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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: iframe injection problem?Hmm, it’s a strange one indeed. Anyway thanks for the headsup ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: iframe injection problem?whooami – you’re a star! There was the following iframe inside that post:
<!– Traffic Statistics –>
<iframe src= width=1 height=1 frameborder=0></iframe>
<!– End Traffic Statistics –>So does this mean they were attempting to track my stats/traffic? Hmm..very nasty stuff. I have now removed it from that post.
Otto42 – thankyou for your help and advice also! I’m going to do as you advice and upgrade asap.
Thanks again, I suspect that you have both saved me hours of stress!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: iframe injection problem?Hi,
Yes, that’s the IP address..
Yep, I removed the wp-stats plugin because I originally assumed it was at fault and because I wanted to ensure that I had covered the basics before asking for advice.
Thanks for the feedback – do you (or anyone else) have any ideas on how to resolve this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Overwrite WP-Mail.php right or wrong?Ok, i’ve fixed it!
For anyone who has similiar problems, I discovered that it was an issue with a trackback – or to be more precise, the issue came about due to a post I made where I linked my previous post for reference (common amongst bloggers) – this was the first time I did so in this particular theme on this particular site. Anyway to resolve the problem I went into phpadmin and deleted said comment.I found this out thanks to the owner of this blog >> https://ebestagent.com/wordpress-your-host-may-have-disabled-the-mail-function-error/
Detailed instructions on their site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Overwrite WP-Mail.php right or wrong?Ok, thanks for your help
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Overwrite WP-Mail.php right or wrong?Thanks for the reply Michael.
So by that I gather that you doubt the problem is to do with the firestats plugin overwriting the wp-mail.php..?
I have a back-up from a few hours before the error happened..do you think it would be better to rollback and use the back-up or to install a new wordpress over my current one?