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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: 3.4 broke my dashboardI think this has something to do with jquery. I find that not only don’t my widgets move or open, but the left-hand thin bar that has Posts etc, the flyout doesn’t work nor for the screen options. I think all these are JS or JQ controlled (the Howdy at hte top is css).
This seems pretty serious. while you can post and do some things, changing navigation or anything in the sidebar can’t be done.
Suggestions from anyone? Can I fix it with some careful database hacking on the usermeta or options tables?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: database resetThanks Jonathan. It seems there is no such facility.
As I suspected it would be quite difficult given that not all plugins and themes that people may use actually obey the rules and checking on created tables would really mean parsing all the php in each setup. And the table contents – particularly the _options table – would be even more difficult ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: what best way to move my WP from a subdomain to the main domain?https://www.al-rasid.com is just another subdomain. The domain is al-rasid.com.
You need to set the virtual hosts up so that https://www.al-rasid.com is the ‘main’ domain and personal.al-rasid.com has a permanent 301 rewrite to https://www.al-rasid.com. This will preserve your rankings as the search engines will note the change. And while you are at it, do the same for the al-rasid.com domain in case someone forgets the www or the personal. This is best done in the server but can be done in .htaccess of that’s all you have access to.
There may be a plugin that can do all this for you – have a look.
You can leave WP untouched but it is better to change the general settings from the admin page.
Whatever you do, don’t fiddle with the database because the domain is written throughout in serialized or JSON’d format which would require unpacking and repacking. You’ll break it!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: "The plugin does not have a valid header" problem – various pluginsHmm. No comments yet. So here is another question!
I notice in XX_options there seems to be a number of entries for plugins that are no longer active or were removed just be deleting the tree. This may be the root of the problem – a plugin update may choke if the tables are already present although sometimes this doesn’t matter and sometimes we actually need to preserve some settings.
I’ve tried Plugins Garbage Collector but that only removes unused tables (and the beta identifies but doesn’t remove unused columns so I used phpMyAdmin to do that). Is there anything that will remove or identify the unused entries in a table?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: "The plugin does not have a valid header" problem – various pluginsFurther to this, although the plugin does not appear in the dashboard, the directory and tree are not removed. So if I just download a new copy it won’t install. Deleting (rm -rf) the directory allows me to download the updated plugin OK.
So maybe the idea of copying the plugin tree from elsewhere – or from the downloaded zip file – is not the way to do it, other than that is the original manual approach even if it requires typing rather than clicking.:)
So this leads me to another question: is there a way to automatically update plugins and themes other than via the Dashboard? ie a script or php program? One would need to select the plugin, deactivate it, remove the old tree, copy the new tree and then reactivate it. There must be a standard for plugins…:)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cloning a WP site – problem in cloned siteGot it I think – the update of the usermeta table barked. It all seems to work smoothly now so I can try-before-I-buy!!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cloning a WP site – problem in cloned siteOK I’ve got this now – the siteurl and other simple cases in XX_options were not translated properly. It was in the test script ….
Except when I try to login I get a “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” message. Even though I seem to be half logged in as when I go back to the front of the site, the ribbon is visible at the top with my login name and dashboard but nothing else. And I can ‘logout’ even if I could never do anything while logged in!!!
Any clues would be welcome.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cloning a WP site – problem in cloned sitePS The error comes from wp-includes/functions.php (there is no supporting text) about line 3296. I guess this means that something before that coding is called in wp-settings.php at line 70 is not being set but I haven’t tracked the logic yet.
PPS Needless to say I have tried setting WP_DEBUG{_DISPLAY|_LOG|} as well as trawled the apache logs to no avail ….! All I get is the deprecated messagee mentioned before. So debugging only starts once the program is well and truly loaded…..:((( I tried putting wp_debug_mode() before the require(‘functions.php’) call to no avail.