Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] Remove Login notificationYou are great, Ratatuj.
You saved me from an annoying message in this good Asgaros plugin.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] Remove Login notificationMy theme’s functions.php does not allow me to add any customizations. It says to create a separate plugin for customized codes.
So where and in which file I can insert the code given by you?
Or, is it possible just to remove completely the message (“You need to login in order to create posts and topics. ? Login”) appearing on top of the forum?
Please help, I am a newbeeeee!
Thank you, I will certainly try this.
Thanks, the problem was resolved.
But I noticed another problem in the {pdb_signup] page which I am using as a Login page.
I want to use Signup page to be used only for logging in, but not for new participants to signup. At present any one who fill in the signup fields gets in to the database which is not intended. What is required is only the participants who are already entered into the database to login and get re-directed into the single record page whenever they login.
Could you please show how to modify the signup page to get the above requirement.
I created a custom template under my theme (Storefront) as there was no themes subdirectory there.
Then I copied the ‘thanks’ page into the custom template and modified it with the snippet you have provided.
On login still it does not show the single record.
The modified file is below;
* default template for single record
* this shows the single record when logged in.
echo do_shortcode( ‘[pdb_single record_id=’ . $this->participant_values[‘id’] . ‘]’);
?>What could have gone wrong?
I prefer the logged in person to get re-directed to single record directly rather than through an email link.
Appreciate your help.