no errors, but the installer triggers. Thus deleting everything again.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Permalinks broken in 2.5.1 > Object not foundMeh, fixed it myself.
Turns out mod_rewrite wasn’t enabled.
Then when I enabled it, situation didn’t change.
A whole bunch of tweaking, the server being down all night(it froze, I wasn’t home, and had to call the first person to get there to push the reset button) then it still didn’t work, so I reinstalled Xampp – twice – turns out that it didn’t work because of a recommended mod to the .htaccess file.After undoing that everything was swell.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Disable logging of admin account in StatPressStatpress tab > Options > make sure “Collect data about logged users” is unchecked.
Sadly, there surrently is no way to make it only not colect data about Admins,
ie if you force people to sign in to comment, chances are, your hits arn;t gonna be very accurate.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: URL needs 3 digitsIf you have direct access to the MySQl Database, you might be able to make a test post(short one that doesn’t mean anything) go into the database, and change the postid, from then on WordPress SHOULD start making the ID’s go from that number.
OR, you can try going into Options > Permalinks > then set them to Custom > /index.php/1%post_id%That should append a one to every URL.
Other than that, i don;t know of a direct workaround as you ask.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: getting rid of news on dashboardI’m not sure about 2.5, but in 2.3.3 you can edit the wp-admin > index.php file and delete lines 30 though 34, this’ll stop it from rendering, if you want to clean up the code, you can also get rd of the jscript chunk from lines 6 through 12.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to I remove the upgrade message in WP 2.3?I’m not sure what exactly to remove, but from what my fairly uneducated mind can tell(I heart wordpress in the obviousness of what code means), you need to open wp-admin > includes > update.php and get rid of lines 28 – 40, these seem to be the ones that define the site, and that you need to update the nag.
I’m not sure, but after you do this, it might complain that it can’t find this nag file, so back it up, if it does complain I’ll go find where to get rid of the rest of the entries.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress on my home serverHmm, I’m wondering this aswell(well was planning on using a plugin) but yeah, I also run a home server, and am getting my domain on Monday, and I’d be nice to be able to use the built in functions to send messages, one less thing to go wrong when it updates.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Stop WP from redirecting to “Homepage”Thanks a bunch, this was really making it hard to go between installing pluging/editing source, and activating(I had to switch between the wifi and the LAN, but in the end I got around to port forwarding my ftp so I could get in “remotely”)
But yeah, thanks a ton.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Stop WP from redirecting to “Homepage”Anybody?