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  • I too have been trying to create a new theme entitled “ejm”. I believe I have followed the instructions at

    In the ejm file, there is an image, comments.php, index.php (that is a direct copy of the index in my new default folder) and style.css

    index.php has been updated to replace <code><?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-layout.css and <code><?php include(ABSPATH . 'wp-comments.php'); ?> with
    <code><?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> and
    <code><?php comments_template(); ?>

    at the top of style.css, I have added the required top section (for this forum, I have changed the URLs)

    Theme Name: ejm
    Theme URI: https://myblog/
    Description: (this theme was a heavily modified version of pollux)
    Version: 0.1
    Author: ejm
    Author URI: https://mydomain/
    Template: Pollux that was based on gemini
    The images (which must not be altered in any way) used in this theme are strictly for non-commercial use only.

    The theme files are in wordpress/wp-content/themes/ejm

    This is the message that is in my admin file:
    ejm Template is missing.

    What file(s) have I missed uploading?

    a little later after a lot of searching…. How do I go about getting the pollux theme to work for 1.5 For 1.2.2, the Pollux files were in a separate folder. I tried putting that folder into the themes folder but get the message that the template is missing from the folder. The newly placed pollux folder has its images, style.css, index.php, comments.php, and comments_popup.php

    I looked at

    I gather that Pollux is NOT supported in 1.5. Quel drag. I am really hoping that I don’t have to start over from scratch but it is looking more and more like I will have to.

    Has anyone out there successfully switched from 1.2.2 to 1.5 with the pollux theme? If so. Please help.

    edit: okay… I’ve got the styles sorted out by placing the stylesheet from pollux folder into my “carrots folder”

    There seems to be something awry with the zip file. I wonder if someone could check to make sure that it is really zipped correctly. I don’t normally have any problem opening zip files. The message “It does not appear to be a valid archive. If you downloaded this file, try downloading again.” I have downloaded it about 5 times, always with the same result.

    I took a look at

    As far as I know, my connection is fine. Is it at all possible that the zip file has been moved??

    Happily, I finally figured out how to open the tar zip. I have done the upgrade and now have to figure out how to get my pollux theme back. Onward and upward.

    exanding app? What does this mean please?

    I tried the .tar.gz download. It is working but I cannot seem to open it. I will have to try this again tomorrow. I really didn’t think this was going to take over two hours to do….

    They weren’t just whistling Dixie when they wrote this at the top of the tamba site:

    “Time. Do not do this when you are tired or in a rush”.


    thanks macmanx;

    To reiterate then,

    the following is not in my index file.
    @import url( <?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-layout.css );"

    The most similar thing is:

    @import url( <?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/pollux/style.css );

    The above is what I should be replacing with

    @import url( <?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> );


    Unfortunately, I cannot follow any of the rest of the instructions. I have tried three times now to download the zip of 1.5 from

    Each time when I try to unzip the file, I get a message saying

    “cannot open file; it does not appear to be a valid archive”

    Please advise.

    rrr… okay, I’ve put it off long enough and have decided I have to break down and upgrade to 1.5 from 1.2.2 (which I was informed was “way obsolete” by someone in mIRC yesterday) I apologize in advance for the spoonfeeding that I am about to request. (I really don’t want to have to do this twice.)

    I have been carefully reading everything at

    I’m using the pollux theme and am stuck at

    Replace this:
    @import url( <?php echo get_settings(‘siteurl’); ?>/wp-layout.css );”

    should I have all of the Pollux stuff in the second backup folder named “WP_files” and then follow the “if you use Kubrick” instructions for the replacement line? and then I should replace
    @import url( <?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/pollux/style.css );


    @import url( <?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> );


    Many thanks.

    Excuse me for replying to myself. I went into mIRC to try to find out about this. It was suggested that I do a bug report. I dutifully checked to see if there was already a report, I find that this bug has allegedly been resolved in 1.3 (or is it 1.5?)

    Too bad there appears to be no patch for earlier wp versions.

    Try replacing each ampersand in an actual link with %26 It might work….

    What does “remark the line” mean? I went to asif’s site but comments are closed and I cannot locate an email address to find out how asif got rid of ‘038;’ (the ampersand character) in WordPress.

    edit: I’m guessing that “remark the line” means to “comment out the line”. I tried that in wp-includes/functions-formatting.php

    // $content = preg_replace('/&([^#])(?![a-z]{1,8};)/i', '&$1', $content);

    But that had no effect at all on ampersands. They are still being replaced and appearing as &#038;

    To put an ampersand into the menu area, you can use one of the following:




    At least those work for me in wp1.2.2

    This, however, does NOT work for link descriptions in the menu. The only thing that works for me is to use the word “and” in place of the ampersand.

    If I type &, then &#038; appears. If I type &#038;, &#038; appears. If I type &amp;, &amp; appears.

    Excuse me for replying to myself. (yet another case of having to know the answer before being able to pose the question)

    Further searching of The WordPress wicki and codex and these forums with different search words, I learned that the file is


    This post is useful:

    I have been searching around in these forums for how to do an expandible post. I had no idea until I read Root’s post here what the “more” quicktag did. I searched a little more about quicktags and “more” and have now stared at the coding in quicktags.js (in the wp-admin folder) but don’t see how I would change the wording in the “more” link that appears. Instead of


    I would like it to read

    (read more here…)

    Please advise.

    edit: I’m running wp1.2.2

    I was just looking at

    I (capital i) Whether or not the date is in daylights savings time 1 if Daylight Savings Time, 0 otherwise.

    But I can’t figure out where one puts the I. This is the syntax I have right now:

    Default date format: l, j F Y
    Default time format: H:i

    I tried
    Default time format: H:I

    but that, of course, doesn’t work at all.

    Which file is it that actually deals with the date? In my search of these forums, I came across

    I’d love to be able to alter the specific file to try the followin code:

    echo gmdate("F d, Y H:i:s", time() + 3600*($timezone+date("I")));

    Might it be in functions-formatting.php? I know very little about php coding, but perhaps somewhere after this line?

    // give it a date, it will give you the same date as GMT
    function get_gmt_from_date($string) {

    (I’m running WP1.2.2)

    Thanks, for the link, Root! You are brilliant for finding it in the maze of available sites. (What keywords did you use in your search?)

    I’m very pleased to say that the solution outlined at faux-columns-for-liquid layouts is basically what I blundered upon all by myself. (*patting myself on the back*) But that page has a much better explanation than the little code snippet I put in on the post above….

    Thanks again for the help. :^)

    Excuse me for replying to myself.

    Okay, I’ve done a little more investigation on this background image thing to make a faux column. And it looks like it DOES work. Thanks, Root, for pointing to the very useful site (especially

    I have set the side menu to 30% width. The divider image is a vertical line (bar.gif) that appears between the content and the right sidebar.


    #rap {background:url(bar.gif) repeat-y 71%;}

    #menu {width:30%;}

    #footer {background:url(bar.gif)repeat-y 71%;

    .credit {background:url(bar.gif)repeat-y 71%;}

    /* IE hack that does not validate but appears to work for IE6 */
    *html #menu {width:27%;}

    (end code)

    (Of course, now that I’ve achieved it, I’m not sure I like the results… heh.)

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