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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can’t figure out some simple CSSThere’s not an easy way to do that and insure that it doesn’t break. You can use display: table/display: table-cell, but it won’t work in IE6/7.
Here’s an article about it:
Otherwise, you could always specify the height of both the content and sidebar, but unless your pages are always a similar height that could be a problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can’t figure out some simple CSSThe problem is that you are not using clear correctly. I’m not great at explaining how the syntax is supposed to work, but basically the clear needs to come after the floats. In other words, putting clear on #page does nothing.
Adding a footer would be an easy solution:
<div id="page"> <div id="content"> <p>Lorem Ipsum</p> </div> <div id="sidebar"> Some code. </div> <div id="footer"> Some code. </div> </div> <!-- end page -->
You can then add the style clear:both (left should also work in this case) to #footer.
Alternatively, you can Google “clearfix.” There are multiple solutions to solving this without adding extra content.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Creating named anchors with the visual editorThanks for the quick response RVoodoo. The plug-in works well, but I have one more nit-picky question. Is there a way to make the TinyMCE use the attribute id instead of name? This may be a sacrifice I have to make, but I’d rather not if it can be fixed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Putting “Blog” on an interior pageDefinitely. Here’s a how-to:
Just to clarify a bit more. Once you have a “static front page” set up. You can make it the conglomerate you want using a page template that pulls whatever information you need. Setting up that page template will require a bit more work, but the information is available on this site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Display Child Pages (title & content) on Parent PageI did more digging. I found something that seems to work for the most part:
<?php $pages = get_pages('child_of='.$post->ID.'&sort_column=post_date&sort_order=desc'); $count = 0; foreach($pages as $page) { $content = $page->post_content; if(!$content) continue; if($count >= 2) break; $count++; $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); ?> <h2><a href="<?php echo get_page_link($page->ID) ?>"><?php echo $page->post_title ?></a></h2> <div class="entry"><?php echo $content ?></div> <?php } ?>
I was able to replace the content on there with my <div> structure and the posts now show up. However, I have not figured out how to show only the “excerpt” with the more link at the end.
I’ll continue playing to try and find a solution, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.