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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: RSS problems

    I’m not having the date issue as far as I’m aware, but I am definitely seeing the tag encoding issue. In fact, this is not new to 1.2 — I’m pretty sure the problem appeared in 1.0, because that’s when I started seeing it in the posts syndicated to LiveJournal. I didn’t report it then because I thought it was probably a LiveJournal issue, and it wasn’t a high priority for me, but now I see that it definitely is coming from WP, not LJ.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Update Links Plugin.

    Seems to be working for me — thanks!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Not Trackbacking ?

    Now that you mention it… the last time or two I tried a Trackback, they never showed up where I expected them to. But I haven’t tested it consistently enough to know if the problem is on my end or not.



    That was by me. Forgot to login.



    Alex, is there any specific permissions setting I should give the folders? I did chmod 766 on them. Then I was getting the error “Warning: stat failed for wp-photos/sample/t/t (errno=13 – Permission denied) in (path to my blog directory)/wp-photos.hack.php on line 263” and the same error on line 289. I loosened up the permissions more and got that to go away, and now I am getting the “No suitable folders found” error again. I am stumped. I am not fluent enough in php to know why it is telling me this.
    (further messing around with it…)
    Ooooookay… I got the sample to work. The other folder with my own images still doesn’t work…
    (further messing around)
    I think I have figured it out. There were two problems — the permissions problem (which wasn’t happening at first), and then another one. The problem seems to have been that the thumbnails did not have the exact same name as the big pics. This may seem obvious to you that they should, but not to me (never having used the script before, I didn’t know if I was going to have to choose the thumbnails directly for each image or what — I didn’t assume the script would know them automatically). ?? So now that I gave them both the same name I can look in the folder. It’s a bit of a pain since I always store thumbnails with a different name, by habit…
    (further messing around)
    Oh hell. It still doesn’t work. Says it’s adding the images to “post #128” but they aren’t there. They aren’t showing up in the source, even. I think I am giving up for now.



    Hmm. I found the sample folder in the original archive I downloaded, and put it back in its place on the server. I still get the same error.



    Um. I’m a dork because I deleted the sample after I added my own folder. The folder(s) I added were exactly the same — in the wp-photos folder, I placed a folder called “test” containing the full-size jpegs, and inside the “test” folder, a folder called “t” with the thumbnail jpegs. Since everything seemed correct I was an idiot and deleted the sample folder without actually trying it. I wonder if I still have a copy here somewhere….
    Anyway, this is the current set-up:
    wp-photos folder in my blog’s directory
    test folder in the wp-photos folder
    t folder in the test folder
    That’s correct, right?
    Is there any specific permissions setting I should give the folders?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Pinging question


    So in that case I would be able to have all posts in a section automatically trackback ping another site? That would be neat. As it is now I have to remember to manually add the tb whenever I post a Seattle post, and it’s really irritating. ??
    I will wait for the next release, I guess!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Pinging question


    I noticed that no one ever answered my last question about category-specific automatic trackbacks:

    Specifically, I want to automatically send a trackback to the seablogs site (for Seattle weblogs) whenever I post something in a particular category (the Seattle category). Is that relatively easy to add?

    Is this something that is possible currently? If you’ve discussed it in here, I’ve missed it (highly likely). ??
    Thanks in advance!



    What is wrong if it says “No suitable folders found” when I try to select the folder with the photos in it (after clicking on “Photos: Add” in the edit page)? It is set up exactly as described in the readme, and I am stumped. The folder shows up, but then when I try to select it I get this error.

    I’ve also taken the step of obfuscating the words Name, Email, URI and “Your Comment” in wp-comments.php, in case the spammers are doing automated scripting looking for those words on the page.

    Having just got my first comment spams today (advertising viagra), I’ve just installed this hack. We’ll see how it goes.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Another type of spam

    I’ve had these folks hitting my blog for weeks now, but it is useless to them since I don’t show referrers on the pages anyway. And this is one reason I don’t.

    I’m running OS X 10.3 and using Safari. (How does Safari identify itself? It should be showing up in those stats somewhere. I know it’s rapidly become common among Mac users.)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Blogger Content

    I finally got up the nerve to try the blogger import at Slumberland, and it worked fine. Slumberland was already operating as a WP blog, and I backed it up before the import just to be safe, but there was no problem at all. And now I have almost 4 years’ worth of blog entries in my WP. ??

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