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I am thinking after all I have seen and tried, as I postulated before, it is a theme issue, but thought maybe we could solve it here or find a way to modify the code to make your plugin work or circumvent the themes code and place some of your code to make the plugin work. The themes dev has been informed of the issue and is looking into it also.
I have gone as far as I am willing to go to solve this, changing themes and such is to much risk for this.
Nice try, but it did not work.
The line was there, I changed it, but all it did was break the layout of the comments by reducing the generic avatar’s original size (from 80×80 to 32×32) and did not place the custom avatar.
deleting & reinstalling the plugin did not work.
I also tried 4 other custom avatar plugins, none of them would place the custom avatar. all would install fine, allow me to set the avatar, but none would put the avatar into the comments like they should. so, I have to start to think.. something in that theme is conflicting. agreed?
I am now in contact with the themes dev, but you know, it will be that endless circle of him pointing at your plugin, you pointing at his theme, me stuck in the middle ??
funny.. install another plugin, the very thing I might be having issues with, to backup the DB to test this plugin ?? possibly opening up a new/different issue
I actually did a DB backup from inside GoDaddy but frankly, I am not even to keen on changing themes and taking that risk just to make a plugin work. To much risk I think just for this.
Any other ideas? It seems to me, in ALL of the editable pages you can edit from the editor there is only 1 page with a code line reference to “avatar” and it is that comments.php I mention above. I made the edit you suggested and nothing changed.
Does it not seem like something in the theme is blocking the plugin from working? Maybe controlling the avatar function? I have server access to the blog, but not sure where else and what php or html pages I might look into for other avatar functions that are not available in the Appearance editor.
if I switch themes, wont I loose all of the work done to setup and customize the current theme? I cannot afford to loose all of that time and work just to switch a theme.
BTW, I use 2.8 version of that theme
-totally new site, fresh install, 3.5.1
-no previous version of WP User Avatar on this site
-I have modified the theme using the themes advanced GUI settings panel under “Appearance”, but not touched any other php or html files or edited any other files in the Editor. The “comments.php” file is the only file I have tried to edit and that is to fix this problem.
-the theme has no version per se, but it is a brand new purchase, download and install from 3 days ago
-9 plugins total: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin, WP User Avatar, WordPress SEO, Social Media Widget, Akismet, Follow, Google XML Sitemaps, ShareThis, Twitter Widget Pro and I do not think the issue is related to a conflicting pluginIt did not work either.
I tried replacing this in the theme (comments.php)
<?php echo get_avatar( $comment, $size=’80’, $default=” ); ?>
with this
<?php echo get_wp_user_avatar($comment, 96); ?>
and nothing happens, same generic avatar is still used.
and of all the code available in the themes appearance editor, this is the only page that has any mention of “avatar” in it. so it is logically where I am replacing.
uhhh….. can you expand on that? maybe it might help me.
BTW, I changed this
<?php echo get_avatar( $comment, $size=’80’, $default=” ); ?>
to this
<?php echo get_wp_user_avatar(get_the_author_meta(‘ID’), 96); ?>
and it changed ALL comment avatars for everyone to the admins custom avatar in the comments section
and if I just change get_avatar to get_wp_user_avatar and leave the rest, nothing happens at all.
when I changed get_avatar to get_wp_user_avatar nothing happened – stock generic avatar was still used
When I used this it set ALL avatars – those of the admin and anyone that posted in the comments section – as the custom avatar I set for the admin. Everyone got the admins avatar!
So, it did not have the intended results.