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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Weather Hack


    I am using phpWeather on my site.
    Their last update was Feb. 02, 2004.
    It gets information from an airport station. Does yours use the same stations? phpWeather stations seem to update every 45 minutes, it would be nice to have a more frequent update. It uses a database to cache the station information, however, I have my settings set not to use the database, because it wouldn’t update.
    I’ll have to say, your cloud icons are nicer.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WordPress One Click Backup


    And one more thing.
    If you don’t want to edit the admin-footer.php file, you can add a menu item by opening up menu.txt and adding Backup & Restore to the menu list.
    level +tab +start file +tab +menu text
    10 backup_restore.php Backup & Restore
    I think I’ll just suggest that in my next hack.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WordPress One Click Backup


    I believe here is where the errors occur. You could either change the paths to relative to the site root or just move the Backup & Restore files to the wp-admin directory.
    in the admin-header.php file
    in the menu.php file
    $menu = file(‘./menu.txt’);
    my directory structure
    /blog/wp-admin – all admin pages
    /blog/wp-backup – just for the backup files

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WordPress One Click Backup


    I put all the files in the wp-admin folder.
    When I originaly tried this hack, I thought it was deleting all the files in the backup folder and putting in new ones. So, I moved the admin files to the admin directory. Once they are in there, I haven’t had a problem with them.
    However, I am guessing that the errors are in the admin header trying to point to files that are supposed to be in the same folder. So, I guess the fix would be to move the admin files to the wp-admin folder. Not a really good fix, but I’ll look into it some more.

    Thread Starter LoganSix


    The error was a couple of spaces and I had added a line to include some custom JavaScript.
    I moved the JavaScript to one of the functions. Not sure if I like this fix completely.
    Also, there were some issues with the Geo location url, so I just turned it off.



    I haven’t installed phpGiggle yet, but from what it sounds like, this all should be put into a ‘definitions’ table. All words or acronyms that you want defined (highlighted) would be added and then given definitions. If you want the word to be linked to a search engine, then you would set that flag. Then the appropriate link would be created. You should also be able to add your own link for the word.
    For example.
    def_id – generated id
    def_txt – text to be defined (i.e. php, James Bond)
    def_desc – text description (i.e. PHP Hypertext Processor), show on mouse overs
    def_url – opt. link for text
    def_flag – search flags (i.e. ‘url’, ‘acronym’,’google’,’imbd’,’amazon’,’dictionary’)
    The ‘control panel’ would just be a few form fields and radio buttons or a drop-list.
    It could be expanded to have a search table, so you could dynamically add search items.
    search_id – generated id
    search_nm – name that will appear in flag drop-list (i.e. ‘google’,’amazon’)
    search_url – url front to search (i.e.’)
    This ‘control panel’ would be a few form fields to add, edit, and delete.
    I added the acronymit hack a few days ago and was thinking about this since then. I think I’ll work on this ‘definitions’ hack after I get my people hack working correctly.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: PHPWeather


    I had some issue installing phpWeather, but it was just a matter of pointing to the correct database and directories and running the configuration files. Make sure you do that. Through that you can set create the default.php file that will allow you to determine the default weather station and metrics.
    Also, don’t use the DB all the time option, because it doesn’t up date as quickly. Also, make a very small cache amount. My phpWeather updates about every 45 minutes.
    I’m using mine on the main page
    The one thing I wish it had was a “normal temperature range”. After setting that, then the current temperature can be compared to the range and the appropriate temp icon could be displayed (i.e. hotter than normal, normal, colder than normal).



    A little confused by the answer to number 5.
    Are you adding the backup hack to the next release?
    Or are you just suggesting we use the backup hack?
    If you do add it, will you be adding a backup_minadminlevel choice?
    Will it be part of the General Blog Settings page?
    Also, I don’t see a way to edit a user, beyond changing the level. Are there plans to have a more detail user edit screen? I would assume that only the highest level admin could see this screen. But, you could also add a useradmin_minadminlevel choice. Then you could set which admins would have the ability to change user information.

    Excellent! I’ll have to check it out.
    This is what I would use it for.
    I have a bunch of jokes I want to post outside my normal blog. So I put them all under the category of “Jokes”. However, I want to group the jokes by types, so I create sub categories (i.e. Blonde, Seasonal, Adult, Computer, Dating, etc..) .
    Then I can make a blonde joke of the category Joke and sub category Blonde in my blog database and display it with the other blonde jokes.

    I tried to figure that out, however the problem is that posts can have multiple categories.
    So, after you call each post, you would have to check the post2category table to find out if the post had the actual category number, then you would only show the posts for the category that you wanted. You would add a new parameter on the function for the category that you wanted to see.
    I don’t know PHP well enough to add that code to the foreach $posts part of the hack. I figured you could just call another sql statement using the post Id , but for some reason I would get an error.

    I tried adding it to the my-hacks.
    You can easily call it from there, but I haven’t gotten it to display the correct Since Date yet.
    I’m calling it from the Recent Post function in the my-hacks page.

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