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  • Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Vi ringrazio molto per il supporto, ha funzionato.

    Abbiamo fatto qualche test e riscontriamo un errore nell’invio automatico delle fatture a fattureincloud
    Invio automatico ordine n 53688 non Riuscito HELP

    Queste le impostazioni settate:

    Potete aiutarmi a risolvere il problema?

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by lisabaldrati.
    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    sì confermo che non ci sono altri plugin per l’aggiunta di campi in fase di checkout.

    Ti seguito il report di sistema.

    Fatemi sapere, grazie mille

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    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ?
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    Parent Theme Author URL:
    WooCommerce Support: ? Templates
    Archive Template: Il tuo tema ha il file woocommerce.php
    non potrai sovrascrivere il template personalizzato woocommerce/archive-product.php poiché woocommerce.php ha priorità su archive-product.php. Questo serve a prevenire problemi di visualizzazione.
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    betheme/woocommerce/single-product-reviews.php Admin
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    Oldest: 2024-03-31 04:54:20 +0000
    Newest: 2024-04-01 12:00:00 +0000 Status report information
    Generated at: 2024-03-30 22:23:32 +02:00
    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    The code has already been entered, but it no longer works

    Could you help me?

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Hi @mediawebster, thank for your help.

    I installed the new version as suggested.

    Is there a way to leave the “products available” filter enabled all the time? Without the user clicking on the box, this would solve the problem.

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Hi Samuel,

    as I installed the menu the staging site practically “disappeared” VS

    The theme used for the site is Betheme I tried uninstalling all the plugins and keeping only yours (to exclude incompatibility between plugins) but the problem persists

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Thanks so much for the info, really helpful!

    It’s still not clear to me what the “Only logged in users, will be ignored” item that I find in the cookie list means.

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Hi @jarnovos , thanks for your help
    can I ask one more thing?

    Why in Cookie Scanning are there fewer cookies than the Cookie Descriptions?

    Does it depend on this item? (Logged in users only, will be ignored)

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    I have heard the developers of the “point of sales” plugin tell me the following:

    The plugin (Product Code for WooCommerce) adds a hook on the?save_post?action that echos (prints) unwanted string that breaks POS’s response. This bug can be found in?product-code-for-woocommerce.php?on line?#172:

    It also appears that the usage of?echo?is obsolete, prints out unwanted strings, and can be safely removed from the code. They can also inform the plugin authors of the bug so it can be fixed permanently. The fix:

    Could you help me please?

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Hi @prashantck any news?

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Hi @prashantck ,

    How can I share access to the staging environment with you?

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    thanks for your help.

    The theme used is Betheme.

    If you give me your email I can add you as admin in a staging environment.

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati



    sorry but I can’t see the screenshot:

    There’s a 404 error

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Any news about this “I’ll ask the POS developers for the change.”?

    Thread Starter lisabaldrati


    Ok thanks.

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