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  • “great reading of the oracles at W3C and the CSS specification”, eh? Oh oh. One of the problems I have with W3C is that it appears to be written in Greek.

    I was just looking again at
    and it most definitely is not going to do the trick.

    One of the greatest problems I’m having is isolating the various divs and containers to find out WHAT to modify. (I’m too lazy to actually come up with a format from scratch….)

    Root, can you point to the specific areas of W3C and CSS specs where you have discovered the solution that you know, but have never implemented? Or perhaps a little hint at what keywords to use to google for this elusive solution?

    Okay, I’ve searched this forum as best I could and am still unable to get the sidebar to extend to 100% in any browser that I have.

    I am running WP1.2.2 with a modified Pollux that uses percentages for widths of columns. The html validates and the css validates (except for a couple of IE hacks) So… let’s forget about IE for the moment. Is there a way that I can get the sidebar to extend to the full length of the page?

    I’ve looked at a list apart and and while the background image method to do a faux definition the sidebar length seemed promising (of course, I cannot find that page now!!), I don’t think it will work when percentages are used.

    I have also looked briefly at the coding for this forum but cannot see how the dark green sidebar has been extended to reach to the bottom of the page. (or can I?) Here’s my problem. The two columns I have are the same colour. But I would like to divide them with a narrow border. If I put the border on the left of the main section, it doesn’t reach all the way over to the sidebar.

    So… at the risk of incurring the wrath of those who have answered this question and its variations over and over, how is this 100% height for the sidebar achieved?

    I’m a little reluctant to put my wp URL here in this forum. But if it’s really necessary, let me know.

    I have tried height:100% for the sidebar and I have also tried blazemiskulin’s method. Neither make any difference whatsoever.

    And if I’m reading you correctly, Root, you are saying it can’t be done….



    bump… I’m having difficulty with this as well.

    I would like to link to various books at onto my menu. Each link looks like this at the end:


    If I paste it in as it looks above, the result is:


    I tried replacing each ampersand with %26 and the questionmark with %3F and it looks like the link should work correctly. But alas, it does not. For some reason, when that is translated, it adds a slash / to the end of the URL causing it not to work correctly.

    Please advise….

    (I’m running WordPress 1.2.2)



    Might I suggest that you first try 644 with that single file? Then try 664… and for folders 755. If that doesn’t work, try 775…. No need to make possible trouble for yourself by just going ahead and letting the world write to your files.

    (It’s quite possible that your server will not allow you to set file permissions to 666 or 777. If you do use 666 or 777, your server might disallow those permissions and then your site will throw out errors. This happened recently to two of my colleagues when our host tightened security and disallowed 666 and 777.)



    Tommy, can you ftp? If so, you could chmod the files from there. Try chmodding files to 644 and folders to 755 (I wouldn’t recommend 666 or 777; your server might not allow it – mine doesn’t) This is what the folders and files are set to in my wordpress folder.

    The first number is for owner.
    The second number is for group.
    The third number is for the whole world.

    r=read; w=write; x=execute
    rwx = 7; r-x = 5; rw- = 6; r– = 4

    Having said all that, I’m NOT an expert in this. I know very little about chmod. The above comes from a php friend who tried to explain it to me.



    I just noticed that you have asked this question twice…

    As the other reply stated, type “header image” into the search window on the top right side of the page.



    If I understand your question correctly, you can either alter the index page itself, or your stylesheet (wp-layout.css):

    In index.php, look for:
    <h1 id="header"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>

    and place your image tag somewhere after <h1 id=”header”>

    <img src="wp-images/YOURTITLEIMAGE.gif" width="xx" height="yy" alt="brief description of your image" />

    Make sure that your image is uploaded to the wp-images folder.

    To add the image with the stylesheet, take a look at

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter ejm


    Thanks for the replies, you guys. I do have phpmyadmin and that is what I have been using for backups. I just thought it would be nice to be able to backup from the blog URL. When you strongly recommend phpmyadmin over the plugin, podz, is it because there is less chance of failure?

    Thread Starter ejm


    At the risk of incurring wrath, I am bumping this up. I really don’t know very much at all about these permissions and still haven’t found an answer.

    I just read through Dougal’s post at

    Am I to understand from that the “write permissions” would be 707? Or would it be 606?

    I’m very surprised that macmanx is suggesting people use 666

    Isn’t that just asking for major security problems?

    (I hope it’s clear that my question is not an attempt to start a flame war.)



    It just occurred to me that this might be a question about 1.5… but I see you have beat me to the punch, Kafkaesqui.



    If it is the actual side bar contents that you want to edit, look for <div id="menu"> on index.php and/or go to yoursite/wordpressfolder/wp-admin/ to add or subtract links.

    This page may help as well

    If it is the style that you are wanting to edit, take a look at this page:

    Hope that helps.

    There might be a way with php but I’m not familiar enough with the workings of php to know how that is done. Anyone else?

    I’m not absolutely positive about this, but I think it will work. Give it a shot:

    <a href="" onclick="var,'main'); w.focus(); return false;">link from popup window to open in main window</a>

    I’m not sure what

    right: 25px;

    is doing in the “blockquote div” specs. Did you have a position defined at some point? But I’m guessing you want the closed quotes image to go on the bottom right? “right” was missing from the css.

    And to get that image to appear, you may have to define the height. Obviously you don’t want the blockquote height to be flexible. So maybe put the right closing quote image in its own div.

    Here’s what might work:

    blockquote, blockquote p {
    background: #388 url("quote-l.gif") left top no-repeat;
    text-indent: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 12px;
    margin-top: -1px;
    padding: 20px;
    color: #fff;

    blockquote div {
    background: transparent url("quote-r.gif") bottom right no-repeat;
    padding: 4px 3px 4px 3px;
    /*right: 25px;*/


    <blockquote>Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


    Of course, you’ll want to play with the margins and the heights to match your images.

    Hope that helps.

    This site may also be of use:

    I’m not quite sure from your description exactly where your gifs folder is. If it is outside of your wordpress folder, you might try


    to call up the button



    or perhaps

    $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/gifs/image.gif"

    Hope that made sense.

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