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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress website stuck on default templateHi Andrew, I’ve activated it and found the following settings regarding the cache:
Plugin Functionality
Minify JS files automatically?
you can still use bwp_minify() helper function if you disable this.
Minify CSS files automatically?
you can still use bwp_minify() helper function if you disable this.
Minify bloginfo() stylesheets?
enable this for themes that use bloginfo() to print the main stylesheet (i.e. style.css). If you want to minify style.css with the rest of your css files, you must enqueue it.
Leave external files at their original positions?
enable this to improve compatibility with plugins/themes that print external JS/CSS files directly, for e.g. Simple Google Maps Short Code plugin or Avada theme.
URL path to Minify library (relative to domain root)Leave empty to use default value, which is /wp-content/plugins/bwp-minify/min/.
Please read here to know how to properly modify this.
One minify string will contain10
file(s) at most.
For cache buster, use
→ /min/?f=file.js&ver=
Note: Whenever a new cache buster is used, you are telling browsers to refresh cached JS and CSS files. This is particularly useful when source files have been changed, use this feature wisely.
Minify Library SettingsThese options will let you control how the actual Minify library works.
WordPress document rootLeave empty to use $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’], which is /home/wivestales/public_html. This is only used when it is not empty and your WordPress does live under it.
If you believe the auto-detected document root is wrong, make sure you set it to the correct directory with NO trailing slash.
This setting is very important as it makes sure that Minify can correctly locate your JS, CSS files. More info can be found here.
Cache directoryExpect a full path to a publicly accessible directory (i.e. can be served under your document root).
Leave empty to use default value, which is /home/wivestales/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bwp-minify/cache/.
Cache directory must be writable (i.e. CHMOD to 755 or 777). More details can be found here.
Cache age30
Enable bubble CSS import?
move all @import rules in CSS files to the top. More info here.
Enable cache file locking?
disable this if filesystem is NFS.
Enable debugging?
only enable this when minification does not work as expected. More info here.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress website stuck on default templateThanks Andrew – all deactivated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress website stuck on default templateI’ve also tried doing that but it seems to be stuck on the template. It won’t switch to any others.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress website stuck on default templateIs there anything else I can try?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress website stuck on default templateThanks Andrew. I’ve tried that already would deleting them and reinstalling them help?