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  • I am pretty sure that conditional tags work the same inside the header.php file as they would in the index.php or loop pages

    According to the codex you can use conditional tags in the header, if you use them in the footer you need to reset first then use them

    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    anyone here manage to show widgets contidionally based on blog or not blog pages?

    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    P.s. i tried this code and the answer is that it does NOT work.. because the code between the conditional statements do not show at all

    see here:

    Thread Starter lindsayanng



    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    I did go to W3C to validate and I saw all of the missing tags, but I dont understand why these missing tags are there.

    I have a feeling like wordpress or the wordpress/ sandbox widgets are generating this mess.. honestly I dont know!!

    Are you familiar with how/ why a theme would do this??

    Just realized I made a little mistake..

    I told you”
    and this:
    and this:
    #header_top {

    but never told you want to change it to.. You actually dont need to change that.. so just leave it alone. You can make the height attribute taller i you want more space across the top total, but you dont need that to get the layout you want

    You want the text that says “Fashion” over the navigation bar?

    Then you need to change this :
    #logo {
    margin:26px 0 0 5px;

    To this:
    #logo {
    margin:26px 0 0 5px;

    and this:
    #header_top {

    and this:
    #header_menu {
    background:url(“img/header_menu_right.gif”) no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
    margin:35px 0 0;

    to this:
    #header_menu {
    background:url(“img/header_menu_right.gif”) no-repeat scroll right top transparent;

    If you want the header navigation area to span across the entire top, you can remove the “float:right” from the header_menu class

    its in the page template page.. depending on how your theme is set up, there will be different page templates for each page you create. Default is obviously the default.

    There is also single.php which you can remove the get_title from and that will remove titles from ALL pages

    1.) If your theme is widget ready, you should be able to go to (in your admin menu) Appearance -> widgets and be able to place widgets and see them appear

    1a.) If its not widget ready – MAKE IT. Click here for a tutorial

    2.) I dont really know what you mean here. Page templates? Like what you see when you are in the “create new page” page in the admin you have a drop down to choose your page template? Or something else.

    3.) You said nothing changed, but it did. I had a look in firefox and what you did was added a 10px to the margin to the top of your menu was 20px now 30px).. Not A LOT would change there, but it did change 10px. Sometimes when you make a CSS change and view your page you have to hold SHIFT while you refresh to clear the cache.

    If you install buddypress there is a GREAT ONE out there by

    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    Ok.. So I am almost there, but then I realized that I was working within the RSS Links widget.. NOT the RSS Widget.

    So where is the code that creates the class for the RSS Widget? Where does it get its functions from? I have sandbox installed, so its pretty basic

    Look here:

    // Widget: RSS links; to match the Sandbox style
    function widget_sandbox_rsslinks($args) {
    	$options = get_option('widget_sandbox_rsslinks');
    	$title = empty($options['title']) ? __( 'RSS Links', 'sandbox' ) : attribute_escape($options['title']);
    		<?php echo $before_widget; ?>
    			<?php echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; ?>
    				<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url') ?>" title="<?php echo wp_specialchars( get_bloginfo('name'), 1 ) ?> <?php _e( 'Posts RSS feed', 'sandbox' ); ?>" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><?php _e( 'All posts', 'sandbox' ) ?></a></li>
    				<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url') ?>" title="<?php echo wp_specialchars(bloginfo('name'), 1) ?> <?php _e( 'Comments RSS feed', 'sandbox' ); ?>" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><?php _e( 'All comments', 'sandbox' ) ?></a></li>
    		<?php echo $after_widget; ?>
    // Widget: RSS links; element controls for customizing text within Widget plugin
    function widget_sandbox_rsslinks_control() {
    	$options = $newoptions = get_option('widget_sandbox_rsslinks');
    	if ( $_POST['rsslinks-submit'] ) {
    		$newoptions['title'] = strip_tags( stripslashes( $_POST['rsslinks-title'] ) );
    	if ( $options != $newoptions ) {
    		$options = $newoptions;
    		update_option( 'widget_sandbox_rsslinks', $options );
    	$title = attribute_escape($options['title']);
    	<p><label for="rsslinks-title"><?php _e( 'Title:', 'sandbox' ) ?> <input class="widefat" id="rsslinks-title" name="rsslinks-title" type="text" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label></p>
    	<input type="hidden" id="rsslinks-submit" name="rsslinks-submit" value="1" />
    // Widgets plugin: intializes the plugin after the widgets above have passed snuff
    function sandbox_widgets_init() {
    	if ( !function_exists('register_sidebars') )
    	// Formats the Sandbox widgets, adding readability-improving whitespace
    	$p = array(
    		'before_widget'  =>   "\n\t\t\t" . '<li id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
    		'after_widget'   =>   "\n\t\t\t</li>\n",
    		'before_title'   =>   "\n\t\t\t\t". '<h3 class="widgettitle">',
    		'after_title'    =>   "</h3>\n"
    	// Table for how many? Two? This way, please.
    	register_sidebars( 5, $p );
    	// Finished intializing Widgets plugin, now let's load the Sandbox default widgets; first, Sandbox search widget
    	$widget_ops = array(
    		'classname'    =>  'widget_search',
    		'description'  =>  __( "A search form for your blog (Sandbox)", "sandbox" )
    	wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'search', __( 'Search', 'sandbox' ), 'widget_sandbox_search', $widget_ops );
    	unregister_widget_control('search'); // We're being Sandbox-specific; remove WP default
    	wp_register_widget_control( 'search', __( 'Search', 'sandbox' ), 'widget_sandbox_search_control' );
    	// Sandbox Meta widget
    	$widget_ops = array(
    		'classname'    =>  'widget_meta',
    		'description'  =>  __( "Log in/out and administration links (Sandbox)", "sandbox" )
    	wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'meta', __( 'Meta', 'sandbox' ), 'widget_sandbox_meta', $widget_ops );
    	unregister_widget_control('meta'); // We're being Sandbox-specific; remove WP default
    	wp_register_widget_control( 'meta', __( 'Meta', 'sandbox' ), 'wp_widget_meta_control' );
    	//Sandbox RSS Links widget
    	$widget_ops = array(
    		'classname'    =>  'widget_rss_links',
    		'description'  =>  __( "RSS links for both posts and comments (Sandbox)", "sandbox" )
    	wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'rss_links', __( 'RSS Links', 'sandbox' ), 'widget_sandbox_rsslinks', $widget_ops );
    	wp_register_widget_control( 'rss_links', __( 'RSS Links', 'sandbox' ), 'widget_sandbox_rsslinks_control' );

    where in the WORLD is the regular RSS Widget?

    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    anyone here with some help?

    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    OK.. never mind. I take it all back. Apparently the header wasn;t liking the way I was linking to the files. I got it by using the absolute path (which I prefer to not use) but its all good now.

    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    I got it to the point where I can actually see the prettyphoto styles and such in the source, but the links are clickable now (the image links)


    Thread Starter lindsayanng


    Yes.. i found a plugin called Register Plus or somethin gbut apparently the devs. have given up.

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