Are there any settings to turn on the automatic indexing?
This is not working for me. If I click “Sync” button manually, the updated document will be indexed.
The update batch is set as 100 documents and I can not change it.
I copy N paste the “Send your data” screen below:
A total of 3521 documents are currently in your index “topic”
12 document(s) remain to be indexed
The indexing is incremental: only documents updated after the last operation are sent to the index.
So, the first operation will index all documents, by batches of 100 documents.
If a timeout occurs, you just have to click on the button again: the process will restart from where it stopped.
If you need to reindex all again, delete the index first.
Number of documents sent in Solr as a single commit.
You can change this number to control indexing’s performance. 100