Hi whiskymac,
The template includes in the header a box that allows for searches within the content of the site. In my case, I deleted this search box, and put a banner there.
This is how:
Go to Appearance, Editor (make sure you are indeed editing Magazeen, and not another template). From my experience, it is extremely important to make a backup copy of any code, before beginning to mess with it…
Then, you want to choose the header.php file (again, make backup copies, you may just open a notepad, and copy/paste the code).
Look for the code that inserts the search box:
<?php include_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform-header.php' ); ?>
Then put there some other code, it may be a good idea to do so between <div>code</div> tags…
Of course, you do not need to replace the search box, you may try other options, be adventurous and experiment as much as you want (again, provided you always have a good backup copy).
You may play with the header, editing stuff between these tags:
<div id="header"> code </div>
Hope this helps…
Greetings from Costa Rica