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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add trackback to theme?Okay, I’m unsure what to do with that. The directions say to add it within the loop so I checked wp-content/theme/3columnrelaxation/index.php and found “the loop.” I also found the following code and it looks like it’s been commented out (I’m unfamiliar with PHP so don’t know if this is just an HTML comment or php or what??). Here’s the code (it’s part of the loop):
<p class="postmetadata"><?php the_category(', ') ?> <strong>|</strong> <?php edit_post_link('Edit','','<strong>|</strong>'); ?> <?php comments_popup_link('Comments (0)', 'Comments (1)', 'Comments (%)'); ?>
<?php trackback_rdf(); ?>
</div>What does that “php trackback_rdf();” mean? What is the difference between that and the code you gave me
<?php trackback_url(display); ?>
Does one of them give the trackback URL (and do I have to give that or can people use the permalink??) and does one display the number of trackbacks received? Is that how it’s done?Ideally, all I want is a link to click on that lists how many (if any) people have tracked back to me and what the URLs are. I also am unsure if I’m tracking back to people since it never seems to show up on their blogs when I list their URLs in my “write post.”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Site Disappeared after UpgradeWhew!! Oh BLESS you. I seriously have been panicking. The site showed up. Whew. Now time to upload the theme and see how everything else works. THANK YOU BOTH alphaoide and macmanx
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Site Disappeared after Upgrademacmanx … I can’t login to the site … there IS no site … when I go to there is simply a blank page. The only thing I can do is add or delete files via my FTP program … or change the content of files from my editor and FTP them up to the web. I’m really panicked here.
Should I do a fresh install and try to import the OLD database into the new site? But if I do that, I have no clue how to import the old info and based on how I seem to have made bad situations REALLY bad so far … I’m really getting upset.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Site Disappeared after UpgradeI’ve done that …. nope … if it is a file missing problem, I can’t imagine what problems it could be since I downloaded and reinstalled the latest version from the website.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: reinstall without losing data?Okay … I followed the steps to an upgrade …. and now the site has completely disappeared. OH NO.
Okay …. this is ALL fouled up. The upgrade seemed to work … when I ran wp-admin/upgrade.php it said “there is only one step” and said “you’re done” … but then when I clicked to see the site it was COMPLETELY BLANK!!! HELP
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: reinstall without losing data?Macmanx, so does this mean that simply recopying all the files anew will reinstall the program — the install process doesn’t expand and/or change the files? THAT’s simple! LOL Cool!
Edit: Ooops, never mind, looks like I can follow the instructions on the “upgrade” instructions which is the same as a reinstall, yes?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: reinstall without losing data?Okay, I have copied the structure and data to a database called “backup” (original, eh? <g>) and downloaded a fresh version of WP 1.5.2.
Is there a tutorial that will walk me through a reinstall? I cannot reinstall through the control panel because they only allow me to delete or install in a new directory. Thanks vKaryl. (You rock!)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: reinstall without losing data?okay, vkaryl, hope you have time to walk me through this a bit. ??
There is no backup link on the CP, just delete or “visit site.” However, I can access the actual database through the mySQL link. One of the functions allows me to go to phpMyAdmin 2.6.1, then choose the database (which I have done) then go to “operations.” One of the sections is “copy database to”
Under that there are the following options:
– Structure only (this option has a radial button)
– Structure and data (this option has a radial button)
– Data only (this option has a radial button)
– Add AUTO_INCREMENT value (this option has a check box)
– Add constraints (this option has a check box)
– Switch to copied database (this option has a check box)Would I want to copy just the data? And if I do, would I add any of the check boxes? And then if so, can I import this data back into WP if it somehow overwrites the data and if so, how do I do that because I don’t see ANYTHING that tells how to do that (backing it up onlyi works if I know how to put it back in the program! LOLOL)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: reinstall without losing data?Thanks vkaryl. Is there a tutorial that shows how to do this? I am a complete neophyte when it comes to this. I installed WP through my host’s control panel program, “Fantastico” which is pretty much a 1-button, press-and-go deal. So I need to know how to how to back up the database AND how to reinstall. (If I reinstall through Fantastico it will install on a new directory or make me delete to install on this directory.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WYSI suddenly not workinghas anyone else had any trouble with the WYSIWYG plugin not showing up in the “write” screen?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WYSI suddenly not workingNo …. the “hack” consists of following mudbomb’s instructions and editing some code lines in the “edit-page-advanced.php” page and a few others in the wp-admin directory. When I tried to reinstall the plugin, I first replaced those pages with WP1.5.2’s original pages and redid everything from scratch to make sure I wasn’t working with old screwed up pages. (That hack simply edits the plug-in to allow you to see the original editing tags as well as the WYSIWYG interface.)
I tried reinstalling the plugin and checking it without the extra edit and it didn’t work … and then WITH the above-mentioned edits. The WYSI doesn’t show up in the “write” window either way.
Anybody have any suggestions?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot access archive posts, just pageI did that but still didn’t solve the problem. I still cannot generate any posts — just the archive page. In reviewing the “create page” tutorial in the codex I noticed the following paragraph:
“Note: Your .htaccess file must be writeable for Page Permalinks to work, otherwise you must update your .htaccess file every time you create a Page. “EDIT: NEVER MIND. I reloaded copies of my original “archive.php” and archives.php and that seemed to be the problem. Somehow while monkeying around I must have uploaded one of my “experiments” that didn’t work. ?? Thank you SO MUCH for all your time and help Moshu (and everyone else. I’d be lost without you! Now I have to find out why my SEARCH doesn’t work. Won’t that be FUN??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot access archive posts, just pageOkay moshu, I think we’re on the home stretch here (sorry for being such a pain. I have created a page called “archived” (just in case I need to know that’s for the archives I felt it was important to name it something reminiscent of … well … archival stuff <g>). Now how does that page work with “archive.php” and “archives.php” above?
You mentioned before that “archives.php is a Page template to display the list of Archives (the one that you see now) and archive.php should be the template file to display what we don’t see ?? – i.e. the posts in “archive view” (monthly, by cat etc.)” I notice that “archives.php” has the following code at its top:
<?php archived
Template Name: Archives
Is this calling the page I just made via the WP template? If so what language would I insert to call the page? Does the newly made “archived” page have a .php extension and should I put aget_
in front of it? (Still very confused, obviously). I see the light Moshu but it may be a train.
Thanks!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot access archive posts, just pageokay, another dumb question, what do you normally call your archive pages if you can’t call them “archive”?
Also should I remove the checks from “comments” and “pings”?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot access archive posts, just pageWait … I’m confused. So the file “archives.php” is actually a TEMPLATE?
Can I leave it named “archives.php” and then, I’m assuming I need to change the code in in TEMPLATEPATH:
(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’)So in my case would this be:
I’m seriously confused.
EDIT: And does this mean I DON’T have to write any pages from within WP? Just FTP the arcvhes page to the site with the aforementioned changes?
EDIT2: I have the same problem with my search form apparently — the search page includes the code:
<?php else : ?>
<h2 class="center">Not found.</h2>
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?><?php endif; ?>
I hae tried a various things in “TEMPLATEPATH” and cant seem to get it right. If I have installed WP in the root directory of, what is the correct template path and how should that line read? Also, do I need to do anything else? Thanks.