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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: TTFTitles help

    I’m looking into implementing this right now but can’t seem to get it to stick. It seems to output the normal menu – although the code below is working – just no replacing the titles with the dynamic ttftitle images.
    I’m using an ol instead of the usual ul format list but it should be the same? The ttftitles style is called menu fyi.

    <ol id="dropmenu">
    			$pages = wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&exclude=2,6&depth=1');
    			if ($pages) {
    			preg_match_all('/<a.*>(.*)<\/a>/', $pages, $array);
    			$asize = count($array[0]);
    			for($i = 0; $i < $asize; $i++) {
    			$link = $array[0][$i];
    			$title = $array[1][$i];
    			the_ttftext($array[1][$i], $echo = true, $style="menu", $overrides="");
    			$ttf = ob_get_clean();
    			$originalLink = $link;
    			$link = str_replace(">" . $title, ">" . $ttf, $link);
    			$pages = str_replace($originalLink, $link, $pages);
    			echo $pages;

    Thoughts? Thanks

    Thread Starter lotech


    Well it would seem the below post – and the resulting “PJW Query Child Of Plugin”. Something I haven’t had installed before but seems to fix my issues.

    Thread Starter lotech


    Following this up – it seems to list every page on where I use –
    (the front page doesn’t use the ‘.id.’ instead calls a specific page).
    As I haven’t changed any thing in this template I’m guessing I have an issue with a plugin. Time to enable/disable and see what turns up.
    Again, if anyone can gleem some light on this, I would be grateful.

    <?php query_posts(‘static=true&posts_per_page=-1&child_of=’.$id.’&order=DESC’); ?>
    <?php if(have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <div class=”listingsSML”>
    <div class=”showtitleblurbSML”>
    <?php the_title();?>
    <?php the_excerpt_reloaded(60, ‘‘, ‘excerpt’, TRUE, ‘&#187 Read More’, TRUE, 1, TRUE); ?>
    <div class=”thumbSML”>
    <?php the_attached_image(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; else: ?>

    That links broken – can you relink or post the information here.
    Many thanks

    Thread Starter lotech


    I’m using CQS right now (for search results) but when I enable for the homepage it of course reverses the entire blogs posts (so blog 99 is at the start and newest at the end – pages deep).
    I want to keep the order the same but the display on the front page to be a reversal of what wordpress does by default.
    Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

    I’m also trying to work out a similar mod – we’ve got future posts showing via modding posts.php and that might also the way to do it to show only some posts in the future.

    Something like –
    if post = (GMT <) and post count of posts GMT < with PUBLISH as status = 3 then set post status = future.

    Unfortunately I’m no coder but if someone could turn this into the right syntax it should/could/might work? Anyone?

    Thread Starter lotech


    Or should I sat it’s here. Sorry.

    Thread Starter lotech


    I managed to hack around with the posts.php and found that future dated posts are published to the database with the post_status of FUTURE. If you modify this to PUBLISH your posts will turn up.

    The modified posts.php is here.

    If I can work out how to, I will hopefully be able to modify the old plugin to change the necessary code in WP2.1. For now the patched file just posts all published posts as PUBLISH regardless of date.



    This is a bit of a useless post – some sort of information on you setup would help.

    Witch Gallery? Gallery2 via WPG2? Thickbox?
    What version?

    If you’re talking WordPress v2.1, Gallery 2 and the WPG2 plugin then there is a fix available on the WPG2 site – v2.01.

    Thread Starter lotech


    That original change was in classes.php btw.
    Any help on this would be great.
    If people have got futureposts plugin actually working it would be good to know too – just in case I am a complete spaz and missing something.

    Thread Starter lotech


    perfect, I realised there was a page.php but didn’t realise the post template was single.php (and the associated archive and so forth).

    Thanks for helping me on that one.

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