Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackback spam question.Usually if the trackbacks actually appear on your site, they appear as comments. You would see them where you would see the comments. In my case, they didn’t show up there because I had the moderation plugin that pushed them into the moderation queue instead. If you aren’t running that, I don’t know why you wouldn’t see those trackbacks on your site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackback spam question.Do you have the trackback moderation plugin installed? If so, look in your moderation page, and the trackbacks will be there.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: After upgrade, can’t read commentsDo you have your blog running in a subdirectory? We had this problem and I had to go into Options>General and change WordPress address and Blog address to be the same (Before, the WP address was and the Blog address was When this was done, the comments reappeared.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments do not appear to be working (since upgrade to 1.5)I thought I posted a reply to this earlier, but it’s not here… maybe I posted to another thread and can’t find it now… anyway, WP runs fine in a subdirectory — it’s just that in Options>General, the WordPress address and Blog address now apparently have to be the same. Which is a bug, I think.
My blog is in a subdirectory (, but the Blog address used to point at root (, because there’s an alias there that sends people to the blog directory. And when I ping Pingomatic and other similar services, I ping them with the address, because that’s the address I’ve used for years and the one with which I’m listed on most people’s blogrolls. So the old way this used to work was fine. But now that I have to set the WP Address and the Blog Address to be the same, the automatic pinging no longer pings the correct address. For the time being I am manually pinging.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackback SpamI just got 75 from the same guy. I have turned off trackbacks/pingbacks for now, but can someone clarify something for me? It’s a bit ambiguous in this thread. Can he still send trackbacks anyway, because he knows the name of the php file, or is it not possible now?
And does moderation affect trackbacks or not? I thought not, since it should have caught at least some of these 75 spams I got, but some people in this thread are implying it does.
Clarification, please. ?? Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: post.php strangenessArgh. That’s me above.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: post.php strangenessWell, even if the causes of the php issues are different, it’s the same problem in a broad sense. So hopefully this thread will help someone.
Status update: apc is still disabled and the error has NOT returned. Hmm. ??
Has anyone else been able to duplicate this specifically? Bill, do you have apc running?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackback not workingNo need to be snarky. (And when I post questions here I do search.) You did send him to the wrong thread. It is an easy mistake to make and one I certainly would be likely to make myself.
Incidentally, I just checked and my copy of functions.php does NOT have that fix, and yet I sent out a trackback just last night, and it worked. Why would that be? Is it one of those things where it will work sometimes, but not consistently unless I make the fix?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: post.php strangenessI have further information.
A couple of days ago (I think it was Nov 13) Jason disabled apc, a php caching application.
Since then the error has not returned, and outgoing trackbacks and pings are consistently working.
This is notable because before this, the error would always return after less than a day (not sure HOW much less). So this is a possible fix. I’ll keep an eye on it and post if I find out more.
Any comments?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: feed validation in 1.3 – not at start…“Sorry, in 1.3 one no longer links directly to the file”
Is this going to break existing feed URLs or am I misunderstanding?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackback not workingThat’s the opposite problem. In that post, he says that his blog doesn’t receive trackbacks. This poster says he doesn’t send trackbacks. (Which is the problem mine was having along with the Safari errors.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackback not workingI was having a similar problem (along with an error message when posting in Safari). In my case, it turned out that there was a server problem that was causing the server not to send back the proper response when posting. When this occurred, pings and trackbacks did not go out. (Perhaps someone here who knows how the pinging/tbing process works can explain why this occurs.)
However, I don’t know yet what caused the server problem, though we are still troubleshooting it and might have an answer soon, and I can’t say whether your problem stems from the same source. It probably wouldn’t hurt to keep an eye on this forum, because if I find the answer to my similar situation, I will post it in the above-linked thread.
In the meantime, bookmark this link, because it allows you to send out trackback pings manually.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: post.php strangenessUm. That was me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: post.php strangenessNah, that’s no fun!
So far the error hasn’t returned since disabling mod_gzip. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Incidentally this problem sounds kind of similar.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: post.php strangenessHmm. Wouldn’t it have been replaced already when I installed 1.2.1? That didn’t fix it. But I could try.
Update: When I tested today the error was back. The admin looked at the server and said “whaddayaknow, there’s a spinning apache process.” So he’s restarting the server. He says that this problem — apache processes getting stuck — has been going on for some time (hence so many apache restarts in the last few months), so maybe that is the cause of my WP problem. However, he has been unable to figure out what triggers the problem. If anyone has any suggestions in that area I would love to hear them.
As far as replacing the post.php, my gut tells me it won’t make a difference, but like you said, it shouldn’t hurt anything either, so I will try to do that.