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  • Thread Starter Lrrr


    Haa! Works now. I Tell why Im thinking, tell me please, is that possible…
    Meanwhile, when asked my hosting provider… I thought about memory… and what if memory is draining… so:
    I have had adjusted entries per page to 200 from begun… so I disabled few plugins -needs to MLA assistent page working- then adjusted entries per page to 100 and enabled all plugins… Now after F5 its working… Thank you for good idea with memory David!

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Thanks you,
    I had no much time to solve it earlier so today I get together the new informations and putted it to forum.

    Thanks for link to related topic. I did try earlier to increase memory via confing.php with no success but I will try again to higher values and I hope thats allowed by my hosting…

    Sorry for direct mail you before, I supposed easiest issue and problems – not so complex as I observing now… (did you ever received an email?)




    Hi, but for iOS its(the native solution) not working so why you still keep it not working(your plugin) for iOS?
    iOS maybe should provide native solution but it does not works. So why this plugin should not react on this situation and should not be working?

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Yes its ok ?? I have got your respond now in email ??

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    And as I see the bug: “Fixed a bug that caused the text elements to be output with encoded html tags rather than the tags themselves.”(-cite of update txt) is repaired in todays release. So I will send you in few days new translate files with html tags which should now be working ?? and if you prefer github, write me some advices for first time to manage it and I will do it that way… (understand Im not developer, for me is easiest way to send sometimes files via email rather then finding any “time to time” registrations for many webs where I should be registered (github etc…) )

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Hi thanx for respond, concerning your email: I did sent you translation po/mo files and few bugs described also. I have sent the email on 20.7.2014. I will resend that email if did not arrived. Please tell me.

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    I suspended this issue. Working with google translate. This way I decided as unapropriate. Thank you for answers I mark this thread as resolved ??

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    ok so if I understand, $text is variable only for name it and use it in my own function which will create alternative content. And the thing which brings the data to the $text variable is function named filter which takes actual content of post (‘the_content’) while putting it into my $whatever variable in my function which I specified as second argument of filter… ?

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Ohooo! That works, thank you! Please explain to me:

    $text variable is some global variable that contains html which is generated by php? Becose it works and I did not cerated one.

    Thank you I can now really make some parsing function (not regex ?? some parsing library would be good) to detect hidden img tags and use it as I intended.

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Thanks for respond! I will try it!… (not works)

    EDIT: I made it like

    function parse(){
        echo $buf;
    add_filter( 'the_content' , 'parse' , 15 )

    but still i get [ytthumb vidid="rc33KU-CEcI"... not <img...

    Steacha: I think I understand. But there is a several BUT’s which I found as proper to ask before You or someone else want that.

    Solution: as David wrote.

    You can do that, but #1: How to link to it. Imagine you have first gallery on page 2 and second a third gallery on page 1. Or else. Unlimited combinations. So if you wan to link it you may have to make concerning URL. So finaly if the will be three galleries with Animals, Peoples and Plants how url would appers? gallery/animals?pageanimals=2&gallery2=plants&pageplants=2&gallery=peoples&pagepeoples=1 ? Imagine that even in nice urls: gallery/animals/page/2/also/peoples/page/1/plants/page/1 Dont you find it confusing? it is nightmare. If I will overstate it, it os like if you want all galleries on one page – even like if you would want have one url for whole your website – all your pages on one urls. I thing sense of galleries now is missing. Because for making multiple content of images on one page is better tagging and displaying them without pagination. Because isnt better to have 9 photos of all photographies on page than 3 x 3 and paginated separatelly? YOu can paginate alll your images even.

    ,but #2: If you not affect url, the urls will not be so bad but no one would be able to send link to another what he see right now.

    ,but #3: Url will be one, content will be multiplied. Its bad for seo.

    ,but #4: When there will be multiple galleries with ability to be listed, is not better to just make several images randomly put on page from certain category and after click on it runs into that certain gallery to that item and now to be able navigate in that category?

    ,but #5: Imagine the purpose of this. Three galleries on one page. Its nearly impossible to show it on full sized monitor screen even 1920x 1280… and if you will do that – images will be so small, that its loosing its avail to be made… And if images not be a full sized, they can be loggically small and without paginating – because they are small and they not need it. They fits in one page in any number…

    So why you can do like main pages with thumbs on all images from all categories clickable to go further?

    Sorry for this, but I want find solution not just for your question, but even for the future visitors of your pages, it should be important even for you…

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Thank you for your words! Congrats from you, is very good to listen for me ?? Did you recieve my info through contact form on your web before week or two ago? Its concerning 1.50 update.

    Hi Mike, as I read your post about rewriting, I solved successfully (as good as Im able to do it – maybe better ways there) similar issue in post here:
    My goal was to rewrite one only one query though and even pagination, but I think it could be a good start point for you. There was a several problems what I had to be facing, but now its working as you can see on my blog. More is there. Good luck with the code and let us know!

    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Thread Starter Lrrr


    Hi David and everyone, I get to work! Nice url pagination with MLA! Finally cannot say what make it work exactly and what causees the issue with IE(above), because I was trying almost everything and suddenly get it work. So I supposing it was rewrite parameter after rewrite rule together with rewrite rule itself(even some other??), but now I will put in general way the main things you should do to use that. I want highlight that this way maybe not the best, but I cant do it better, and it works. READ FIRST – THEN YOU ADD AND BACKUP BEFORE CHANGE!

    1) put in your .htaccess these lines of code before wordpress code (this and the next code provides you ability to change attachment_tag slug also, so if you want it remain all “fotografie/tag” substitute with “attachment_tag” in this and subsequent code!):

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^mla_paginate_current=([0-9^/]+) [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,QSA,NC,L]           
    RewriteRule ^attachment_tag/(.*)/?$ fotografie/tag/$1 [R=301,QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^fotografie/tag/([^/]+)/1/?$ fotografie/tag/$1 [R=301,QSA,L] #zalezi na poradi!
    RewriteRule ^fotografie/tag/([^/]+)/0/?$ fotografie/tag/$1/$2?mla_redirect=error [NC]  
    RewriteRule ^fotografie/tag/([^/]+)/([0-9^/])/?$ index.php?attachment_tag=$1&mla_paginate_current=$2 [NC]

    2) Put this code in your function.php of your theme or childtheme (This code is to add redirect to WP. I dont know why, but its not works only with .htaccess or only woth this code. It works only together.):

    function mla_rewrite( $wp_rewrite ) {
        $mla_rules = array(
            'fotografie/tag/([^/]+)/?([0-9])?/?' => 'index.php?attachment_tag=$matches[1]&mla_paginate_current=$matches[2]'
        $wp_rewrite->rules = $mla_rules + $wp_rewrite->rules;
        return $wp_rewrite->rules;
    add_filter( 'generate_rewrite_rules', 'mla_rewrite' );

    3) I made function for redirecting old query urls to new nice. It handles variables from .htacces. Redirecting this is good for seo and when you do not will want to parse mla gallery code in taxonomy template. So also this code belongs to function.php:

    function handle_mla_redirect() {
       $url_query_var = explode('=',parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_QUERY));
       $url =  parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_PATH);
       $url_host =  get_bloginfo('url').parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_HOST);
       $lom = ''; if ($url_query_var[2]!='') {$lom = '/';}
       $rep_url_fin = $url_host.'/'.$_GET["mla_redirect"].$lom.$url_query_var[2];
      // print( '<br>presmeruj ted na: '.$rep_url_fin. '<br>' );
        if(  isset($_GET["mla_redirect"]) && ($_GET["mla_redirect"]=='error')  ){  dk_return_404();  }
        if ( isset($_GET["mla_redirect"]) && (parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_QUERY)!='') )  {
          // print( '<br>presmeruj ted na: '.$rep_url_fin. '<br>' );
          // print(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_QUERY). '<br>');
           wp_redirect($rep_url_fin, 301 ); exit;  
    add_action('template_redirect', 'handle_mla_redirect'); /**/

    4) if you want to mla gallery shortcode in your taxonomy-template.php generate the nice urls instead the queries you can use before mentioned code which is dirty parsing of mla_shortcode and repasing urls generated for pagination. It here, so go above .

    how it works together you can now test(if not currently, come back later): old link to new –
    and new one (try to browse)

    I must bring also resources which I found about this topic on web, it could be helpfull for anyone who want improve this: – link 1 – this works exactly opposite in this case, but gave a clue

    helpfull but still do not understand why not works alone without .htaccess – codex WP link

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