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  • We are still having the problem on our site. sviciu, your info is interesting.

    Hi — I’m the “previous site admin” (current server admin) Isadora mentioned above. The problem is still occurring but it’s very difficult to troubleshoot since it seems to be intermittent. The image she posted with the empty “Upcoming Events” agenda widget is something that typically happens — but it comes and goes.

    Earlier tonight, the agenda was empty in the right sidebar, and the events happening in Sept and Oct were not showing up in the calendar widget on the left sidebar.

    I went into the widget, made no changes at all, clicked “save” — and both the empty agenda and the missing September and October events reappeared. But later in the day they disappeared again. Then reappeared for no reason I can figure out.

    I don’t think it’s browser specific. The problem has appeared in multiple browsers. It does seem to be worse at the end of the month (that is a pattern she noticed).

    It’s very strange.

    I can mess around with css or php if necessary, but I’m not even sure where this is coming from at the moment. Any ideas?

    Mine is up to date.

    This is happening to me now, too. I was getting the “Session has expired at unix time” error, and now that I disconnected and reconnected to Facebook, I see that it isn’t allowing me to broadcast to my page. Which might have caused the other error. It all started a few days ago. Did Facebook do something?

    Just ran into this myself. Deleting .maintenance worked. I was updating 2 plugins. One worked and the other one seems to have failed. It was Podpress. It’s not activated anyway, so I’m just not going to update it.

    Same problem here. The cover logo shows but no other images.

    Plus, now I realize that it doesn’t seem to have a way to show the site’s ads, so I guess it’s not going to work for me anyway.

    Well, good — it does sound like something that probably isn’t quite working as it should be. ??

    That is very weird. I wonder if it’s a bug. It sounds sort of as if it might be. Did you report it?



    But what if the site being linked to does actually require a www? I know many times that is not the case, but I have occasionally run across sites that don’t function without the www hostname. (And what about sites that are “” — for example, Blogspot sites? The hostname is absolutely required for those.)



    Well, since you’ve gotten all alphabetical on us… ??

    A. Matt just *did* visit here; I was surprised that he didn’t address the question that had been brought up so many times in the thread, so I asked about it.

    B. The impression I got from the other replies is that this is not a WordPress bug, hence I (and the others posting here, probably) wouldn’t have thought to post it as a bug. I mean, the software is doing exactly what it is supposed to do… contacting Ping-o-matic. It’s just that Ping-O-Matic isn’t supplying as much info as did. Now, maybe it’s a Ping-o-matic bug, though…! Do you think it’s an appropriate thing to clutter the WP bugs database with? I mean, if everyone thinks so, I’d be glad to report it — it just doesn’t seem like a WP bug to me.

    C. See above.

    D. No one was demanding an immediate response. At least, I wasn’t. And I made a point of acknowledging his busyness, thanking him for his help, etc. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable, when a dev comes in and addresses a support issue here, to ask further follow-up questions. Do you? I mean, I appreciate greatly what they have done, since I’m not a programmer and couldn’t do it myself. But they are not gods that walk the earth, above any questioning whatsoever. ?? It’s part of the job, basically. What is unreasonable is expecting that people should not ask questions.



    Matt, thank you for that info (my cron job was at 30 minutes, but I am NOT the one who set it up so don’t ban me! It’s changed to every hour as of now), but the question I think most people really care about is — will Ping-o-matic start giving us update times for more blogs? Right now I’m only seeing three blogs update out of my whole blogroll, and it is really frustrating. Of course, more people could be pinging Ping-o-matic, but I personally can’t force the people on my blogroll to do this. sucks in many many ways, but it still seems to be the one that everyone sends pings to.

    I understand very well that you all are really busy with the 1.5 release now, so I think the main thing we all need is just some information — will this problem be fixed and what is the time estimate? I know you don’t have an exact time — I just mean a rough estimate like “within the next few weeks/months, etc.” Or even “we don’t think it’s important, so don’t expect things to change.” (I wouldn’t LIKE that answer, but at least I’d know how things stand and would be able to start looking for some other solution to the issue.)

    Really, the main thing that is frustrating is the not knowing, that’s all. ?? So thank you for the info you do provide.



    I just keep rechecking this thread every couple of days, hoping for news… my blogroll is so pathetic now, with only three of the blogs showing as “updated” since Feb 20. ??

    There definitely seems to be more than one problem going on to cause this. I hope some people in the know are actually troubleshooting this.

    In our case the problem was solved by making sure that the Blog Address and WP Address was the same — my blog is in a subdirectory. And I am seeing other problems besides this one that seem to indicate that WP 1.5 has issues with blogs not being at a particular location. So I think there’s probably an overall issue or two that need to be fixed, that might contribute to fixing a lot of these other problems people are seeing. Unfortunately I am not skilled enough to figure it out myself.

    I don’t suppose he mentioned a likely timetable for this, did he? I mean, two weeks I can live with; six months, OTOH, would be supremely frustrating.

    Well, I just started using the cron job with 1.5 (before with 1.2 I was running the plugin). It’s obviously doing something — but as gregorsmith said above, it’s only showing WordPress blogs updating. Other blogs that I know are updating aren’t showing up as updated anymore and this is frustrating. Is this because Pingomatic doesn’t know about them? Is there anything we can do?
    (Edited to add: Ack, I posted this having read the first page of replies, not realizing there is a second page. I see others have said much the same thing. So I’ll just add my voice to the chorus. Apparently most of the blogs I read aren’t pinging Pingomatic.)

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