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  • Or you could add a special style that only IE will read:

    In your stylesheet, look for:
    #commentform textarea {
    width: 100%;

    And below it, add

    *html #commentform textarea {
    width: 600px;

    Or whatever pixel width works for you on IE – I just chose an arbitrary number. This style spec will only be read by IE (at least I believe this is true)

    Many thanks, eamono. I’m glad you posted the link to the bug report; I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to change “users” or “$wpdb” or “$wpdb->users”….

    Just to clarify for other php neophytes like me who are reading this:

    in wp-login.php, search for
    UPDATE $wpdb->users SET

    on line 115 and change it to:

    UPDATE $tableusers SET

    Thread Starter ejm


    That works perfectly now! Many thanks, Kafkaesqui.

    I too am running wordpress 1.2.2 and logged off and could not login again. I got this message:

    Database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SET user_pass = MD5('4345a3') WHERE user_login = 'admin'' at li]
    UPDATE SET user_pass = MD5('4345a3') WHERE user_login = 'admin'

    Many thanks to you macmanx, for pointing to

    I have now managed to change my login from phpmyadmin.

    But now that that is accomplished, how do I fix the incorrect syntax? I am an absolute neophyte with this php stuff so please feel free to spell it all out.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter ejm


    Yes, indeed, it is vs.1.2.2. Hmmm. It is still not doing what I had hoped – which is to fill in the window as me.

    The fields are not populated by the code, since that would have to exist (along with some modifications) in the wp-comments.php file to do it. The above simply assures that a logged-in user will have his or her comment posted under their login info.


    What modifications would I have to make to wp-comments.php?

    (Sorry that this is going back and forth and about not noticing the thread that addresses this. It’s always a problem when one doesn’t know what keywords to use until after one knows some of the answer)

    Thread Starter ejm


    Thank you. That does look like it might do the trick… however, (sadly still in my obtuse mode, it seems) where exactly is the code supposed to go?

    (again, edit it into wp-comments-post.php, somewhere after $comment_author is assigned):

    I do not see any reference to $comment_author in wp-comments-post.php.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Custom Fields

    You’re very welcome, Sproke. Glad it is working for you!

    Here is another site that is specifically about styling WordPress:

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Custom Fields

    I believe this is a css thing rather than php. Here’s what to do:

    First, make a copy of wp-layout.css (just in case this doesn’t work) and set it aside in another folder. Now open wp-layout.css in a text editor (notepad) and look for

    .meta li, li {
    display: inline;

    Change it to:

    .meta li {
    display: inline;
    } li {
    display: block;

    Then upload the edited file to your wordpress folder. I hope that works!

    For more about css and stylesheets, here are some good references:

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: RSS Feed Problems

    Many thanks, funkdub. That has fixed wp-rss2 and wp-commentsrss2.php on my wordpress blog.

    Unfortunately, the fix did not work for wp-rss so I have removed wp-rss from the meta links on the blog.

    Is this cause for concern? Are there some feeds that need wp-rss rather than wp-rss2?

    One cannot (or at least I have not been successful) add the slash in the options tab of the admin panel. I too would like URL will be displayed as

    rather than without the /

    Surely there is a better way to do this than to just edit index.php!

    Thread Starter ejm


    excuse me for replying to myself. After contacting Krischan Jodies (plugin author) I received the help I needed. Here is the fix:

    echo $comment_short;
    $post = get_postdata($comment->comment_post_ID);
    echo " <a href=\"".
    get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID) .
    "#comment-$comment->comment_ID\">[$comment->comment_author in $post[Title]]";



    $allowedtags = array

    and just below

    'i' => array(),


    'img' => array(
    'src' => array(),
    'width' => array(),
    'height' => array(),
    'alt' => array(),
    ' /' => array()),

    I haven’t actually done this – I would be leary of allowing the image tag in the comments…. I’m not positive about the ' /' => array() part but I believe that will give you correct output.

    I hope that came out correctly and that it helps.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Recent Posts Error

    Sorry, I’m afraid I know next to nothing about this mustardnuts; I’m a rank beginner myself. Mtdewvirus’ recent posts plugin IS working for me. I have no idea why it is and yours isn’t. The only thing I can think of is to delete the file from your server, upload the file again and make sure it is being uploaded in ASCII. Enable it again. It might not work but it’s worth a try….

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Recent Posts Error

    I don’t know if this will help. However, I had some difficulty initially with getting the ‘recent posts’ and ‘recent comments’ plugins from MtDewVirus to work as well. There is one small but important thing missing from the instructions. (It’s probably so basic that they didn’t think it was necessary to mention but for those of us brand new to php world, nothing is basic….)

    The recent-posts.php has to be uploaded to wordpress/wp-content/plugins Then, the plugin has to be activated by going to WordPress Plugin Management.

    It was after doing that that suddenly the errors I was generating stopped and the hack worked perfectly. Thanks to Krischan Jodies’ recent comments plugin for spelling it all out.

    Hope that helps!

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