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Hi David,
Thanks again for taking the time to look at this. I think the clarification is that it is indeed affecting all the elements I put inside the metaslider; however, some of these are also used outside metaslider. So that rule is making it difficult to re-use classes inside of metaslider.
Here’s what the https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#universal-selector says:
6.2.1. Universal selector and namespaces
The universal selector allows an optional namespace component. It is used as follows:
all elements in namespace ns
all elements
all elements without a namespace
if no default namespace has been specified, this is equivalent to *|*. Otherwise it is equivalent to ns|* where ns is the default namespace.So, the * in there is actually capturing all the elements without a namespace. I have also seen the * being interpreted as all the elements inside .
There is also a stack overflow question about this here:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6386447/meaning-of-in-css… and one of the answers alludes to all the elements that’s a descendant of elements with the “.metaslider .msHtmlOverlay .layer” classes, which impacts all the items I put inside the slider.
Hi David,
On Chrome (60.0.3112.113), that star is affecting other classes as well (e.g. in our case we have a div with a class called newsbox. If I remove the star, all works as predicted.
Kind Regards,