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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Import Eventbrite Events] It’s Adequate, But Quite LimitedI have tried the suggestions you offered and I’m still not impressed. If the free version is only just adequate, that does not given me much faith in the Pro version. I’m not prepared to but my money up, only to find myself being as disappointed as I was with the free version.
Even when importing Eventbrite events into a calendar, such as The Event Calendar or Event Manager, the screen formatting is still quite ugly and it is not because of any fault on the part of the event calendars that I’ve used.
The problem is that your when your plug-in pulls in the event details from Eventbrite, it seems to add extra lines between each paragraph. So I’m getting a lot of whitespace between each paragraph and it makes the resulting page look quite ugly and unprofessional.
Also, when using your plug-in in conjunction with Event Manager, the ticketing details from Eventbrite are not being displayed – even though I have the settings option, “Display ticket option after event :” checked/ticked.
I have actually tried 3 event calendars – The Event Calendar, Event Manager and All-In-One-Calendar. I have not received satisfactory results from any of those event calendars, no more than using your plug-in on its own.
And the shortcode does not work well in the Divi Theme. It just does not display very well. And your plug-in seems to disable the Divi Editor on the events pages.
No. I am still not impressed with this plug-in.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Eventbrite API] Eventbrite Event Template distorted in DiviThis plug-in is clearly no good for the complete beginner. It does NOT work with every theme, as claimed, without a little tweaking and coding knowledge. It would be better if there were some shortcodes supplied with the plug-in, so that one could insert the events, wherever one wants within one’s page design.
Also, when you click on an event, it takes you away from the WordPress website and on to Eventbrite. Thus, there is no seemlessness.
In all, a quick fix that does not suit many website owners’ needs.
Thank Sona. I actually spotted the Save As Copy button after I’d posted my question here. Ha ha! How dumb of me! LOL! ??
Well, after a bit of fiddling about, I figured it out.
For the benefit of anyone else who’s using EM with Divi, here’s how I achieved it:
In the WP Dashboard, select Events > Settings.
Under the Pages tab, open up the Events section. Then set “Display events as” to Pages and then set “Override with Formats?” to Yes.
Click “Save Changes (All)”
Then, under the Formatting tab, open up the Events section. Then scroll down to “Single event page format” and place the code in the text box between <div style=”margin: auto; width: 80%;”> and </div>.
Click “Save Changes (All)”
That should do it.
That is fair point, EkoJr. I see I was being somewhat harsh now, given your circumstances. I apologise for my seeming impatience. I am under my own time constraints to get a solution/fix to my issue. How can I find this plug-in on GitHub, for more support? Is there a direct URL?
I wish you well in your career and hope it works out well for you and takes you to where you want to get to in your life. ??
Kindest regards,
JaeP.S. In all it’s actually quite a good plug-in! ??
Also, I’m not the only one who’s complained about lack of support. It would be fine if the support was a little slow. But – again, to be fair – looking at the other complaints and the whole string of other unaddressed support requests, it appears that such support is non-existent!
I shall just go and find another solution and I will recommend that to everyone else who is contemplating using this useless plug-in!
To be fair, none of the other support requests have been resolved either. So, what reassurance does that give me to get my questions answered either?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Advanced Post List] BugsYes, I’ve found the same.
I too am having problems with this. I tried it on my development server and it was fine, until I upgraded to the latest version.
I click Add New Field and enter the details of the new field, then click Create Registration Field. Nothing happens. Then if I click Create Registration Field a second time it says that the field already exists. But there’s nothing to show that it does. It’s not appearing anywhere.
This is a bug that needs rectifying as a matter of urgency!!!
I’ve realised my question is on specific enough. Just read the documentation.
It’s not the fields that I want to reformat. It’s the list different types of tickets. I have 4 ticket prices, ranging from free to £322.50. I want to make each ticket’s name in bold text and also to tidy up how the description of each ticket is displayed.
How do I do this please?
Thanks! This is super! ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode)] "Close, But No Cigar!"P.S. I have tried all 3 of the Display Formats offered in the plugin, but they’re all the same, regarding the plugin not being responsive.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] 404 Page Not Found – I have no FTP accessI don’t think you’ve read my query properly. I’m only getting the 404 in respect to this plugin. There is a mention of this issue in the FAQs for the plugin. (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/download-shortcode/faq/) So, that would suggest I’m not the only one to have had this problem. However, the solution suggested appears to require FTP access, which I did not have for the particular website in question until a few days ago.
Anyways, I’ve sorted it now and found I don’t actually need your plugin to do what I originally wanted anyway.
Sorry, I just figured it out. I was forgetting to add a \ before a comma.
I have had the same problem. I’ve checked my spam/junk mail box too. I’ve tried this plugin on two completely separate website and both times I had the problem with not receiving the emails. Neither the customer receives a confirmation email, nor do I receive an email notification that the customer has made the purchase.