Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Web Design blog from someone who is new to wordpress – feedback pleaseHaha.. I am quite a blog today.. FIRST i realized that ityped HTML code in design mode on my ABOUT page, now i see that I forgot the link!!
I was looking at other folks blogs, and I think I am going to keep the layout, but loose the banner image and the colors.. But i am REALLY open to ideas and suggestions..
PS. the distorted thumbnail images will be fixed too..
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New MINI (as in the car) site, based on Futurosity Aperiohmm.. maybe you are not here in the USA, or you are having some technical hosting difficulties, but I could not open your website. it timed out
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: AJ Brownfor a blog that is very wordy.. Black background with white text is a BAD choice.. at minimum you should make it a grey text.. that should be easier to read.. I got through about 3 sentences of stuff before I felt dizzy…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New to blogging but have a look anywayyou could use a REAL banner instead of text over blue. Something to brand your site..
The two towers of google ads is a little overkill.. Maybe just one and figure out a different way to put ads on your site so its not redundant.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP-Print plugin is not working on my siteI figured it out actually.. When i moved the code to the right place within my theme it worked.. It was definitely a little “odd” simply because my theme changed the code enough so that the loop (i guess) was happening before the print resulting in the print not being shown.. It is working now though, and I am VERY happy with it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp-content/uploads folder is missingHmm.. This is funny. Both myself and my husband have blogs.. he uses the image uploader, and i use FTP. He says its easier to use the image uploader, and i feel FTP is easier..
If you have a good FTP, it SHOULD be super easy. I mean, theres no waiting for a new page in your admin to load and blah blah.. then you just create the HTML yourself. I just created a folder called POSTIMG and upload any image for a post in there.. No dates of anything.. Then i just use Fetch to upload the image and input the url for the image into the code..
I dont really have an answer for you about the uploader, but there is another option.. just in case.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Themesbelovedbygod did not realize that you can not FTP anything if you have a blog..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP-Print plugin is not working on my siteOhh.. and that code is the SECOND attempt at moving the code.. first i put the code:
<?php if(function_exists(‘wp_print’)) { print_link(); } ?>directly under this:
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $loopcounter++; ?>Just like it said to in the link you gave me (although it did not have the loopcounter, but i figured that was just a template thing..
I just moved it lower to see if it would show somewhere else.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP-Print plugin is not working on my siteOK.. this is odd.. maybe i am stupid.. I added the code EXACTLY where they told me to, but the PRINT LINK is still not there, however when i go into the post and add [print_link] it shows.. now, i CAN put that into every post i type, but i would be MUCH happier if i didnt have to.
here is the area where i am placing the code:
<div id="content"> <?php if(!is_home()) : ?> <div class="breadcrumb"> <?php echo indomagz_breadcrumb(); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $loopcounter++; ?> <div <?php if(function_exists('post_class')) { post_class(); } ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php _e('Permanent link to','indomagz'); ?> <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"> <?php if(function_exists('wp_print')) { print_link(); } ?> <?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
maybe i am still putting it in the wrong place??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP-Print plugin is not working on my siteOMG dont i feel like a DOAF.. I really THOUGHT that i was supposed to put something withing that page, but i didnt see any installation instructions.. I didnt even open the USAGE tab.
Sorry for being such a dork, and thanks for your time!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Do Plugins work if your site is run by wordpressNo.. you can not add the plugins that you can with a blog on a server… If you are serious about your blog, you should just buckle down and get yourself a host..
Something like Hostmonster will be the best option because they have phone support for people who are new, AND they have a super simple ONE CLICK install of wordpress to make it LOADS easier to just jump in and get working..
You can also download all of the content from your site and add it to your new site.. You cant keep the looks and such, but you CAN keep the posts, pages, and content..
I dont erally know how to explain it more..
I am trying to add an included file to the sidebar and it will not show, meaning i am clearly putting it inbetween a set of code that is not complete.
I guess we can forget this because i just installed a different template that I am a LOT more happy with.. So its ok..
I thought that by added the code and explaining as MUCH as i could that I had it all set.
Sorry for the confusion
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ThemesIt is VERY VERY easy.. I’m sure that the link will help you BUT there is a simple process here
To setup file zilla, you put in your host (which is your domain name) and your username (the name you use to log in to your host) and your password (the one you use to log in to your host)
THEN, when you log in, it will bring up the list of files in your server.. The VERY VERY first level of “files” and folders will look confusing. You will see public_ftp, public_html, .cpanel, mail.. BLAH BLAH.. the ONLY one that you will ever have to click there is PUBLIC_HTML
When you click on PUBLIC_HTML you will see your website’s content. PUBLIC_HTML is what it sounds like.. its all of the files you want the public to see when they go to your website.
Once you open that, you will see your website content. If you installed wordpress in it;s own folder, then you have to look for your blog folder. You will know if it is in its own folder if you have to type (or /wordpress). Otherwise wordpress is installed in your ROOT folder (root is public_html)
So, now you are in your public_html file and you SHOULD see your wordpress files.. Find the file that says wp-content and click that. Then find a file that says themes, click on that.. There you will click PUT FILES which will bring up your file browser.
Oh yea, at this point you should have UNZIPPED the file for the theme. If you have an “unzipper” you will just have to double click on the file and it will expand into a folder than contains the theme content.
SO now that you have your file browser opened, find the FOLDER for that theme (not the .zip file) and click OK (or upload – whichever your cpu says)
Now your theme is there!! THIS is the best thing about wordpress EVER!! All you have to do now is log in to your wordpress admin account, click on THEMES, find your new theme, and click ACTIVATE
Its awesome!! If you have any issues, feel free to PM or email me.. [email protected]
I am JUST starting to learn what wordpress is about, but have build entirely complicated e-commerce sites.. HOWEVER, just two years ago, I was where you were. I didnt even KNOW what FTP was and how to get a website from my computer to the internet.. so dont let it get you down.. You will be there. Just remember to ASK QUESTIONS.. even if you think they are stupid.
wow.. Lovely help here. Why do you have to take WTF to be personal.. Its not like i spelled out any curseword, and WTF could be What the Frig as most people say so as NOT to offend..
So seriously, why do YOU have to be so rude. I was asking for help, not to be berrated by some angry guy with too much time on his hands. If you didnt have an answer, why wouldnt you just leave this post alone and use your time for something usefull..
In the mean time, i SAID what I changed as far as plugins, just comments and SEO, nothing that had to do with the previous next post.
I was just WONDERING if this was a known bug in the template since i had NOT touched that code..
Howcome theres no report button on bad posts like yours
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: please give me some insight.. How do you manager advertisers?well, just an update for anyone who might find this.. I installed the OIO publisher plugin and it is seriously the best thing since sliced bread.. a thousand times easier to manager, super easy to undersand, and FULLY flexible with where you want to put your ads in your templates.. You can literally place them anywwhere, no widgets needed or anything.. You can also create your own ads so you can track your insite advertising and such.. FUN