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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor/HTML Editor missing after upgrade of WordPressIs there a way I could just download the previous version to 3.9 and then install it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor/HTML Editor missing after upgrade of WordPressHow come it would be at risk of getting hacked? I was using the previous version to 3.9 yesterday and had no issues. It’s just the newest 3.9 that is causing all my issues. I’m not referring to going back to a really odd version, just the previous update, which only came out like a month or so ago. I have a Backup Buddy backup, I did it yesterday before upgrading WP. It’s the database and files backup, not a full backup. Is this what you mean?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor/HTML Editor missing after upgrade of WordPressThank you for the tips, but I fear if I attempt any of this I’m going to break something or completely delete something important as this is all new to me. Is there a more simpler way of just downgrading WordPress to use the previous one I had? Or re-installing the previous WordPress? I had no issues with it. Or maybe a way to revert back to my backup I made yesterday? However with Backup Buddy I only backed up the files, not the entire site. I think I would rather switch back to previous WordPress than go through all of the hassle as I definitely want to keep my theme ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Can't post, edit or change theme on new 3.9 installYou aren’t alone, I’m going through the same thing ?? It seems like most people are having issues with the visual editor vanishing. Ugh.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade wp 3.9The same thing has happened to me, the visual editor has gone since I upgraded to the new WordPress last night. I’m extremely annoyed as it means I can not make any blog posts and I update almost daily… I’m not going to switch theme because my blog was just re-designed with a custom theme that I paid for and I love how it looks. Is there any other advice on getting it back? Or do you know how I can just switch back to the previous version of WordPress?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to add custom logo/title to Fruit Shake themeOk, thanks so much for your help! I appreciate it!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to add custom logo/title to Fruit Shake themeWhen I paid for a guided transfer from WordPress.com to www.ads-software.com, the WordPress guys transferred it over for me. I know it’s not available to download otherwise, but they did it for me so I could keep my theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to add custom logo/title to Fruit Shake themeSure, I didn’t know if I should link it up right away in case people accused me of using links as spam or anything. My blog is https://www.raindropsofsapphire.com
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Issue with my custom CSS sidebar widthOk thanks! I didn’t post my link before in case it was considered spam or getting extra hits.
My blog is https://www.raindropsofsapphire.com
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Issue with my custom CSS sidebar widthHi Michael, I removed the comma in this line of text, but it just put the sidebar back to being really really wide, barely any gap between the sidebar and content column, so I don’t think that worked. The images are clear though when the sidebar is that wide and it’s not shrunk, but is there a way to keep it shrunk smaller and not blurry do you know? Thanks!
.secondary #main .widget-area,.secondary #colophon {
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My blog wont load for me :(Thank you, I will take a look into it. I did manage to back up at Go Daddy, I did a database back up, but I can’t figure out where it saves it and I am not able to find anywhere to download it to my hard drive. So I wasn’t sure how that back up worked exactly, do you have any ideas?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My blog wont load for me :(I’m unable to because of all the problems I’m experiencing with my blog right now, it wont let me back up and I don’t want to do the update without having a back up ?? Everything is such a problem and Go Daddy are useless ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My blog wont load for me :(https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/raindropsofsapphire.com
My boyfriend checked on this for me, if you click website details, there is an alert sign on my theme. What does that mean?
My theme was installed during a guided transfer for me. It’s not available for www.ads-software.com blogs, only .com, but they transferred it for me. It’s Fruit Shake. Which I LOVE. But is the alert sign because it was transferred over differently?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My blog wont load for me :(Ok thank you! I will try that and hope for the best! I did speak with Go Daddy again and they told me after I performed a Trace Route that I do have lag as it gets closer to their servers at Hop 12-17 which they think could cause the problem. So I need to contact my ISP today and hopefully they will help me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My blog wont load for me :(Oh wow! No I never knew about that! Thank you! Will that work with putting photos on to my phone from my computer, to upload via the WordPress app? Or will putting them on my phone lower the quality of them?