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  • Oh, sorry, Root… I was wary of putting a link to it because I’ve had so many problems with spamming. But, throwing caution to the winds:

    blog from OUR kitchen:

    Ceo, unless you live in GMT zone, or in one of the places in the world where daylight saving does not occur, you still have to go in twice a year and change the offset.

    For those of us who do care about the time posted on the post AND are annoyed and/or too lazy to have to change the time offset every six months, this plugin is a very nice thing to have. Many thanks for creating it, ruckus.

    Here is a list of timezones for those of us who think this plugin is useful:

    I see. Thanks.

    I hope that wasn’t construed as a complaint that it wasn’t on the wp plugin page! I was only reporting that it was not there.

    I hope that all this talk about the daylight saving plugin hasn’t made people forget about the problem that Groove is having with the date….

    What exactly are you saying, Ryan? Are you saying that now that I have this particular plugin installed that the time stamp will not necessarily work for all viewers of my blog even if it is working for me? Is it just because my computer happens to understand it?

    I hate everything about daylight saving. And I HATE having to change my clocks. So much so that I still haven’t changed my wristwatch. So having a plugin to do this for me makes me very happy. If there were a plugin for automatically changing the time my wristwatch, I’d get it….

    The point I’m trying to make is that just because you don’t want the plugin doesn’t mean there aren’t many others who are thrilled to have it.

    Now, if we were talking about the need for “Hello, Kings of Leon Kings of Leon lyric plugin”, I would understand the mockery. :^)

    On the other hand, I’m amazed that everyone isn’t clamouring for it.

    And if you take a look at the comments on the plugin page, you’ll see that there are several people who wanted it.

    Chacun a son gout.

    If I’d known about it, yes I could have… but being a reactionary, I’m not going to change it now…

    Thanks! Good luck to you too.

    Yes, it is. If the event occurred zero times a year (which is as things SHOULD be) there would be no need for the plugin.

    Upgrading to 1.5 resolved the ampersand problem in the sidebar

    Sorry, don’t know the answer to your question, Groove. The date is showing correctly in my blog….

    I have just upgraded to 1.5 in the hopes that the daylight saving aspect would be resolved. Alas, no. But googling, I found that this brilliant person has created a plugin to display daylight saving time!

    Note that this is not on the wp plugin page, but it works very well in 1.5….

    Note that the timezone plugin must go into the plugin folder and be activated first before it can be configured from the plugins page:


    I’ll leave the gemini name on then. The things that I have changed are colours, images, widths (it’s dynamic width now rather than fixed) but I would never have had the patience to do the whole thing from scratch. I’m glad you did though!

    Root; would you like me to remove any mention of gemini on my stylesheet? I haven’t examined the gemini stylesheet to see how much of it is still retained on what I have now….

    In spite of the difficulties that I had upgrading because of having a somewhat modified version of 1.2.2 and the fact that I still haven’t gotten my bot-check plugin to work, I have to say that 1.5 is great!

    I really like that the ampersand issue in the links area has been resolved. I also love that there is a select all button for comment moderation. (This will come in quite handily on the weekends when the spamming poker and viagra robots send in their clever replies to all posts.) Well done, all you guys who did the re-coding for 1.5! Please take a bow.

    I stand corrected moshu. I did not at all understand how that template worked, nor did I understand why I had to have the gemini folder in 1.2.2. I just put it there when I installed the pollux theme. When I moved the pollux stylesheet over, I left the template descriptive there thinking that it was a credit to the original author of the stylesheet template… I guess I added the “gemini” part to it.

    I’ve now moved the gemini/pollux credit down into the notes below the version number

    Root, thank you for reiterating moshu’s explanation.

    Thanks guys; that did the trick.

    The original pollux style sheet had that “template:” descriptive and I had just left it in. Now that it is removed the ejm folder is available.

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